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Clojars Project

A Leiningen plugin for checking a project for potentially unused dependencies. Helpful for sprucing up a legacy system.

The command scans the src directory to find unused dependencies declared in project.clj. It ignores dependencies specified in profiles or plugins and considers exclusions.


Add dross to your project.clj or ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

:plugins [[com.github.kimbsy/dross "1.0.4"]]

Usage: lein dross [options]

Options: :q (or :quiet, -q, --quiet) Enable quiet mode, only outputting names of unused dependencies.

Examples: lein dross lein dross :q lein dross --quiet

You can provide a .drossignore.edn file in the project root containing a vector of dependencies (qualified or unqualified symbols) that should be ignored in the scan.


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