IO Helpers for clj-bloom. Supports serialization and de-serialization of the state portion of a Bloom filter.
IO Helpers for clj-bloom. Supports serialization and de-serialization of the state portion of a Bloom filter.
(file->filter fname)
(file->filter fname hash-fn)
Reads, deserializes, a filter stored in a file. NB: you must supply the filter's hash-fn.
Reads, deserializes, a filter stored in a file. NB: you must supply the filter's hash-fn.
(filter->file flt fname)
Store a filter's state in a file.
Store a filter's state in a file.
(filter->object-output-stream flt oos)
Serializes a filter into an ObjectOutputStream. Writes the number of bits, the number of insertions and the bitset (the state of the filter). NB: this function does not serialize the hash-fn.
Serializes a filter into an ObjectOutputStream. Writes the number of bits, the number of insertions and the bitset (the state of the filter). NB: this function does not serialize the hash-fn.
(object-input-stream->filter ois)
(object-input-stream->filter ois hash-fn)
Deserializes a filter from an ObjectInputStream. Reads the number of bits, the number of insertions and the bitset (the state of the filter).
Deserializes a filter from an ObjectInputStream. Reads the number of bits, the number of insertions and the bitset (the state of the filter).
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