Collection of helper functions to convert clojure data to various Mongo API Java objects
Collection of helper functions to convert clojure data to various Mongo API Java objects
(get-read-concern choice)
Read concern represents the read isolation level.
Read concern represents the read isolation level.
(get-read-preference choice)
Read preference represents the preferred replica set members to which queries and commands are sent.
Read preference represents the preferred replica set members to which queries and commands are sent.
(get-write-concern choice)
Control the required level of acknowledgments when writing
Control the required level of acknowledgments when writing
(make-collation {:keys [alternate backwards? case-first case-sensitive? locale
max-variable normalize? numeric-ordering? strength]
:as options})
Construct a collation; a set of rules to compare strings.
-- How are spaces and punctuations considered:
; considered as base characters.
; not considered as base characters, unless strength
> 3.backwards?
-- Consider secondary differences in reverse order (e.g. French).case-first
-- Uppercase or lowercase characters first:
; Lowercase first.
; Off.
; Uppercase
-- If true, turn on case sensitivity.locale
-- Locale.max-variable
-- Which characters are affected by :shifted
; Spaces and punctuation are affected.
; Only spaces are affected.normalize?
-- If true, normalizes to Unicode NFD.numeric-ordering?
-- If true, order numbers based on numeric ordering instead of collation order.strength
-- Collation strength:
; When all else equal, use identical level.
; Strongest level.
; Accents are considered secondary differences.
; Upper and lower case differences considered.
; Distinguish words with or without punctuations.Construct a collation; a set of rules to compare strings. Options: * `alternate` -- How are spaces and punctuations considered: `:non-ignorable`; considered as base characters. `:shifted`; not considered as base characters, unless `strength` > 3. * `backwards?` -- Consider secondary differences in reverse order (e.g. French). * `case-first` -- Uppercase or lowercase characters first: `:lower`; Lowercase first. `:off`; Off. `:upper`; Uppercase first. * `case-sensitive?` -- If true, turn on case sensitivity. * `locale` -- Locale. * `max-variable` -- Which characters are affected by `:shifted`: `:punct`; Spaces and punctuation are affected. `:space`; Only spaces are affected. * `normalize?` -- If true, normalizes to Unicode NFD. * `numeric-ordering?` -- If true, order numbers based on numeric ordering instead of collation order. * `strength` -- Collation strength: `:identical`; When all else equal, use identical level. `:primary`; Strongest level. `:secondary`; Accents are considered secondary differences. `:tertiary`; Upper and lower case differences considered. `:quaternary`; Distinguish words with or without punctuations.
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