{:mvn/repos {"custom-id" {:url "https://custom.example.com"}}}
file has a key named :deploy-repository.
Repository URL is determined by repository :id
The default pair of :id
and URL is below.
— https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/
— https://repo.clojars.org/
Other custom URLs could be defined by mvn/repos in deps.edn
file or build.edn
{:mvn/repos {"custom-id" {:url "https://custom.example.com"}}}
{:deploy-repository {:url "https://custom.example.com"}}
and :password
could be managed by several ways.
At first, build.edn will refer ~/.m2/settings.xml
to see if it has a setting which matchs the :id
In the above example, password is managed as a plain text. If you don’t want to manage password as a plain text, you can encrypt it by Maven.
See the following guide page to encrypt passwords in settings.xml.
When the corresponding server is not found in ~/.m2/settings.xml
build.edn will refer environmental variables.
If you don’t specify :username
and :password
in :deploy-repository
build.edn will refer following environmental variables.
If you’d like to use other environmental variables, please specify them like below in :deploy-repository
{:deploy-repository {:username #env YOUR_USERNAME
:password #env YOUR_PASSWORD}}
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