A ClojureScript microlib for state management in a Helix-based React app
deepstate is a tiny library providing hooks-based state management operations
for Helix apps.
It's probably not very performant as the single source of truth in a large app
(there is nothing like
Reagent's Reaction
s) -
but it doesn't need to be the single source of truth, and the
deepstate primitives are flexible, and straightforward
to use in an async world
(require '[deepstate.action :as a])
(require '[deepstate.action.async :as a.a])
(require '[deepstate.action.axios :as a.ax])
deepstate reduces a stream of events (called action
s) onto a state
under the hood lives a React useReducer
hook, which deepstate builds on
to help you define complex actions with ease
?deepstate is fundamentally a vanilla React useReducer
, but the values
dispatched to the underlying React useReducer
are functions of state
(fn <state>) -> <action-effects>
, i.e. a function of state
. The action-effects
may include state
updates, but may
also include navigation, further dispatch
es and a promise of
later delivery of more action-effects
. This approach provides a lot of
flexibility for dealing with computations (such as async requests) with
evolving state, at the expense of some difficulty creating the function values.
deepstate makes it easy to create and use these functions
value and a dispatch
- a fn returned by the
hook which sends an action to be handledShows a synchronous state-only action and an asynchronous action. Clicks result in consistent data however they are interleaved:
(a/def-state-action ::inc-counter
[state _action]
(update state ::counter inc))
(a.a/def-async-action ::inc-delay
{data ::a/data
:as _async-action-state}
;; a promise of the action data
(promesa.core/delay 2000 5)
;; effects which can use the destructured action data
;; or other state
{::a/state (update state ::counter + data)})
(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))
(defnc App
(let [[{counter ::counter :as __state} dispatch] (a/use-action {::counter 0})]
(d/p "Counter: " counter)
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::inc-counter))} "inc")
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::inc-delay))} "+5 delay"))))
Another example showing how the data returned by an async action can be destructured to conditionally create effects:
(a.ax/def-axios-action ::fetch-apod
{status ::a/status
:as async-action-state}
;; a promise of the action data
(axios/get "https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=DEMO_KEY")
;; only create a navigate effect when successful
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate "/show-pic"}))
(def action-ctx (a/create-action-context))
(defnc App
(let [[{{status ::a/status
data ::a/data
:as apod} ::fetch-apod}
dispatch] (a/use-action {})]
(d/p "Status:" (str status))
(d/p "APOD:" (pr-str data))
(d/button {:on-click (fn [_] (dispatch ::fetch-apod))} "Fetch!"))))
Components interact with deepstate via the
hook, which returns a [state dispatch]
pair of the current state
and a
function to dispatch
an action
map to update state.
s are maps which describe an operation to change state
(or perform
some other effect). They have
an ::a/action
key which selects a handler, and may have any other keys
the particular handler requires.
An action is dispatch
ed causing a handler to be invoked according
to the ::a/action
key in the action. The handler
returns a (fn <state>) -> action-effects
i.e. a function of state
which when invoked returns
a map of (all optional) action-effects
(returning no effects is
not very useful, but perfectly fine).
It is possible to define an action handler directly, with
(defmethod a/handle <key> [action] (fn [state] ...))
, but it's
easier to use one of the sugar macros, which allow for some
convenient destructuring:
There are currently 4 effects available:
- a new state value::a/navigate
- a url to navigate to::a/dispatch
- an action-map
| [action-map
] to be dispatch
- a promise of a fn Promise<(fn <state>) -> action-effects
to provide more effects laterDefines a generic action handler. It takes
key used in an action mapstate
and action-map
(a/def-action ::change-query
{q :q
:as _action}]
{::a/state (assoc state ::query q)
::a/navigate "/show-state"})
Defines an action handler which only modifies state - the body form evaluates
to the updated state (i.e. not an action-effects
(a/def-state-action ::change-query
{q :q
:as _action}]
(assoc state ::query q))
Defines a promise-based async action handler, which creates a
promise to retrieve some async-action-data
and manages an
structure in the state to record progress
and results. async-action-data
has shape:
{::a/id <random-uuid>
::a/status ::a/inflight|::a/success|::a/error
::a/data <async-action-data>
::a/error <async-action-error>}
The body of the def-async-action
definition has 2 or 3 forms:
to cancel
the action without evaluating the promise formThe body forms are evaluated separately, and may all use bindings from the bindings vector. Several bindings vector arities are offered:
[state-bindings action-bindings]
[state-bindings next-async-action-state-bindings action-bindings]
[state-bindings async-action-state-bindings next-async-action-state-bindings action-bindings]
So a simple async action may access the next-async-action-state
navigate on completion:
(a.a/def-async-action ::run-query
{status ::a/status
{id :id} ::a/data
:as _next-action-state}
{q :q
:as __action}]
(run-query q)
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate (str "/item/" id)}))
While another action may debounce by comparing the async-action-state
with the next-async-action-state
(a.a/def-async-action ::debounced
{p-status ::a/status
:as _action-state}
{n-id ::a/id
:as _next-action-state}
{q :q
:as _action}]
(run-query q)
;; debounce if there is already an inflight query
(when (= ::a/inflight p-status)
(when (= ::a/success status)
{::a/navigate (str "/item/" n-id)}))
These def-async-action
will assoc the async-action-state
map in the
global state
at the action key
path (the path can be overridden
by providing an ::action/path
key in the action
map), with the shape.
Exactly like def-async-action,
but the action-data-promise
is expected to be an axios
promise, and the responseor error will be parsed into the async-action-state
See the example
folder in the git repo. It's a modified
with an updated React Router,
state management converted to deepstate, and the ::add
action being
made async with a simulated network delay and a last-inflight-request-wins
Build and run the example with npm start
Copyright © 2023 mccraigmccraig of the clan mccraig
Distributed under the MIT License.
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