- fix text sizing not working
- added type hints to remove need for relection
- support of java.awt.RenderingHints -> the context create by create-window
has now an additional key called :rendering which can contain a map with
the RenderingHints Key and Value like {RenderingHints/KEY_ANTIALIASING RenderingHints/VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON}
- added properties function which returns a map of the window/canvas properties
- clear-rect function to clear out a rectangular area with the current background color
- expose key events like tab, shift etc.
- support bold and italic style when drawing text
- close-window function to close the window directly
- events via multi method handle-event
- mouse events: :mouse-dragged :mouse-moved :mouse-pressed :mouse-released
- key events: :key-pressed :key-released
- basic shapes: line rectangle ellipse text