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(apply-default-headers! xhr headers)

Takes an XhrIo object and applies the default-headers to it.

Takes an XhrIo object and applies the default-headers to it.
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(apply-response-type! xhr response-type)

Takes an XhrIo object and sets response-type if not nil.

Takes an XhrIo object and sets response-type if not nil.
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(build-xhr {:keys [with-credentials? default-headers response-type]
            :as request})

Builds an XhrIo object from the request parameters.

Builds an XhrIo object from the request parameters.
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(jsonp {:keys [timeout callback-name keywordize-keys? cancel]
        :or {keywordize-keys? true}
        :as request})

Execute the JSONP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a promesa promise.

Execute the JSONP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a promesa promise.
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(request {:keys [request-method] :as request})

Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a core.async channel.

Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a core.async channel.
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(xhr {:keys [request-method headers body progress cancel] :as request})

Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request map and return a promesa promise.

Execute the HTTP request corresponding to the given Ring request
map and return a promesa promise.
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