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Martian has always supported Clojurescript with the martian-cljs-http library, but users of re-frame may have had to write a few boilerplate event and fx handlers to perform http requests as effects, as encouraged by re-frame.

This library provides the basic bindings to use martian seamlessly with re-frame.


If you are familiar with both martian and re-frame the following code should show you the simplification that martian can bring:

(require '[ :as martian])
(require '[re-frame.core :as re-frame])

(def interceptors [re-frame/trim-v])

 (fn [db [{:keys [body]} operation-id params]]
   (assoc db :pet-id (:id body))))

 (fn [db [response-or-error operation-id params]]
   (update db :errors conj [operation-id response-or-error])))

(martian/init "")
(re-frame/dispatch [::martian/request         ;; event for performing an http request
                    :create-pet               ;; the route name to call
                    {:name "Doggy McDogFace"  ;; data to send to the endpoint
                     :type "Dog"
                     :age 3}
                    [::create-pet-success]    ;; event to dispatch on success
                    [::http-failure]          ;; event to dispatch on failure

Multiple instances

You can specify a value for in the params when calling martian-re-frame to define a completely separate instance, useful if you need to talk to more than one remote service. This can be done as follows:

(martian/init "" {::martian/instance-id :pet-store}) ;; instance-id set on initialisation
(re-frame/dispatch [::martian/request
                    {::martian/instance-id :pet-store ;; instance-id specified in the params of each request
                     :name "Doggy McDogFace"
                     :type "Dog"
                     :age 3}

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