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Change Log

0.3.1 - 2022-01-09


  • a regression in the sequencer which made the timing of ticks less precise

0.3.0 - 2022-01-06


  • new pattern expressions: [:bank N] to change MIDI bank, [:cc C V] to change value of MIDI controller, [:pitch-bend V] for setting pitch bend - see the new "MIDI CONTROLLERS" section of the tutorial for more


  • a bug in the sequencer which occasionally resulted in 100% CPU usage

0.2.0 - 2021-12-24


  • live coding enhancement: :var patterns can now invoke Clojure functions at build time (even with arguments) and compile the returned value into a pattern transformer (see tutorial for an example)


  • common project bindings (:dur, :scale, etc.) must be supplied in the :bindings option of the project configuration now (previously they were accepted both in :bindings and at the top level of the configuration map)
  • bumped omkamra/sequencer and omkamra/sequencer-fluidsynth dependencies to 0.3.0


  • defp now compiles its pattern and binds the resulting pattern transformer to the var like defp< does (previously it bound the uncompiled pattern form - i.e. the Clojure data structure)
  • defp and defp< does not inject project-level bindings into the :bind map of compiled patterns as that makes it impossible to inherit these bindings from an enclosing scope.

0.1.0 - 2021-12-22

Initial release.

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