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(kahn-sort g)
(kahn-sort g l s)

Proposes a topological sort for directed graph g using Kahn's algorithm, where g is a map of nodes to sets of nodes. If g is cyclic, returns nil.

A graph here is a map of sets representing a directed edge from the key to each element in its associated set.

The following represents a -> b and a -> c:

{:a #{:b :c}, :b #{}}

See also [[fermor.graph.algo/reverse-post-order-numbering]] for an alternate approach to topological sort which can handle cycles.

Proposes a topological sort for directed graph g using Kahn's
algorithm, where g is a map of nodes to sets of nodes. If g is
cyclic, returns nil.

A graph here is a map of sets representing a directed edge from
the key to each element in its associated set.

The following represents a -> b and a -> c:

    {:a #{:b :c}, :b #{}}

See also [[fermor.graph.algo/reverse-post-order-numbering]] for an alternate
approach to topological sort which can handle cycles.
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(no-incoming g)

Returns the set of nodes in graph g for which there are no incoming edges, where g is a map of nodes to sets of nodes.

Returns the set of nodes in graph g for which there are no incoming
edges, where g is a map of nodes to sets of nodes.
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(normalize g)

Returns g with empty outgoing edges added for nodes with incoming edges only. Example: {:a #{:b}} => {:a #{:b}, :b #{}}

Returns g with empty outgoing edges added for nodes with incoming
edges only.  Example: {:a #{:b}} => {:a #{:b}, :b #{}}
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(take-1 s)

Returns the pair [element, s'] where s' is set s with element removed.

Returns the pair [element, s'] where s' is set s with element removed.
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(without s x)

Returns set s with x removed.

Returns set s with x removed.
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