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(rule-handler r)


(scanner the-rule)
  {:keys [linear iterate lazy rescan] :or {linear true iterate true} :as opts}

Convert any rule combinator to scan through a list or vector.

The linear and iterate options are true by default.

Linear scanner:

It will do one full pass through the collection, but will not iterate at the top level.

For linear scanner on a rule or rule-list, results from a matching rule are added to the final result and not rescanned. If you want to include the returned result in the data to scan again, set rescan to true.

Not implemented yet: scanner on in-order combinator sets rescan to true by default.

Rescanning scanner:

Specified with the option {:linear false}.

By default, :iterate is set, so the rule will iterate at the top level and rerun through the collection after each successful rule. If iterate is false, the scanner will terminate on the first match.

Setting the :lazy option true will present the rules with the smallest possible matches first. Lazy rescanning scanner works from the back of the collection to the front.

Convert any rule combinator to scan through a list or vector.

The linear and iterate options are true by default.

Linear scanner:

It will do one full pass through the collection, but will not iterate at the
top level.

For linear scanner on a rule or rule-list, results from a matching rule are
added to the final result and not rescanned. If you want to include the
returned result in the data to scan again, set rescan to true.

Not implemented yet: scanner on in-order combinator sets rescan to true by default.

Rescanning scanner:

Specified with the option {:linear false}.

By default, :iterate is set, so the rule will iterate at the top level and
rerun through the collection after each successful rule. If iterate is false,
the scanner will terminate on the first match.

Setting the :lazy option true will present the rules with the smallest
possible matches first. Lazy rescanning scanner works from the back of the
collection to the front.
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