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SPDX license expression functionality. This functionality is bespoke (it is not provided by Spdx-Java-Library).

SPDX license expression functionality. This functionality is bespoke (it is
not provided by Spdx-Java-Library).
raw docstring


(extract-ids parse-result)
(extract-ids parse-result
             {:keys [include-or-later?] :or {include-or-later? false} :as opts})

Extract all SPDX ids (as a set of strings) from the given parse-result.

The optional opts map has these keys:

  • include-or-later? (boolean, default false) - controls whether the output includes the 'or later' indicator ('+') after license ids that have that designation in the parse tree.
Extract all SPDX ids (as a set of strings) from the given `parse-result`.

The optional `opts` map has these keys:
* include-or-later? (boolean, default false) - controls whether the output
  includes the 'or later' indicator ('+') after license ids that have that
  designation in the parse tree.
sourceraw docstring



Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent
calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call
this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to
allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.
sourceraw docstring


(normalise s)
(normalise s opts)

Normalises an SPDX expression, by running it through parse then unparse. Returns nil if s is nil or is not a valid SPDX expression.

opts are as for parse

Normalises an SPDX expression, by running it through parse then unparse.
Returns nil if `s` is nil or is not a valid SPDX expression.

`opts` are as for parse
sourceraw docstring


(parse s)
(parse s
       {:keys [normalise-gpl-ids? case-sensitive-operators?]
        :or {normalise-gpl-ids? true case-sensitive-operators? false}
        :as opts})

Attempt to parse s (a String) as an SPDX license expression, returning a data structure representing the parse tree, or nil if it cannot be parsed.

The optional opts map has these keys:

  • normalise-gpl-ids? (boolean, default true) - controls whether deprecated 'historical oddity' GPL family ids in the expression are normalised to their non-deprecated replacements as part of the parsing process.
  • case-sensitive-operators? (boolean, default false) - controls whether operators in expressions (AND, OR, WITH) are case-sensitive (spec-compliant, but strict) or not (non-spec-compliant, lenient).


  • The parser always normalises SPDX ids to their canonical case e.g. aPAcHe-2.0 -> Apache-2.0

  • The parser always removes redundant grouping e.g. (((((Apache-2.0)))))) -> Apache-2.0

  • The parser synthesises grouping when needed to make SPDX license expressions' precedence rules explicit (see

  • The default options result in parsing that is more lenient than the SPDX specification and that is therefore not strictly spec compliant. You can enable strictly compliant parsing by setting normalise-gpl-ids? to false and case-sensitive-operators? to true.

Examples (assuming default options):

"Apache-2.0" -> {:license-id "Apache-2.0"}

"Apache-2.0+" -> {:license-id "Apache-2.0" :or-later? true}

"GPL-2.0+" -> {:license-id "GPL-2.0-or-later"}

"GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0" -> {:license-id "GPL-2.0-only" :license-exception-id "Classpath-exception-2.0"}

"CDDL-1.1 or (GPL-2.0+ with Classpath-exception-2.0)" -> [:or {:license-id "CDDL-1.1"} {:license-id "GPL-2.0-or-later" :license-exception-id "Classpath-exception-2.0"}]

"DocumentRef-foo:LicenseRef-bar") -> {:document-ref "foo" :license-ref "bar"}

See SPDX Specification Annex D for more details on SPDX license expressions:

Attempt to parse `s` (a String) as an SPDX license expression, returning a
data structure representing the parse tree, or nil if it cannot be parsed.

The optional `opts` map has these keys:
* `normalise-gpl-ids?` (boolean, default true) - controls whether
  deprecated 'historical oddity' GPL family ids in the expression are
  normalised to their non-deprecated replacements as part of the parsing
* `case-sensitive-operators?` (boolean, default false) - controls whether
  operators in expressions (AND, OR, WITH) are case-sensitive
  (spec-compliant, but strict) or not (non-spec-compliant, lenient).

* The parser always normalises SPDX ids to their canonical case
  e.g. aPAcHe-2.0 -> Apache-2.0

* The parser always removes redundant grouping
  e.g. (((((Apache-2.0)))))) -> Apache-2.0

* The parser synthesises grouping when needed to make SPDX license
  expressions' precedence rules explicit (see

* The default options result in parsing that is more lenient than the SPDX
  specification and that is therefore not strictly spec compliant.  You can
  enable strictly compliant parsing by setting `normalise-gpl-ids?` to `false`
  and `case-sensitive-operators?` to `true`.

Examples (assuming default options):

-> {:license-id "Apache-2.0"}

-> {:license-id "Apache-2.0" :or-later? true}

-> {:license-id "GPL-2.0-or-later"}

"GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
-> {:license-id "GPL-2.0-only"
    :license-exception-id "Classpath-exception-2.0"}

"CDDL-1.1 or (GPL-2.0+ with Classpath-exception-2.0)"
-> [:or
    {:license-id "CDDL-1.1"}
    {:license-id "GPL-2.0-or-later"
     :license-exception-id "Classpath-exception-2.0"}]

-> {:document-ref "foo"
    :license-ref "bar"}

See SPDX Specification Annex D for more details on SPDX license expressions:
sourceraw docstring


(parse-with-info s)
(parse-with-info s
                 {:keys [normalise-gpl-ids? case-sensitive-operators?]
                  :or {normalise-gpl-ids? true
                       case-sensitive-operators? false}})

As for parse, but returns an instaparse parse error info if parsing fails, instead of nil. See

opts are as for parse

As for parse, but returns an instaparse parse error info if parsing fails,
instead of nil. See

`opts` are as for parse
sourceraw docstring


(unparse parse-result)

Turns a valid parse-result (i.e. obtained from parse) back into a canonicalised SPDX expression (a String). Results are undefined for invalid parse trees. Returns nil if parse-result is nil.

Canonicalisation involves:

  • Converting all SPDX listed identifiers to their official case
  • Upper casing all operators
  • Removing redundant grouping (parens)
  • Adding grouping (parens) to make precedence rules explicit
  • (with default options) Normalising deprecated 'historical oddity' GPL family ids to their non-deprecated replacements
Turns a valid `parse-result` (i.e. obtained from `parse`) back into a
canonicalised SPDX expression (a String).  Results are undefined for invalid
parse trees.  Returns nil if `parse-result` is nil.

Canonicalisation involves:
* Converting all SPDX listed identifiers to their official case
* Upper casing all operators
* Removing redundant grouping (parens)
* Adding grouping (parens) to make precedence rules explicit
* (with default options) Normalising deprecated 'historical oddity' GPL family
  ids to their non-deprecated replacements
sourceraw docstring


(valid? s)
(valid? s
        {:keys [case-sensitive-operators?]
         :or {case-sensitive-operators? false}})

Is s (a String) a valid SPDX license expression?

Note: if you intend to parse s if it's valid, it's more efficient to call parse directly and check for a nil result instead of calling this method first (doing so avoids double parsing).

The optional opts map has these keys:

  • case-sensitive-operators? (boolean, default false) - controls whether operators in expressions (AND, OR, WITH) are case-sensitive (spec-compliant, but strict) or not (non-spec-compliant, lenient).
Is `s` (a String) a valid SPDX license expression?

Note: if you intend to parse `s` if it's valid, it's more efficient to call
parse directly and check for a nil result instead of calling this method
first (doing so avoids double parsing).

The optional `opts` map has these keys:
* `case-sensitive-operators?` (boolean, default false) - controls whether
  operators in expressions (AND, OR, WITH) are case-sensitive
  (spec-compliant, but strict) or not (non-spec-compliant, lenient).
sourceraw docstring

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