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Java object mapping namespace. Note: this namespace is not part of the public API of clj-spdx and may change without notice.

Java object mapping namespace. Note: this namespace is not part of the public
API of clj-spdx and may change without notice.
raw docstring


(cross-ref->map cr)

Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.CrossRef object into a map. All map keys are optional, but may include: :is-wayback-link? - boolean :live? - boolean :match - string :order - integer :timestamp - string :url - string :valid? - boolean

See for more information.

Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.CrossRef object into a map. All map
keys are optional, but may include:
:is-wayback-link? - boolean
:live?            - boolean
:match            - string
:order            - integer
:timestamp        - string
:url              - string
:valid?           - boolean

for more information.
sourceraw docstring


(exception->map exc
                {:keys [include-large-text-values?]
                 :or {include-large-text-values? true}})

Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.ListedLicenseException object into a map. All map keys are optional, but may include: :id - string (an SPDX identifier) :name - string :comment - string :see-also - sequence of strings :deprecated? - boolean :deprecated-version - string :text - string :text-html - string :text-template - string

See for more information.

opts are:

  • :include-large-text-values? (default true) - controls whether the following large text values are included in the result: :comment :text :text-html :text-template
Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.ListedLicenseException object into a
map. All map keys are optional, but may include:
:id                 - string (an SPDX identifier)
:name               - string
:comment            - string
:see-also           - sequence of strings
:deprecated?        - boolean
:deprecated-version - string
:text               - string
:text-html          - string
:text-template      - string

for more information.

`opts` are:
* `:include-large-text-values?` (default `true`) - controls whether the
  following large text values are included in the result: `:comment :text
  :text-html :text-template`
sourceraw docstring


(id->exception id)

Turns a valid exception id into a org.spdx.library.model.license.ListedLicenseException object, or returns nil. Note: unlike the underlying Java library it only handles listed SPDX exception ids.

Turns a valid exception id into a org.spdx.library.model.license.ListedLicenseException
object, or returns nil. Note: unlike the underlying Java library it only
handles listed SPDX exception ids.
sourceraw docstring


(id->license id)

Turns a valid license id into a org.spdx.library.model.license.SpdxListedLicense object, or returns nil. Note: unlike the underlying Java library it only handles listed SPDX license ids.

Turns a valid license id into a org.spdx.library.model.license.SpdxListedLicense
object, or returns nil. Note: unlike the underlying Java library it only
handles listed SPDX license ids.
sourceraw docstring



Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.

Initialises this namespace upon first call (and does nothing on subsequent
calls), returning nil. Consumers of this namespace are not required to call
this fn, as initialisation will occur implicitly anyway; it is provided to
allow explicit control of the cost of initialisation to callers who need it.
sourceraw docstring


(license->map lic
              {:keys [include-large-text-values?]
               :or {include-large-text-values? true}})

Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.SpdxListedLicense object into a map. All map keys are optional, but may include: :id - string (an SPDX identifier) :name - string :comment - string :see-also - sequence of strings :cross-refs - sequence of maps (see cross-ref->map for details) :deprecated? - boolean :deprecated-version - string :fsf-libre? - boolean :osi-approved? - boolean :text - string :text-html - string :text-template - string :header - string :header-html - string :header-template - string

See for more information.

opts are:

  • :include-large-text-values? (default true) - controls whether the following large text values are included in the result: :comment :text :text-html :text-template :header :header-html :header-template
Turns a org.spdx.library.model.license.SpdxListedLicense object into a map.
All map keys are optional, but may include:
:id                 - string (an SPDX identifier)
:name               - string
:comment            - string
:see-also           - sequence of strings
:cross-refs         - sequence of maps (see cross-ref->map for details)
:deprecated?        - boolean
:deprecated-version - string
:fsf-libre?         - boolean
:osi-approved?      - boolean
:text               - string
:text-html          - string
:text-template      - string
:header             - string
:header-html        - string
:header-template    - string

for more information.

`opts` are:
* `:include-large-text-values?` (default `true`) - controls whether the
  following large text values are included in the result: `:comment :text
  :text-html :text-template :header :header-html :header-template`
sourceraw docstring


(listed-exception-id? id)

Is the given id one of the listed SPDX exception identifiers?

Is the given id one of the listed SPDX exception identifiers?
sourceraw docstring


(listed-license-id? id)

Is the given id one of the listed SPDX license identifiers?

Is the given id one of the listed SPDX license identifiers?
sourceraw docstring

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