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The public API of the urlocal library.

The public API of the urlocal library.
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Returns the current cache check interval, in seconds.

Returns the current cache check interval, in seconds.
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Returns the current cache directory as a

Returns the current cache directory as a ``.
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Returns the current name of the cache as a String.

Returns the current name of the cache as a `String`.
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(input-stream url)
(input-stream url
              {:keys [connect-timeout read-timeout follow-redirects?
                      retry-when-throttled? max-retry-after request-headers
               :or {connect-timeout 1000
                    read-timeout 1000
                    follow-redirects? false
                    retry-when-throttled? false
                    max-retry-after 10
                    request-headers {"User-Agent" "com.github.pmonks/urlocal"}
                    return-cached-content-on-exception? true}
               :as opts})

Retrieves the content from url and caches it, returning an InputStream for the content. url may be a String, or Returns nil if url is nil or unsupported (i.e. is not an http(s) URL).

opts provides these tunables, all of them optional:

  • :connect-timeout (int, default 1000): the maximum number of milliseconds to wait when establishing the socket connection
  • :read-timeout (int, default 1000): the maximum number of milliseconds to wait when reading content from the socket connection
  • :follow-redirects? (boolean, default false): whether to follow a single redirect (HTTP status codes 301, 302) if the server issues one (more than one redirect will throw an exception)
  • :retry-when-throttled? (boolean, default false): whether to automatically handle throttled HTTP requests (HTTP status code 429), by sleeping as requested by the Retry-After HTTP response header, then retrying the request
  • :max-retry-after (int, default 10): the maximum number of seconds to sleep when waiting to retry a throttled request
  • :request-headers (a Map with String keys and values): a map of request headers to send along with the request
  • return-cached-content-on-exception? (boolean, default true): whether (potentially stale) cached content should be returned if it's available, and an exception occurs while checking for staleness

Throws on IO errors.

Retrieves the content from `url` and caches it, returning an `InputStream`
for the content.  `url` may be a `String`, `` or ``.
Returns `nil` if `url` is `nil` or unsupported (i.e. is not an http(s) URL).

`opts` provides these tunables, all of them optional:

* `:connect-timeout` (`int`, default `1000`): the maximum number of
  milliseconds to wait when establishing the socket connection
* `:read-timeout` (`int`, default `1000`): the maximum number of milliseconds
  to wait when reading content from the socket connection
* `:follow-redirects?` (`boolean`, default `false`): whether to follow a
  single redirect (HTTP status codes 301, 302) if the server issues one (more
  than one redirect will throw an exception)
* `:retry-when-throttled?` (`boolean`, default `false`): whether to
  automatically handle throttled HTTP requests (HTTP status code 429), by
  sleeping as requested by the `Retry-After` HTTP response header, then
  retrying the request
* `:max-retry-after` (`int`, default `10`): the maximum number of seconds to
  sleep when waiting to retry a throttled request
* `:request-headers` (a `Map` with `String` keys and values): a map of request
  headers to send along with the request
* `return-cached-content-on-exception?` (`boolean`, default `true`): whether
  (potentially stale) cached content should be returned if it's available, and
  an exception occurs while checking for staleness

Throws on IO errors.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-cache-entry! url)

Removes the cache entry for the given url, if it exists. Returns nil.

Throws on IO errors.

Removes the cache entry for the given `url`, if it exists. Returns `nil`.

Throws on IO errors.
sourceraw docstring



Resets (i.e. deletes) the local cache, returning nil.

Throws on IO errors.

Resets (i.e. deletes) the local cache, returning `nil`.

Throws on IO errors.
sourceraw docstring


(set-cache-check-interval-secs! cache-check-interval-secs)

Sets the cache check interval, in seconds. Default is 86400 (24 hours). Returns nil.

Sets the cache check interval, in seconds.  Default is `86400` (24 hours).
Returns `nil`.
sourceraw docstring


(set-cache-name! n)

Sets the name of the cache to n (which ends up being part of the cache directory's name), and returns nil. Default name is urlocal.


  • n must not be blank.
  • the new cache directory may not be empty if it exists and was previously populated.
  • setting a new name after a previously named cache has already been populated will 'orphan' the prior cache. To avoid this, you should call reset-cache! prior to setting a new name.

Throws on IO errors.

Sets the name of the cache to `n` (which ends up being part of the cache
directory's name), and returns `nil`.  Default name is `urlocal`.


* `n` must not be blank.
* the new cache directory may not be empty if it exists and was previously
* setting a new name after a previously named cache has already been
  populated will 'orphan' the prior cache. To avoid this, you should call
  `reset-cache!` prior to setting a new name.

Throws on IO errors.
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