Stimulus is “a modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have.” It was created by 37signals as an alternative to heavier approaches to client-side interactions.
This is an experimental library that lets you write Stimulus controllers using Clojure.
(ns my.example
(:require [ :as page]
[io.pedestal.http :as http]
[io.pedestal.http.route :as route])
(defn home [req]
{:status 200
:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8"}
:body (page/html5 [:head
[:title "Stimulus Examples"]
(page/include-js "/js/main.js")]
[:div {:data-controller "hello"}
[:input {:data-hello-target "name", :type "text"}]
[:button {:data-action "click->hello#greet"} "Greet"]
[:span {:data-hello-target "output"}]])})
(def routes
#{["/" :get home :route-name :home]}))
(defn -main
[& args]
(-> {::http/routes routes
::http/port 3000
::http/resource-path "/public"
::http/secure-headers {:content-security-policy-settings {:object-src "none"}}
::http/type :jetty}
(ns stimulus.example.example
(:require [stimulus.controller :refer [->controller]]
["@hotwired/stimulus" :refer [Controller Application]]
[goog.dom :as gdom]))
(defn greet [controller event]
(let [name-target (get-name-target controller)
output-target (get-output-target controller)]
(gdom/setTextContent output-target (str "Hello, " (.-value name-target)))))
(def greet-controller (-> {:extends Controller
:targets ["output" "name"]
:actions {:greet greet}}
(let [application (.start Application)]
(.register application "hello" greet-controller))
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