(compile-form env form)
Takes env and ClojureScript form and returns compiled JavaScript
Takes env and ClojureScript form and returns compiled JavaScript
(defn fname args & body)
Similar to clojure.core/defn in syntax, but emits a worklet function that is meant to be executed on a separate thread in React Native and have access to shared values from outer scope.
(w/defn [] #js {:transform #js [#js {:translateY @position}]})
Similar to clojure.core/defn in syntax, but emits a worklet function that is meant to be executed on a separate thread in React Native and have access to shared values from outer scope. (w/defn [] #js {:transform #js [#js {:translateY @position}]})
(fn fname args & body)
Similar to clojure.core/fn in syntax, but emits a worklet function that is meant to be executed on a separate thread in React Native and have access to shared values from outer scope.
(worklet-fn [] #js {:transform #js [#js {:translateY @position}]})
Similar to clojure.core/fn in syntax, but emits a worklet function that is meant to be executed on a separate thread in React Native and have access to shared values from outer scope. (worklet-fn [] #js {:transform #js [#js {:translateY @position}]})
(form->worklet-fn-str fn-name args body env locals)
Takes args vector, function body, env and local vars. Returns compiled body as JavaScript string suitable to run as a worklet fn.
Takes args vector, function body, env and local vars. Returns compiled body as JavaScript string suitable to run as a worklet fn.
(known-global-var? sym)
(locals->closure-map locals)
(locals->paths locals)
(map->js-obj m)
(preprocess-form env form)
Rewrites get/set syntax for shared values (useSharedValue) @ref -> ref.value (reset! ref val) -> (set! (.-value ref) val)
Rewrites get/set syntax for shared values (useSharedValue) @ref -> ref.value (reset! ref val) -> (set! (.-value ref) val)
(seq->js-array s)
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