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A convenience wrapper around System/currentTimeMillis meant to help with time-sensitive tests (easy mocking).

A convenience wrapper around System/currentTimeMillis
meant to help with time-sensitive tests (easy mocking).
sourceraw docstring


(flush-now {:keys [connectors checkpoint-handler checkpoint cache-key last-flush
                   writes-buf metrics]})

Flush pending writes, and checkpoint state, if any.

Flush pending writes, and checkpoint state, if any.
sourceraw docstring


(init &
      {:keys [connectors checkpoint-handler init-fn merge-query-fn cache-key
              writes-threshold millis-threshold]
       :or {init-fn (constantly nil)
            merge-query-fn merge
            cache-key identity
            writes-threshold 99
            millis-threshold 1000}})

Initializes persistroids. Returns a stateful instance with which to perform basic read/write ops (supposedly with considerable speed gain). connectors: a collection of storage wrappers, adhering to the Connector protocol; if not provided a default in-mem implementation is used. writes-threshold: writes are buffered in memory, and are persisted if this threshold is crossed (default:99). millis-threshold: writes are buffered in memory, and are persisted if this threshold is crossed (default:1000ms since last flush). init-fn: values bootstrap logic when not found in store (default:returns nil). cache-key: cache identity determining logic, given args (default:identity). merge-query-fn: if multiple connectors are given, this logic determines how their returned values are to be merged into one (default:merge). checkpoint-handler: this logic may be used for DR scenarios; it is invoked each time writes are flushed to storage, to handle runtime stateful information needed for recovery later; such data may optionally be flagged like so: (assoc persistroids :checkpoint running-state)

Initializes persistroids.
Returns a stateful instance with which to perform basic
read/write ops (supposedly with considerable speed gain).
connectors: a collection of storage wrappers, adhering
            to the Connector protocol; if not provided
            a default in-mem implementation is used.
writes-threshold: writes are buffered in memory, and are
                  persisted if this threshold is crossed
millis-threshold: writes are buffered in memory, and are
                  persisted if this threshold is crossed
                  (default:1000ms since last flush).
init-fn: values bootstrap logic when not found in store
         (default:returns nil).
cache-key: cache identity determining logic, given args
merge-query-fn: if multiple connectors are given, this logic
                determines how their returned values are to
                be merged into one (default:merge).
checkpoint-handler: this logic may be used for DR scenarios; it
                    is invoked each time writes are flushed to
                    storage, to handle runtime stateful information
                    needed for recovery later; such data may
                    optionally be flagged like so:
                    (assoc persistroids :checkpoint running-state)
sourceraw docstring


(read {:keys [cache cache-key metrics] :as persistroids} args)

Reads a single value, identified by args. If the value was not cached, it will be, when this call returns.

Reads a single value, identified by args. If the value was not
cached, it will be, when this call returns.
sourceraw docstring


(shutdown {:keys [connectors metrics] :as persistroids}

Shuts-down persistroids, optionally disconnecting connectors (default:false).

Shuts-down persistroids, optionally disconnecting
connectors (default:false).
sourceraw docstring


(write persistroids args value)

Writes a single value, identified by args.

Writes a single value, identified by args.
sourceraw docstring

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