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SQL Special Syntax

This section lists the function-like expressions that HoneySQL supports out of the box which are formatted as special syntactic forms.

The first group are used for SQL expressions. The second (last group) are used primarily in column definitions (as part of :with-columns and :add-column / :modify-column).


Accepts a single argument, which is expected to evaluate to a sequence, and produces ARRAY[?, ?, ..] for the elements of that sequence (as SQL parameters):

(sql/format-expr [:array (range 5)])
;;=> ["ARRAY[?, ?, ?, ?, ?]" 0 1 2 3 4]


Accepts three arguments: an expression, a lower bound, and an upper bound:

(sql/format-expr [:between :id 1 100])
;;=> ["id BETWEEN ? AND ?" 1 100]


A SQL CASE expression. Expects an even number of arguments: alternating condition and result expressions. A condition may be :else (or 'else) to produce ELSE, otherwise WHEN <condition> THEN <result> will be produced:

(sql/format-expr [:case [:< :a 10] "small" [:> :a 100] "big" :else "medium"])
;;=> ["CASE WHEN a < ? THEN ? WHEN a > ? THEN ? ELSE ? END"
;;    10 "small" 100 "big" "medium"]


A SQL CAST expression. Expects an expression and something that produces a SQL type:

(sql/format-expr [:cast :a :int])
;;=> ["CAST(a AS int)"]


Accepts any number of expressions and produces a composite expression (comma-separated, wrapped in parentheses):

(sql/format-expr [:composite :a :b "red" [:+ :x 1]])
;;=> ["(a, b, ?, x + ?)" "red" 1]


Accepts a single expression and prefixes it with DISTINCT:

(sql/format {:select [ [[:count [:distinct :status]] :n] ] :from :table})
;;=> ["SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT status) AS n FROM table"]


Accepts a single keyword or symbol argument and produces a SQL entity. This is intended for use in contexts that would otherwise produce a sequence of SQL keywords, such as when constructing DDL statements.

[:tablespace :quux]
[:tablespace [:entity :quux]]
;;=> TABLESPACE quux


Intended to be used with regular expression patterns to specify the escape characters (if any).

(format {:select :* :from :foo
         :where [:similar-to :foo [:escape "bar" [:inline  "*"]]]})
;;=> ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE foo SIMILAR TO ? ESCAPE '*'" "bar"]))))

filter, within-group

Used to produce PostgreSQL's FILTER and WITHIN GROUP expressions. See also order-by below.

These both accept a SQL expression followed by a SQL clause. Filter generally expects an aggregate expression and a WHERE clause. Within group generally expects an aggregate expression and an ORDER BY clause.

(format {:select [:a :b [[:filter :%count.* {:where [:< :x 100]}] :c]
                  [[:within-group [:percentile_disc [:inline 0.25]]
                                  {:order-by [:a]}] :inter_max]
                  [[:within-group [:percentile_cont [:inline 0.25]]
                                  {:order-by [:a]}] :abs_max]]
         :from :aa})
;; newlines added for readability:
;;=> ["SELECT a, b, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE x < ?) AS c,
;;=>          PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a ASC) AS inter_max,
;;=>          PERCENTILE_CONT(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a ASC) AS abs_max
;;=>   FROM aa" 100]

There are helpers for both filter and within-group. Be careful with filter since it shadows clojure.core/filter:

(format (-> (select :a :b [(filter :%count.* (where :< :x 100)) :c]
                    [(within-group [:percentile_disc [:inline 0.25]]
                                   (order-by :a)) :inter_max]
                    [(within-group [:percentile_cont [:inline 0.25]]
                                   (order-by :a)) :abs_max])
            (from :aa)))
;; newlines added for readability:
;;=> ["SELECT a, b, COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE x < ?) AS c,
;;=>          PERCENTILE_DISC(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a ASC) AS inter_max,
;;=>          PERCENTILE_CONT(0.25) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY a ASC) AS abs_max
;;=>   FROM aa" 100]


Accepts a single argument and tries to render it as a SQL value directly in the formatted SQL string rather than turning it into a positional parameter:

  • nil becomes NULL
  • keywords and symbols become upper case entities (with - replaced by space)
  • strings become inline SQL strings (with single quotes)
  • a sequence has each element formatted inline and then joined with spaces
  • all other values are just rendered via Clojure's str function
(sql/format {:where [:= :x [:inline "foo"]]})
;;=> ["WHERE x = 'foo'"]


Accepts two arguments: an expression and a keyword (or a symbol) that represents a time unit. Produces an INTERVAL expression:

(sql/format-expr [:date_add [:now] [:interval 30 :days]])
;;=> ["DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL ? DAYS)" 30]


Accepts a single argument that can be a (SELECT) clause or a (function call) expression. Produces a LATERAL subquery clause based on the SELECT clause or the SQL expression.


Used to wrap a Clojure value that should be passed as a SQL parameter but would otherwise be treated as a SQL expression or statement, i.e., a sequence or hash map. This can be useful when dealing with JSON types:

(sql/format {:where [:= :json-col [:lift {:a 1 :b "two"}]]})
;;=> ["WHERE json_col = ?" {:a 1 :b "two"}]

Note: HoneySQL 1.x used honeysql.format/value for this.


Used to wrap an expression when you want an extra level of parentheses around it:

(sql/format {:where [:= :x 42]})
;;=> ["WHERE x = ?" 42]
(sql/format {:where [:nest [:= :x 42]]})
;;=> ["WHERE (x = ?)" 42]

:nest is also supported as a SQL clause for the same reason.


Accepts a single expression and formats it with NOT in front of it:

(sql/format-expr [:not nil])
;;=> ["NOT NULL"]
(sql/format-expr [:not [:= :x 42]])
;;=> ["NOT x = ?" 42]


In addition to the ORDER BY clause, HoneySQL also supports ORDER BY in an expression (for PostgreSQL). It accepts a SQL expression followed by an ordering specifier, which can be an expression or a pair of expression and direction (:asc or :desc):

(format {:select [[[:array_agg [:order-by :a [:b :desc]]]]] :from :table})
(format (-> (select [[:array_agg [:order-by :a [:b :desc]]]])
                (from :table)))
(format {:select [[[:string_agg :a [:order-by [:inline ","] :a]]]] :from :table})
;;=> ["SELECT STRING_AGG(a, ',' ORDER BY a ASC) FROM table"]
(format (-> (select [[:string_agg :a [:order-by [:inline ","] :a]]])
            (from :table)))
;;=> ["SELECT STRING_AGG(a, ',' ORDER BY a ASC) FROM table"]

There is no helper for the ORDER BY special syntax: the order-by helper only produces a SQL clause.


This is intended to be used with the :window and :partition-by clauses.

:over takes any number of window expressions which are either pairs or triples that have an aggregation expression, a window function, and an optional alias.

The window function may either be a SQL entity (named in a :window clause) or a SQL clause that describes the window (e.g., using :partition-by and/or :order-by).

Since a function call (using :over) needs to be wrapped in a sequence for a :select clause, it is usually easier to use the over helper function to construct this expression.


Used to identify a named parameter in a SQL expression as an alternative to a keyword (or a symbol) that begins with ?:

(sql/format {:where [:= :x :?foo]} {:params {:foo 42}})
;;=> ["WHERE x = ?" 42]
(sql/format {:where [:= :x [:param :foo]]} {:params {:foo 42}})
;;=> ["WHERE x = ?" 42]


Accepts a single argument and renders it as literal SQL in the formatted string:

(sql/format {:select [:a [[:raw "@var := foo"]]]})
;;=> ["SELECT a, @var := foo"]

If the argument is a sequence of expressions, they will each be rendered literally and joined together (with no spaces):

(sql/format {:select [:a [[:raw ["@var" " := " "foo"]]]]})
;;=> ["SELECT a, @var := foo"]

When a sequence of expressions is supplied, any subexpressions that are, in turn, sequences will be formatted as regular SQL expressions and that SQL will be joined into the result, along with any parameters from them:

(sql/format {:select [:a [[:raw ["@var := " [:inline "foo"]]]]]})
;;=> ["SELECT a, @var := 'foo'"]
(sql/format {:select [:a [[:raw ["@var := " ["foo"]]]]]})
;;=> ["SELECT a, @var := ?" "foo"]

:raw is also supported as a SQL clause for the same reason.

Column Descriptors

There are three types of descriptors that vary in how they treat their first argument. All three descriptors automatically try to inline any parameters (and will throw an exception if they can't, since these descriptors are meant to be used in column or index specifications).

foreign-key, primary-key

If no arguments are provided, these render as just SQL keywords (uppercase):

[:foreign-key] ;=> FOREIGN KEY
[:primary-key] ;=> PRIMARY KEY

Otherwise, these render as regular function calls:

[:foreign-key :a]    ;=> FOREIGN KEY(a)
[:primary-key :x :y] ;=> PRIMARY KEY(x, y)

constraint, default, references

Although these are grouped together, they are generally used differently. This group renders as SQL keywords if no arguments are provided. If a single argument is provided, this renders as a SQL keyword followed by the argument. If two or more arguments are provided, this renders as a SQL keyword followed by the first argument, followed by the rest as a regular argument list:

[:default]              ;=> DEFAULT
[:default 42]           ;=> DEFAULT 42
[:default "str"]        ;=> DEFAULT 'str'
[:constraint :name]     ;=> CONSTRAINT name
[:references :foo :bar] ;=> REFERENCES foo(bar)

index, unique

These behave like the group above except that if the first argument is nil, it is omitted:

[:index :foo :bar :quux] ;=> INDEX foo(bar, quux)
[:index nil :bar :quux]  ;=> INDEX(bar, quux)
[:unique :a :b]          ;=> UNIQUE a(b)

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