Helper functions for the built-in clauses in honey.sql.
All helper functions are inherently variadic.
In general, (helper :foo expr)
will produce {:helper [:foo expr]}
with a few exceptions: see the docstring of the helper function for details.
Typical usage is threaded, like this:
(-> (select :a :b :c)
(from :table)
(where [:= :id 42])
or conditionally like this:
(-> (select :a :b :c)
(from :table)
id (where [:= :id id]))
Therefore all helpers can take an existing DSL expression as their first argument or, if the first argument is not a hash map, an empty DSL is assumed -- an empty hash map. The above is therefore equivalent to:
(-> {}
(select :a :b :c)
(from :table)
(where [:= :id 42])
Some of the helper functions here have :arglists
in an attempt to provide better hints for auto-complete in
editors but those :arglists
always omit the DSL argument
to avoid duplicating the various argument lists. When you
see an auto-complete suggestion like:
bulk-collect-into [varname] [varname n]
bear in mind that a DSL hash map can always be threaded in so the following (pseudo) arities are also available:
bulk-collect-into [dsl varname] [dsl varname n]
The actual arguments are:
bulk-collect-info [& args]
(as they are for all helper functions).
Helper functions for the built-in clauses in honey.sql. All helper functions are inherently variadic. In general, `(helper :foo expr)` will produce `{:helper [:foo expr]}`, with a few exceptions: see the docstring of the helper function for details. Typical usage is threaded, like this: ``` (-> (select :a :b :c) (from :table) (where [:= :id 42]) (sql/format)) ``` or conditionally like this: ``` (-> (select :a :b :c) (from :table) (cond-> id (where [:= :id id])) (sql/format)) ``` Therefore all helpers can take an existing DSL expression as their first argument or, if the first argument is not a hash map, an empty DSL is assumed -- an empty hash map. The above is therefore equivalent to: ``` (-> {} (select :a :b :c) (from :table) (where [:= :id 42]) (sql/format)) ``` Some of the helper functions here have `:arglists` metadata in an attempt to provide better hints for auto-complete in editors but those `:arglists` _always omit the DSL argument_ to avoid duplicating the various argument lists. When you see an auto-complete suggestion like: bulk-collect-into [varname] [varname n] bear in mind that a DSL hash map can always be threaded in so the following (pseudo) arities are also available: bulk-collect-into [dsl varname] [dsl varname n] The actual arguments are: bulk-collect-info [& args] (as they are for all helper functions).
(add-column & col-elems)
Add a single column to a table (see alter-table
Accepts any number of SQL elements that describe a column:
(add-column :name [:varchar 32] [:not nil])
Add a single column to a table (see `alter-table`). Accepts any number of SQL elements that describe a column: (add-column :name [:varchar 32] [:not nil])
(add-index & index-elems)
Like add-column, this accepts any number of SQL elements that describe a new index to be added:
(add-index :unique :name-key :first-name :last-name)
Produces: UNIQUE name_key(first_name, last_name)
Like add-column, this accepts any number of SQL elements that describe a new index to be added: (add-index :unique :name-key :first-name :last-name) Produces: UNIQUE name_key(first_name, last_name)
(alter-column & col-elems)
Like add-column, accepts any number of SQL elements that describe the new column definition:
(alter-column :name [:varchar 64] [:not nil])
Like add-column, accepts any number of SQL elements that describe the new column definition: (alter-column :name [:varchar 64] [:not nil])
(alter-table table & clauses)
Alter table takes a SQL entity (the name of the table to modify) and any number of optional SQL clauses to be applied in a single statement.
(alter-table :foo (add-column :id :int nil))
If only the SQL entity is provided, the result needs to be combined with another SQL clause to modify the table.
(-> (alter-table :foo) (add-column :id :int nil))
Alter table takes a SQL entity (the name of the table to modify) and any number of optional SQL clauses to be applied in a single statement. (alter-table :foo (add-column :id :int nil)) If only the SQL entity is provided, the result needs to be combined with another SQL clause to modify the table. (-> (alter-table :foo) (add-column :id :int nil))
(assert expr)
Accepts an expression (predicate).
Produces: ASSERT expression
Accepts an expression (predicate). Produces: ASSERT expression
(bulk-collect-into varname)
(bulk-collect-into varname n)
Accepts a variable name, optionally followed by a limit expression.
Accepts a variable name, optionally followed by a limit expression.
(columns & cols)
To be used with insert-into
to specify the list of
column names for the insert operation. Accepts any number
of column names:
(-> (insert-into :foo) (columns :a :b :c) (values [[1 2 3] [2 4 6]]))
Produces: INSERT INTO foo (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?) Parameters: 1 2 3 2 4 6
To be used with `insert-into` to specify the list of column names for the insert operation. Accepts any number of column names: (-> (insert-into :foo) (columns :a :b :c) (values [[1 2 3] [2 4 6]])) Produces: INSERT INTO foo (a, b, c) VALUES (?, ?, ?), (?, ?, ?) Parameters: 1 2 3 2 4 6
(compare-with & args)
Accepts a time interval such as:
(compare-with 1 :week :ago)
Accepts a time interval such as: (compare-with 1 :week :ago) Produces: COMPARE WITH 1 WEEK AGO
(composite & args)
Accepts any number of SQL expressions and produces a composite value from them:
(composite :a 42)
Produces: (a, ?) Parameters: 42
Accepts any number of SQL expressions and produces a composite value from them: (composite :a 42) Produces: (a, ?) Parameters: 42
(create-extension extension)
(create-extension extension if-not-exists)
Accepts an extension name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL:
(create-extension :postgis) (create-extension :postgis :if-not-exists)
Accepts an extension name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL: (create-extension :postgis) (create-extension :postgis :if-not-exists)
(create-index & args)
Accepts an index spexification and a column specification. The column specification consists of table name and one or more columns.
(create-index :name-of-idx [:table :col]) (create-index :name-of-idx [:table :col1 :col2]) (create-index [:unique :name-of-idx] [:table :col])
PostgreSQL also supports :if-not-exists and expressions instead of columns.
(create-index [:name-of-idx :if-not-exists] [:table :%lower.col])
Accepts an index spexification and a column specification. The column specification consists of table name and one or more columns. (create-index :name-of-idx [:table :col]) (create-index :name-of-idx [:table :col1 :col2]) (create-index [:unique :name-of-idx] [:table :col]) PostgreSQL also supports :if-not-exists and expressions instead of columns. (create-index [:name-of-idx :if-not-exists] [:table :%lower.col])
(create-materialized-view view)
Accepts a single view name to create.
(-> (create-materialized-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city)) (with-data true)
Accepts a single view name to create. (-> (create-materialized-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city)) (with-data true)
(create-or-replace-view view)
Accepts a single view name to create.
(-> (create-or-replace-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city))
Accepts a single view name to create. (-> (create-or-replace-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city))
(create-table table)
(create-table table if-not-exists)
Accepts a table name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL:
(create-table :foo) (create-table :foo :if-not-exists)
Accepts a table name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL: (create-table :foo) (create-table :foo :if-not-exists)
(create-table-as table)
(create-table-as table if-not-exists)
Accepts a table name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL:
(create-table-as :foo) (create-table-as :foo :if-not-exists)
Accepts a table name to create and optionally a flag to trigger IF NOT EXISTS in the SQL: (create-table-as :foo) (create-table-as :foo :if-not-exists)
(create-view view)
Accepts a single view name to create.
(-> (create-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city))
Accepts a single view name to create. (-> (create-view :cities) (select :*) (from :city))
(cross-join & args)
Accepts one or more CROSS JOIN expressions. Each cross join expression is specified as a table name (or a pair of table and alias):
(cross-join :table) (cross-join [:table :t])
Produces: CROSS JOIN table CROSS JOIN table AS t
Accepts one or more CROSS JOIN expressions. Each cross join expression is specified as a table name (or a pair of table and alias): (cross-join :table) (cross-join [:table :t]) Produces: CROSS JOIN table CROSS JOIN table AS t
(delete table-coll)
For deleting from multiple tables. Accepts a collection of table names to delete from.
(-> (delete [:films :directors]) (where [:= :id 1]))
For deleting from multiple tables. Accepts a collection of table names to delete from. (-> (delete [:films :directors]) (where [:= :id 1]))
(delete-from table)
For deleting from a single table. Accepts a single table name to delete from.
(-> (delete-from :films) (where [:= :id 1]))
For deleting from a single table. Accepts a single table name to delete from. (-> (delete-from :films) (where [:= :id 1]))
(distinct & args)
Like select-distinct
but produces DISTINCT...
Like `select-distinct` but produces DISTINCT...
Called with no arguments, produces DO NOTHING
Called with no arguments, produces DO NOTHING
(do-update-set field-where-map)
(do-update-set column-value-map)
(do-update-set column* opt-where-clause)
Accepts one or more columns to update, or a hash map
of column/value pairs (like set
), optionally followed
by a WHERE
clause. Can also accept a single hash map
with a :fields
entry specifying the columns to update
and a :where
entry specifying the WHERE
Accepts one or more columns to update, or a hash map of column/value pairs (like `set`), optionally followed by a `WHERE` clause. Can also accept a single hash map with a `:fields` entry specifying the columns to update and a `:where` entry specifying the `WHERE` clause.
(drop-column col)
Takes one or more column names (use with alter-table
Accepts an IF EXISTS
flag (keyword or symbol) before
any column names.
(alter-table :foo (drop-column :bar :if-exists :quux))
Takes one or more column names (use with `alter-table`). Accepts an `IF EXISTS` flag (keyword or symbol) before any column names. (alter-table :foo (drop-column :bar :if-exists :quux))
(drop-extension & extensions)
Accepts one or more extension names to drop.
Accepts one or more extension names to drop.
(drop-index & args)
Like drop-table, accepts a single index name:
(drop-index :name-key)
Like drop-table, accepts a single index name: (drop-index :name-key)
(drop-materialized-view & views)
Accepts one or more materialied view names to drop.
Accepts one or more materialied view names to drop.
(drop-table & tables)
Accepts one or more table names to drop.
(drop-table :foo)
Accepts one or more table names to drop. (drop-table :foo)
(drop-view & views)
Accepts one or more view names to drop.
Accepts one or more view names to drop.
(erase-from table)
For erasing (hard delete) from a single table (XTDB). Accepts a single table name to erase from.
(-> (erase-from :films) (where [:= :id 1]))
For erasing (hard delete) from a single table (XTDB). Accepts a single table name to erase from. (-> (erase-from :films) (where [:= :id 1]))
(except & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set except.
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set except.
(except-all & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set except all.
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set except all.
(exclude & args)
Accepts one or more column names to exclude from a select list.
Accepts one or more column names to exclude from a select list.
(expr & args)
Like distinct
but produces ... (i.e., just the expression that follows).
Like `distinct` but produces ... (i.e., just the expression that follows).
(facet & args)
Accepts any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased):
(facet :id [:foo :bar] [[:max :quux]])
Produces: FACET id, foo AS bar, MAX(quux)
Accepts any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased): (facet :id [:foo :bar] [[:max :quux]]) Produces: FACET id, foo AS bar, MAX(quux)
(fetch limit)
Accepts a single SQL expression:
(fetch 10)
Produces: FETCH ? ONLY Parameters: 10
Accepts a single SQL expression: (fetch 10) Produces: FETCH ? ONLY Parameters: 10
(filter expr1 clause1 & more)
Accepts alternating expressions and clauses and produces a FILTER expression:
(filter :%count.* (where :> i 5))
Produces: COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE i > ?) Parameters: 5
Accepts alternating expressions and clauses and produces a FILTER expression: (filter :%count.* (where :> i 5)) Produces: COUNT(*) FILTER (WHERE i > ?) Parameters: 5
(for lock-strength table* qualifier*)
Accepts a lock strength, optionally followed by one or more table names, optionally followed by a qualifier.
Accepts a lock strength, optionally followed by one or more table names, optionally followed by a qualifier.
(from & tables)
Accepts one or more table names, or table/alias pairs.
(-> (select :*) (from [:foo :bar]))
Produces: SELECT * FROM foo AS bar
Accepts one or more table names, or table/alias pairs. (-> (select :*) (from [:foo :bar])) Produces: SELECT * FROM foo AS bar
(full-join & args)
Accepts one or more FULL JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(full-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (full-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: FULL JOIN table ON = table.foo_id FULL JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
Accepts one or more FULL JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (full-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (full-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: FULL JOIN table ON = table.foo_id FULL JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(generic-helper-unary k args)
Clauses that accept only a single item can be implemented using this helper, as:
(defn my-helper [& args] (generic-helper-unary :my-clause args))
Even though your helper is designed for clauses that accept only a single item, you should still define it as variadic, because that is the convention all helpers use here.
Clauses that accept only a single item can be implemented using this helper, as: (defn my-helper [& args] (generic-helper-unary :my-clause args)) Even though your helper is designed for clauses that accept only a single item, you should still define it as variadic, because that is the convention all helpers use here.
(generic-helper-variadic k args)
Most clauses that accept a sequence of items can be implemented using this helper, as:
(defn my-helper [& args] (generic-helper-variadic :my-clause args))
Most clauses that accept a sequence of items can be implemented using this helper, as: (defn my-helper [& args] (generic-helper-variadic :my-clause args))
(group-by & args)
Accepts one or more SQL expressions to group by.
(group-by :foo :bar) (group-by [:date :baz])
Produces: GROUP BY foo, bar GROUP BY DATE(baz)
Accepts one or more SQL expressions to group by. (group-by :foo :bar) (group-by [:date :baz]) Produces: GROUP BY foo, bar GROUP BY DATE(baz)
(having & exprs)
Like where
, accepts one or more SQL expressions
(conditions) and combines them with AND (by default):
(having [:> :count 0] [:<> :name nil]) or: (having :and [:> :count 0] [:<> :name nil])
Produces: HAVING (count > ?) AND (name IS NOT NULL) Parameters: 0
(having :> :count 0)
Produces: HAVING count > ? Parameters: 0
(having :or [:> :count 0] [:= :name ""])
Produces: HAVING (count > ?) OR (name = ?) Parameters: 0 ""
Like `where`, accepts one or more SQL expressions (conditions) and combines them with AND (by default): (having [:> :count 0] [:<> :name nil]) or: (having :and [:> :count 0] [:<> :name nil]) Produces: HAVING (count > ?) AND (name IS NOT NULL) Parameters: 0 (having :> :count 0) Produces: HAVING count > ? Parameters: 0 (having :or [:> :count 0] [:= :name ""]) Produces: HAVING (count > ?) OR (name = ?) Parameters: 0 ""
(inner-join & args)
An alternative name to join
, this accepts one or
more INNER JOIN expressions. Each join expression
is specified as a pair of arguments, where the
first one is the table name (or a pair of table
and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(inner-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (inner-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: INNER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id INNER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
An alternative name to `join`, this accepts one or more INNER JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (inner-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (inner-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: INNER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id INNER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(insert-into table)
(insert-into table cols)
(insert-into table statement)
(insert-into table cols statement)
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause.
(insert-into :table) (insert-into [:table :t]) (insert-into :table [:id :name :cost]) (insert-into :table (-> (select :) (from :other))) (insert-into [:table :t] [:id :name :cost] (-> (select :) (from :other)))
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause. (insert-into :table) (insert-into [:table :t]) (insert-into :table [:id :name :cost]) (insert-into :table (-> (select :*) (from :other))) (insert-into [:table :t] [:id :name :cost] (-> (select :*) (from :other)))
(intersect & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set intersection.
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set intersection.
(into table)
(into table dbname)
Accepts table name, optionally followed a database name.
Accepts table name, optionally followed a database name.
(join & args)
Accepts one or more (INNER) JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: INNER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id INNER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
Accepts one or more (INNER) JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: INNER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id INNER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(join-by & args)
Accepts a sequence of join clauses to be generated in a specific order.
(-> (select :*) (from :foo) (join-by :left [:bar [:=]] :join [:quux [:= :bar.qid]]))
This produces a LEFT JOIN followed by an INNER JOIN
even though the 'natural' order for left-join
would be to generate the INNER JOIN first,
followed by the LEFT JOIN.
Accepts a sequence of join clauses to be generated in a specific order. (-> (select :*) (from :foo) (join-by :left [:bar [:=]] :join [:quux [:= :bar.qid]])) This produces a LEFT JOIN followed by an INNER JOIN even though the 'natural' order for `left-join` and `join` would be to generate the INNER JOIN first, followed by the LEFT JOIN.
(lateral clause-or-expression)
Accepts a SQL clause or a SQL expression:
(lateral (-> (select '*) (from 'foo))) (lateral '(calc_value bar))
Accepts a SQL clause or a SQL expression: (lateral (-> (select '*) (from 'foo))) (lateral '(calc_value bar)) Produces: LATERAL (SELECT * FROM foo) LATERAL CALC_VALUE(bar)
(left-join & args)
Accepts one or more LEFT JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(left-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (left-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: LEFT JOIN table ON = table.foo_id LEFT JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
Accepts one or more LEFT JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (left-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (left-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: LEFT JOIN table ON = table.foo_id LEFT JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(limit limit)
Specific to some databases (notabley MySQL), accepts a single SQL expression:
(limit 40)
Produces: LIMIT ? Parameters: 40
The two-argument syntax is not supported: use offset
LIMIT 20,10
is equivalent to LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20
(-> (limit 10) (offset 20))
Specific to some databases (notabley MySQL), accepts a single SQL expression: (limit 40) Produces: LIMIT ? Parameters: 40 The two-argument syntax is not supported: use `offset` instead: `LIMIT 20,10` is equivalent to `LIMIT 10 OFFSET 20` (-> (limit 10) (offset 20))
(lock lock-mode)
Intended for MySQL, this accepts a lock mode.
It will accept the same type of syntax as for
though MySQL's lock
clause is less powerful.
Intended for MySQL, this accepts a lock mode. It will accept the same type of syntax as `for` even though MySQL's `lock` clause is less powerful.
(modify-column & col-elems)
Like add-column, accepts any number of SQL elements that describe the new column definition:
(modify-column :name [:varchar 64] [:not nil])
MySQL-specific, deprecated. Use alter-column
specify the MySQL dialect to get MODIFY COLUMN
Like add-column, accepts any number of SQL elements that describe the new column definition: (modify-column :name [:varchar 64] [:not nil]) MySQL-specific, deprecated. Use `alter-column` and specify the MySQL dialect to get `MODIFY COLUMN`.
(offset offset)
Accepts a single SQL expression:
(offset 10)
Produces: OFFSET ? Parameters: 10
Accepts a single SQL expression: (offset 10) Produces: OFFSET ? Parameters: 10
(on-conflict column* where-clause)
Accepts zero or more SQL entities (keywords or symbols),
optionally followed by a single SQL clause ({:where <condition>}
Ex.: (on-conflict :mom :dad {:where [:= :race "human"]}
Accepts zero or more SQL entities (keywords or symbols), optionally followed by a single SQL clause (`{:where <condition>}`). Ex.: `(on-conflict :mom :dad {:where [:= :race "human"]}`
(on-constraint constraint)
Accepts a single constraint name.
Accepts a single constraint name.
(on-duplicate-key-update column-value-map)
MySQL's upsert facility. Accepts a hash map of
column/value pairs to be updated (like set
MySQL's upsert facility. Accepts a hash map of column/value pairs to be updated (like `set` does).
(order-by & args)
Accepts one or more expressions to order by.
An ordering expression may be a simple column name
which is assumed to be ordered ASC
, or a pair of
an expression and a direction (:asc
or :desc
(order-by :foo) (order-by [:bar :desc]) (order-by [[:date :baz] :asc])
Accepts one or more expressions to order by. An ordering expression may be a simple column name which is assumed to be ordered `ASC`, or a pair of an expression and a direction (`:asc` or `:desc`): (order-by :foo) (order-by [:bar :desc]) (order-by [[:date :baz] :asc]) Produces: ORDER BY foo ASC ORDER BY bar DESC ORDER BY DATE(baz) ASC
(outer-join & args)
Accepts one or more OUTER JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(outer-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (outer-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: OUTER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id OUTER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
Accepts one or more OUTER JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (outer-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (outer-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: OUTER JOIN table ON = table.foo_id OUTER JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(over & args)
Accepts any number of OVER clauses, each of which is a pair of an aggregate function and a window function or a triple of an aggregate function, a window function, and an alias:
(select :id (over [[:avg :salary] (partition-by :department)]))
Produces: SELECT id, AVG(salary) OVER ()PARTITION BY department)
Accepts any number of OVER clauses, each of which is a pair of an aggregate function and a window function or a triple of an aggregate function, a window function, and an alias: (select :id (over [[:avg :salary] (partition-by :department)])) Produces: SELECT id, AVG(salary) OVER ()PARTITION BY department)
(partition-by & args)
Accepts one or more columns or SQL expressions to
partition by as part of a WINDOW
Accepts one or more columns or SQL expressions to partition by as part of a `WINDOW` expression.
(patch-into table)
(patch-into table cols)
(patch-into table statement)
(patch-into table cols statement)
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause.
The arguments are identical to insert-into. The PATCH INTO statement is only supported by XTDB.
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause. The arguments are identical to insert-into. The PATCH INTO statement is only supported by XTDB.
(records & args)
Produces RECORDS {...}, {...}, ...
Like values
so it accepts a collection of maps.
Produces RECORDS {...}, {...}, ... Like `values` so it accepts a collection of maps.
(refresh-materialized-view view)
Accepts a materialied view name to refresh.
Accepts a materialied view name to refresh.
(rename & args)
Accepts one or more column names with aliases to rename in a select list.
Accepts one or more column names with aliases to rename in a select list.
(rename-column old-col new-col)
Accepts two column names: the original name and the new name to which it should be renamed:
(rename-column :name :full-name)
Accepts two column names: the original name and the new name to which it should be renamed: (rename-column :name :full-name)
(rename-table new-table)
Accepts a single table name and, despite its name, actually means RENAME TO:
(alter-table :foo (rename-table :bar))
Produces: ALTER TABLE foo RENAME TO bar
Accepts a single table name and, despite its name, actually means RENAME TO: (alter-table :foo (rename-table :bar)) Produces: ALTER TABLE foo RENAME TO bar
(replace-into table)
(replace-into table cols)
(replace-into table statement)
(replace-into table cols statement)
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause.
The arguments are identical to insert-into. The REPLACE INTO statement is only supported by MySQL and SQLite.
Accepts a table name or a table/alias pair. That can optionally be followed by a collection of column names. That can optionally be followed by a (select) statement clause. The arguments are identical to insert-into. The REPLACE INTO statement is only supported by MySQL and SQLite.
(returning & cols)
Accepts any number of column names to return from an insert operation:
(returning :*) and (returning :a :b)
Produce: RETURNING * and RETURNING a, b respectively.
Accepts any number of column names to return from an insert operation: (returning :*) and (returning :a :b) Produce: RETURNING * and RETURNING a, b respectively.
(right-join & args)
Accepts one or more RIGHT JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition:
(right-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (right-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id])
Produces: RIGHT JOIN table ON = table.foo_id RIGHT JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
Accepts one or more RIGHT JOIN expressions. Each join expression is specified as a pair of arguments, where the first one is the table name (or a pair of table and alias) and the second one is the join condition: (right-join :table [:= :table.foo_id]) (right-join [:table :t] [:= :t.foo_id]) Produces: RIGHT JOIN table ON = table.foo_id RIGHT JOIN table AS t ON = t.foo_id
(select & exprs)
Accepts any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased):
(select :id [:foo :bar] [[:max :quux]])
Produces: SELECT id, foo AS bar, MAX(quux)
The special column name :* produces * for 'all columns'. You can also specify :t.* for 'all columns' from the table (or alias) t.
Accepts any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased): (select :id [:foo :bar] [[:max :quux]]) Produces: SELECT id, foo AS bar, MAX(quux) The special column name :* produces * for 'all columns'. You can also specify :t.* for 'all columns' from the table (or alias) t.
(select-distinct & args)
Like select
but produces SELECT DISTINCT.
Like `select` but produces SELECT DISTINCT.
(select-distinct-on distinct-cols & exprs)
Accepts a sequence of one or more columns for the
distinct clause, followed by any number of column
names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions
(optionally aliased), as for select
(select-distinct-on [:a :b] :c [:d :dd])
Produces: SELECT DISTINCT ON(a, b) c, d AS dd
Accepts a sequence of one or more columns for the distinct clause, followed by any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased), as for `select`: (select-distinct-on [:a :b] :c [:d :dd]) Produces: SELECT DISTINCT ON(a, b) c, d AS dd
(select-distinct-top & args)
Like select-top
but produces SELECT DISTINCT TOP...
Like `select-top` but produces SELECT DISTINCT TOP...
(select-top & args)
Accepts a TOP expression, followed by any number of
column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions
(optionally aliased), as for select
. The TOP expression
can be a simple numeric expression, or a sequence with
a numeric expression followed by keywords (or symbols)
Accepts a TOP expression, followed by any number of column names, or column/alias pairs, or SQL expressions (optionally aliased), as for `select`. The TOP expression can be a simple numeric expression, or a sequence with a numeric expression followed by keywords (or symbols) for PERCENT and/or WITH TIES.
(set col-set-map)
Accepts a hash map specifying column names and the
values to be assigned to them, as part of update
(-> (update :foo) (set {:a 1 :b nil}))
Produces: UPDATE foo SET a = ?, b = NULL
Accepts a hash map specifying column names and the values to be assigned to them, as part of `update`: (-> (update :foo) (set {:a 1 :b nil})) Produces: UPDATE foo SET a = ?, b = NULL
(setting & args)
Accepts one or more time settings for a query.
Accepts one or more time settings for a query.
(since & args)
Accepts a time interval such as:
(since 2 :days :ago)
Produces: SINCE 2 DAYS AGO
Accepts a time interval such as: (since 2 :days :ago) Produces: SINCE 2 DAYS AGO
(table name)
Accepts a single table name and produces TABLE name
This is equivalent to: SELECT * FROM name
Accepts a single table name and produces TABLE name This is equivalent to: SELECT * FROM name
(timeseries & args)
Accepts a time interval such as:
(timeseries 1 :day)
(timeseries :auto)
Accepts a time interval such as: (timeseries 1 :day) or: (timeseries :auto) Produces: TIMESERIES 1 DAY Or: TIMESERIES AUTO
(truncate table)
Accepts a single table name to truncate.
Accepts a single table name to truncate.
(union & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set union.
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set union.
(union-all & clauses)
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set union all.
Accepts any number of SQL clauses (queries) on which to perform a set union all.
(until & args)
Accepts a time interval such as:
(until 1 :month :ago)
Accepts a time interval such as: (until 1 :month :ago) Produces: UNTIL 1 MONTH AGO
(update table)
Accepts either a table name or a table/alias pair.
(-> (update :table) (set {:id 1 :cost 32.1}))
Accepts either a table name or a table/alias pair. (-> (update :table) (set {:id 1 :cost 32.1}))
(upsert clause)
(upsert data clause)
Provided purely to ease migration from nilenso/honeysql-postgres this accepts a single clause, constructed from on-conflict, do-nothing or do-update-set, and where. Any of those are optional.
This helper unpacks that clause and turns it into what HoneySQL
2.x expects, with any where clause being an argument to the
do-update-set helper, along with the :fields
(-> ... (upsert (-> (on-conflict :col) do-nothing))) (-> ... (upsert (-> (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set :x) (where [:<> :x nil]))))
HoneySQL 2.x:
(-> ... (on-conflict :col) do-nothing) (-> ... (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set {:fields [:x] :where [:<> :x nil]}))
Alternative structure for that second one:
(-> ... (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set :x {:where [:<> :x nil]}))
Provided purely to ease migration from nilenso/honeysql-postgres this accepts a single clause, constructed from on-conflict, do-nothing or do-update-set, and where. Any of those are optional. This helper unpacks that clause and turns it into what HoneySQL 2.x expects, with any where clause being an argument to the do-update-set helper, along with the `:fields`. nilenso/honeysql-postgres: (-> ... (upsert (-> (on-conflict :col) do-nothing))) (-> ... (upsert (-> (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set :x) (where [:<> :x nil])))) HoneySQL 2.x: (-> ... (on-conflict :col) do-nothing) (-> ... (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set {:fields [:x] :where [:<> :x nil]})) Alternative structure for that second one: (-> ... (on-conflict :col) (do-update-set :x {:where [:<> :x nil]}))
(using & args)
Accepts similar arguments to select
as part of
Accepts similar arguments to `select` as part of a SQL `USING` clause.
(values row-value-coll)
Accepts a single argument: a collection of row values. Each row value can be either a sequence of column values or a hash map of column name/column value pairs.
Used with insert-into
(-> (insert-into :foo) (values [{:id 1, :name "John"} {:id 2, :name "Fred"}]))
Produces: INSERT INTO foo (id, name) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?) Parameters: 1 "John" 2 "Fred"
Accepts a single argument: a collection of row values. Each row value can be either a sequence of column values or a hash map of column name/column value pairs. Used with `insert-into`. (-> (insert-into :foo) (values [{:id 1, :name "John"} {:id 2, :name "Fred"}])) Produces: INSERT INTO foo (id, name) VALUES (?, ?), (?, ?) Parameters: 1 "John" 2 "Fred"
(where & exprs)
Accepts one or more SQL expressions (conditions) and combines them with AND (by default):
(where [:= :status 0] [:<> :task "backup"]) or: (where :and [:= :status 0] [:<> :task "backup"])
Produces: WHERE (status = ?) AND (task <> ?) Parameters: 0 "backup"
For a single expression, the brackets can be omitted:
(where := :status 0) ; same as (where [:= :status 0])
With multiple expressions, the conjunction may be specified as a leading symbol:
(where :or [:= :status 0] [:= :task "stop"])
Produces: WHERE (status = 0) OR (task = ?) Parameters: 0 "stop"
Accepts one or more SQL expressions (conditions) and combines them with AND (by default): (where [:= :status 0] [:<> :task "backup"]) or: (where :and [:= :status 0] [:<> :task "backup"]) Produces: WHERE (status = ?) AND (task <> ?) Parameters: 0 "backup" For a single expression, the brackets can be omitted: (where := :status 0) ; same as (where [:= :status 0]) With multiple expressions, the conjunction may be specified as a leading symbol: (where :or [:= :status 0] [:= :task "stop"]) Produces: WHERE (status = 0) OR (task = ?) Parameters: 0 "stop"
(window & args)
Accepts a window name followed by a partition by clause.
Accepts a window name followed by a partition by clause.
(with & args)
Accepts one or more CTE definitions.
See the documentation for the :with
Accepts one or more CTE definitions. See the documentation for the `:with` clause.
(with-columns col-spec-coll)
(with-columns & col-specs)
Accepts any number of column descriptions. Each column description is a sequence of SQL elements that specify the name and the attributes.
(with-columns [:id :int [:not nil]] [:name [:varchar 32] [:default ""]])
Produces: id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT ''
Can also accept a single argument which is a collection of column descriptions (mostly for compatibility with nilenso/honeysql-postgres which used to be needed for DDL).
Accepts any number of column descriptions. Each column description is a sequence of SQL elements that specify the name and the attributes. (with-columns [:id :int [:not nil]] [:name [:varchar 32] [:default ""]]) Produces: id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR(32) DEFAULT '' Can also accept a single argument which is a collection of column descriptions (mostly for compatibility with nilenso/honeysql-postgres which used to be needed for DDL).
(with-data data?)
Accepts a Boolean determining WITH DATA vs WITH NO DATA.
Accepts a Boolean determining WITH DATA vs WITH NO DATA.
(with-recursive & args)
Accepts one or more CTE definitions.
See the documentation for the :with
Accepts one or more CTE definitions. See the documentation for the `:with` clause.
(within-group expr1 clause1 & more)
Accepts alternating expressions and clauses and produces a WITHIN GROUP expression:
(within-group :%count.* (where :> i 5))
Produces: COUNT(*) WITHIN GROUP (WHERE i > ?) Parameters: 5
Accepts alternating expressions and clauses and produces a WITHIN GROUP expression: (within-group :%count.* (where :> i 5)) Produces: COUNT(*) WITHIN GROUP (WHERE i > ?) Parameters: 5
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