The next.jdbc
library provides a simpler, faster alternative to the
Contrib library and is the next step in the evolution of that library.
It is designed to work with Clojure 1.10 or later, supports datafy
, and by default produces hash maps with automatically qualified keywords, indicating source tables and column names (labels), if your database supports that.
You must be using Clojure 1.10 or later. 1.12.0 is the most recent stable version of Clojure (as of March 15th, 2024).
You can add next.jdbc
to your project with either:
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.1002"}
for deps.edn
[com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc "1.3.1002"]
for project.clj
or build.boot
In addition, you will need to add dependencies for the JDBC drivers you wish to use for whatever databases you are using. For example:
com.mysql/mysql-connector-j {:mvn/version "9.1.0"}
(search for latest version)org.postgresql/postgresql {:mvn/version "42.7.4"}
(search for latest version) {:mvn/version "12.8.1.jre11"}
(search for latest version)org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc {:mvn/version ""}
(search for latest version)Note: these are the versions that
is tested against but there may be more recent versions and those should generally work too -- click the "search for latest version" link to see all available versions of those drivers on Maven Central. You can see the full list of drivers and versions thatnext.jdbc
is tested against in the project'sdeps.edn
file, but many other JDBC drivers for other databases should also work (e.g., Oracle, Red Shift).
To start using next.jdbc
, you need to create a datasource (an instance of javax.sql.DataSource
). You can use next.jdbc/get-datasource
with either a "db-spec" -- a hash map describing the database you wish to connect to -- or a JDBC URL string. Or you can construct a datasource from one of the connection pooling libraries out there, such as HikariCP or c3p0 -- see Connection Pooling below.
For the examples in this documentation, we will use a local H2 database on disk, and we'll use the Clojure CLI tools and deps.edn
;; deps.edn
{:deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.12.0"}
com.github.seancorfield/next.jdbc {:mvn/version "1.3.1002"}
com.h2database/h2 {:mvn/version "2.3.232"}}}
In this REPL session, we'll define an H2 datasource, create a database with a simple table, and then add some data and query it:
> clj
Clojure 1.12.0
user=> (require '[next.jdbc :as jdbc])
user=> (def db {:dbtype "h2" :dbname "example"})
user=> (def ds (jdbc/get-datasource db))
user=> (jdbc/execute! ds ["
create table address (
id int auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(32),
email varchar(255)
[#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}]
user=> (jdbc/execute! ds ["
insert into address(name,email)
values('Sean Corfield','')"])
[#:next.jdbc{:update-count 1}]
user=> (jdbc/execute! ds ["select * from address"])
[#:ADDRESS{:ID 1, :NAME "Sean Corfield", :EMAIL ""}]
We described the database with just :dbtype
and :dbname
because it is created as a local file and needs no authentication. For most databases, you would need :user
and :password
for authentication, and if the database is running on a remote machine you would need :host
and possibly :port
tries to guess the correct port based on the :dbtype
Note: You can see the full list of
values supported in next.jdbc/get-datasource's docstring. If you need this programmatically, you can get it from the next.jdbc.connection/dbtypes hash map. If those lists differ, the hash map is the definitive list (and I'll need to fix the docstring!). The docstring of that Var explains how to tellnext.jdbc
about additional databases.
The hash map can contain arbitrary keys and values: any keys not specifically
recognized by next.jdbc
will be passed through to the JDBC driver as part
of the connection string. For example, if you specify :useSSL false
, then
the connection string will have &useSSL=false
appended to it.
If you already have a JDBC URL (string), you can use that as-is instead of the db-spec hash map. If you have a JDBC URL and still need additional options passed into the JDBC driver, you can use a hash map with the :jdbcUrl
key specifying the string and whatever additional options you need.
& execute-one!
We used execute!
to create the address
table, to insert a new row into it, and to query it. In all three cases, execute!
returns a vector of hash maps with namespace-qualified keys, representing the result set from the operation, if available.
If the result set contains no rows, execute!
returns an empty vector []
When no result set is available, next.jdbc
returns a "result set" containing the "update count" from the operation (which is usually the number of rows affected; note that :builder-fn
does not affect this fake "result set"). By default, H2 uses uppercase names and next.jdbc
returns these as-is.
If you only want a single row back -- the first row of any result set, generated keys, or update counts -- you can use execute-one!
instead. Continuing the REPL session, we'll insert another address and ask for the generated keys to be returned, and then we'll query for a single row:
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["
insert into address(name,email)
values('Someone Else','')
"] {:return-keys true})
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["select * from address where id = ?" 2])
#:ADDRESS{:ID 2, :NAME "Someone Else", :EMAIL ""}
Since we used execute-one!
, we get just one row back (a hash map). This also shows how you provide parameters to SQL statements -- with ?
in the SQL and then the corresponding parameter values in the vector after the SQL string.
If the result set contains no rows, execute-one!
returns nil
When no result is available, and next.jdbc
returns a fake "result set" containing the "update count", execute-one!
returns just a single hash map with the key next.jdbc/update-count
and the number of rows updated.
In the same way that you would use execute-one!
if you only want one row or one update count, compared to execute!
for multiple rows or a vector containing an update count, you can also ask execute!
to return multiple result sets -- such as might be returned from a stored procedure call, or a T-SQL script (for SQL Server), or multiple statements (for MySQL) -- instead of just one. If you pass the :multi-rs true
option to execute!
, you will get back a vector of results sets, instead of just one result set: a vector of zero or more vectors. The result may well be a mix of vectors containing realized rows and vectors containing update counts, reflecting the results from specific SQL operations in the stored procedure or script.
Note: In general, you should use
for DDL operations since you will only get back an update count. If you have a SQL statement that you know will only return an update count,execute-one!
is the right choice. If you have a SQL statement that you know will only return a single row in the result set, you probably want to useexecute-one!
. If you useexecute-one!
for a SQL statement that would return multiple rows in a result set, even though you will only get the first row back (as a hash map), the full result set will still be retrieved from the database -- it does not limit the SQL in any way.
All functions in next.jdbc
(except get-datasource
) can accept, as the optional last argument, a hash map containing a variety of options that control the behavior of the next.jdbc
We saw :return-keys
provided as an option to the execute-one!
function above and mentioned the :builder-fn
option just above that. As noted, the default behavior is to return rows as hash maps with namespace-qualified keywords identifying the column names with the table name as the qualifier. There's a whole chapter on result set builders but here's a quick example showing how to get unqualified, lower case keywords instead:
user=> (require '[next.jdbc.result-set :as rs])
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["
insert into address(name,email)
values('Someone Else','')
"] {:return-keys true :builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-lower-maps})
{:id 3}
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["select * from address where id = ?" 3]
{:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-lower-maps})
{:id 3, :name "Someone Else", :email ""}
Relying on the default result set builder -- and table-qualified column names -- is the recommended approach to take, if possible, with a few caveats:
so it will only produce unqualified column names (also mentioned in Tips & Tricks),as
) to make the column names distinct,If you want to pass the same set of options into several operations, you can use next.jdbc/with-options
to wrap your datasource (or connection) in a way that will pass "default options". Here's the example above rewritten with that:
user=> (require '[next.jdbc.result-set :as rs])
user=> (def ds-opts (jdbc/with-options ds {:builder-fn rs/as-unqualified-lower-maps}))
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds-opts ["
insert into address(name,email)
values('Someone Else','')
"] {:return-keys true})
{:id 4}
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds-opts ["select * from address where id = ?" 4])
{:id 4, :name "Someone Else", :email ""}
Note: See the
examples in the Datasources, Connections & Transactions below for some caveats around using this function.
In addition, two pre-built option hash maps are available in next.jdbc
, that leverage the camel-snake-kebab library:
-- provides :column-fn
, :table-fn
, :label-fn
, :qualifier-fn
, and :builder-fn
that will convert Clojure identifiers in :kebab-case
to SQL entities in snake_case
and will produce result sets with qualified :kebab-case
names from SQL entities that use snake_case
-- provides :column-fn
, :table-fn
, :label-fn
, :qualifier-fn
, and :builder-fn
that will convert Clojure identifiers in :kebab-case
to SQL entities in snake_case
and will produce result sets with unqualified :kebab-case
names from SQL entities that use snake_case
.You can assoc
any additional options you need into these pre-built option hash maps
and pass the combined options into any of this library's functions.
Note: Using
might also be helpful if your database hascamelCase
table and column names, although you'll have to provide:column-fn
yourself as->camelCase
from that library. Either way, consider relying on the default result set builder first and avoid converting column and table names (see Advantages of 'snake case': portability and ubiquity for an interesting discussion on kebab-case vs snake_case -- I do not agree with all of the author's points in that article, particularly his position against qualified keywords, but his argument for retaining snake_case around system boundaries is compelling).
& Reducing Result SetsWhile the execute!
and execute-one!
functions are fine for retrieving result sets as data, most of the time you want to process that data efficiently without necessarily converting the entire result set into a Clojure data structure, so next.jdbc
provides a SQL execution function that works with reduce
and with transducers to consume the result set without the intermediate overhead of creating Clojure data structures for every row.
We're going to create a new table that contains invoice items so we can see how to use plan
without producing data structures:
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["
create table invoice (
id int auto_increment primary key,
product varchar(32),
unit_price decimal(10,2),
unit_count int unsigned,
customer_id int unsigned
#:next.jdbc{:update-count 0}
user=> (jdbc/execute-one! ds ["
insert into invoice (product, unit_price, unit_count, customer_id)
values ('apple', 0.99, 6, 100),
('banana', 1.25, 3, 100),
('cucumber', 2.49, 2, 100)
#:next.jdbc{:update-count 3}
user=> (reduce
(fn [cost row]
(+ cost (* (:unit_price row)
(:unit_count row))))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
The call to jdbc/plan
returns an IReduceInit
object (a "reducible collection" that requires an initial value) but does not actually run the SQL.
Only when the returned object is reduced is the connection obtained from the data source, the SQL executed, and the computation performed. The connection is closed automatically when the reduction is complete. The row
in the reduction is an abstraction over the underlying (mutable) ResultSet
object -- it is not a Clojure data structure. Because of that, you can simply access the columns via their SQL labels as shown -- you do not need to use the column-qualified name, and you do not need to worry about the database returning uppercase column names (SQL labels are not case sensitive).
Note: if you want a column name transformation to be applied here, specify
as an option to theplan
Here's the same computation rewritten using transduce
user=> (transduce
(map #(* (:unit_price %) (:unit_count %)))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
or composing the transforms:
user=> (transduce
(comp (map (juxt :unit_price :unit_count))
(map #(apply * %)))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
If you just wanted the total item count:
user=> (transduce
(map :unit_count)
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
You can use other functions that perform reductions to process the result of plan
, such as obtaining a set of unique products from an invoice:
user=> (into #{}
(map :product)
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
#{"apple" "banana" "cucumber"}
If you want to process the rows purely for side-effects, without a result, you
can use run!
user=> (run! #(println (:product %))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
Any operation that can perform key-based lookup can be used here without creating hash maps from the rows: get
, contains?
, find
(returns a MapEntry
of whatever key you requested and the corresponding column value), or direct keyword access as shown above. Any operation that would require a Clojure hash map, such as assoc
or anything that invokes seq
, vals
), will cause the full row to be expanded into a hash map, such as produced by execute!
or execute-one!
, which implements Datafiable
and Navigable
and supports lazy navigation via foreign keys, explained in datafy
, nav
, and the :schema
This means that select-keys
can be used to create regular Clojure hash map from (a subset of) columns in the row, without realizing the row, and it will not implement Datafiable
or Navigable
If you wish to create a Clojure hash map that supports that lazy navigation, you can call next.jdbc.result-set/datafiable-row
, passing in the current row, a connectable
, and an options hash map, just as you passed into plan
. Compare the difference in output between these four expressions (see below for a simpler way to do this):
;; selects specific keys (as simple keywords):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:id :product :unit_price :unit_count :customer_id]))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; selects specific keys (as qualified keywords):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:invoice/id :invoice/product
:invoice/unit_price :invoice/unit_count
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; selects specific keys (as qualified keywords -- ignoring the table name):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:foo/id :bar/product
:quux/unit_price :wibble/unit_count
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; do not do this:
user=> (into []
(map #(into {} %))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; do this if you just want realized rows with default qualified names:
user=> (into []
(map #(rs/datafiable-row % ds {}))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
The latter produces a vector of hash maps, just like the result of execute!
, where each "row" follows the case conventions of the database, the keys are qualified by the table name, and the hash map is datafiable and navigable. The third expression produces a result that looks identical but has stripped all the metadata away: it has still called rs/datafiable-row
to fully-realize a datafiable and navigable hash map but it has then "poured" that into a new, empty hash map, losing the metadata.
In addition to the hash map operations described above, the abstraction over the ResultSet
can also respond to a couple of functions in next.jdbc.result-set
- returns the 1-based row number, by calling .getRow()
on the ResultSet
- returns a vector of column names from the ResultSet
, as created by the result set builder specified,next.jdbc.result-set/metadata
- returns the ResultSetMetaData
object, datafied (so the result will depend on whether you have required next.jdbc.datafy
).Note: Apache Derby requires the following options to be provided in order to call
(and thereforerow-number
):{:concurrency :read-only, :cursors :close, :result-type :scroll-insensitive}
If you realize a row, by calling datafiable-row
on the abstract row passed into the reducing function, you can still call row-number
and column-names
on that realized row. These functions are not available on the realized rows returned from execute!
or execute-one!
, only within reductions over plan
The order of the column names returned by column-names
matches SQL's natural order, based on the operation performed, and will also match the order of column values provided in the reduction when using an array-based result set builder (plan
provides just the column values, one row at a time, when using an array-based builder, without the leading vector of column names that you would get from execute!
: if you call datafiable-row
on such a row, you will get a realized vector of column values).
Note: since
expects you to process the result set via reduction, you should not use it for DDL or for SQL statements that only produce update counts.
As of 1.1.588, two helper functions are available to make some plan
operations easier:
-- reduces over plan
and returns part of just the first row,next.jdbc.plan/select!
-- reduces over plan
and returns a sequence of parts of each row.Note: in both those cases, an appropriate initial value is supplied to the
returns anIReduceInit
accepts a vector of column names to extract or a function to apply to each row. It is equivalent to the following:
;; select! with vector of column names:
user=> (into [] (map #(select-keys % cols)) (jdbc/plan ...))
;; select! with a function:
user=> (into [] (map f) (jdbc/plan ...))
The :into
option lets you override the default of []
as the first argument to into
performs the same transformation on just the first row returned from a reduction over plan
, equivalent to the following:
;; select-one! with vector of column names:
user=> (reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (select-keys row cols))) nil (jdbc/plan ...))
;; select-one! with a function:
user=> (reduce (fn [_ row] (reduced (f row))) nil (jdbc/plan ...))
For example:
;; select columns:
user=> (plan/select-one!
ds [:n] ["select count(*) as n from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100])
{:n 3}
;; apply a function:
user=> (plan/select-one!
ds :n ["select count(*) as n from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100])
Here are some of the above sequence-producing operations, showing their select!
user=> (require '[next.jdbc.plan :as plan])
user=> (into #{}
(map :product)
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
#{"apple" "banana" "cucumber"}
;; or:
user=> (plan/select! ds
["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]
{:into #{}}) ; product a set, rather than a vector
#{"apple" "banana" "cucumber"}
;; selects specific keys (as simple keywords):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:id :product :unit_price :unit_count :customer_id]))
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; or:
user=> (plan/select! ds
[:id :product :unit_price :unit_count :customer_id]
["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100])
;; selects specific keys (as qualified keywords):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:invoice/id :invoice/product
:invoice/unit_price :invoice/unit_count
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; or:
user=> (plan/select! ds
[:invoice/id :invoice/product
:invoice/unit_price :invoice/unit_count
["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100])
;; selects specific keys (as qualified keywords -- ignoring the table name):
user=> (into []
(map #(select-keys % [:foo/id :bar/product
:quux/unit_price :wibble/unit_count
(jdbc/plan ds ["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100]))
;; or:
user=> (plan/select! ds
[:foo/id :bar/product
:quux/unit_price :wibble/unit_count
["select * from invoice where customer_id = ?" 100])
Note: you need to be careful when using stateful transducers, such as
, when reducing over the result ofplan
. Sinceplan
returns anIReduceInit
, the resource management (around theResultSet
) only applies to thereduce
operation: many stateful transducers have a completing function that will access elements of the result sequence -- and this will usually fail after the reduction has cleaned up the resources. This is an inherent problem with stateful transducers over resource-managing reductions with no good solution.
In the examples above, we created a datasource and then passed it into each function call. When next.jdbc
is given a datasource, it creates a java.sql.Connection
from it, uses it for the SQL operation (by creating and populating a java.sql.PreparedStatement
from the connection and the SQL string and parameters passed in), and then closes it. If you're not using a connection pooling datasource (see below), that can be quite an overhead: setting up database connections to remote servers is not cheap!
If you want to run multiple SQL operations without that overhead each time, you can create the connection yourself and reuse it across several operations using with-open
and next.jdbc/get-connection
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection ds)]
(jdbc/execute! con ...)
(jdbc/execute! con ...)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan con ...)))
If any of these operations throws an exception, the connection will still be closed but operations prior to the exception will have already been committed to the database. If you want to reuse a connection across multiple operations but have them all rollback if an exception occurs, you can use next.jdbc/with-transaction
(jdbc/with-transaction [tx ds]
(jdbc/execute! tx ...)
(jdbc/execute! tx ...)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan tx ...)))
behaves somewhat like Clojure's with-open
macro: it will (generally) create a new Connection
for you (from ds
) and set up a transaction on it and bind it to tx
; if the code in the body executes successfully, it will commit the transaction and close the Connection
; if the code in the body throws an exception, it will rollback the transaction, but still close the Connection
If ds
is a Connection
, with-transaction
will just bind tx
to that but will set up a transaction on that Connection
; run the code in the body and either commit or rollback the transaction; it will leave the Connection
open (but try to restore the state of the Connection
If ds
is a datasource, with-transaction
will call get-connection
on it, bind tx
to that Connection
and set up a transaction; run the code in the body and either commit or rollback the transaction; close the Connection
If ds
is something else, with-transaction
will call get-datasource
on it first and then proceed as above.
Here's what will happen in the case where with-transaction
is given a Connection
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection ds)]
(jdbc/execute! con ...) ; auto-committed
(jdbc/with-transaction [tx con] ; will commit or rollback this group:
;; note: tx is bound to the same Connection object as con
(jdbc/execute! tx ...)
(jdbc/execute! tx ...)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan tx ...)))
(jdbc/execute! con ...)) ; auto-committed
You can read more about working with transactions further on in the documentation.
Note: Because
return plain JDBC objects (javax.sql.DataSource
(see Logging below) cannot flow options across those calls, so if you are explicitly managing connections or transactions as above, you would need to have local bindings for the wrapped versions:
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection ds)]
(let [con-opts (jdbc/with-options con some-options)]
(jdbc/execute! con-opts ...) ; auto-committed
(jdbc/with-transaction [tx con-opts] ; will commit or rollback this group:
(let [tx-opts (jdbc/with-options tx (:options con-opts))]
(jdbc/execute! tx-opts ...)
(jdbc/execute! tx-opts ...)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan tx-opts ...))))
(jdbc/execute! con-opts ...))) ; auto-committed
As of 1.3.894, you can use next.jdbc/with-transaction+options
which will automatically rewrap the Connection
with the options from the
initial transactable. Be aware that means you cannot use Java interop on the
new connectable because it is no longer a plain Java java.sql.Connection
Not all databases support using a PreparedStatement
for every type of SQL operation. You might have to create a java.sql.Statement
instead, directly from a java.sql.Connection
and use that, without parameters, in plan
, execute!
, or execute-one!
. See the following example:
(require '[next.jdbc.prepare :as prep])
(with-open [con (jdbc/get-connection ds)]
(jdbc/execute! (prep/statement con) ["...just a SQL string..."])
(jdbc/execute! con ["...some SQL..." "and" "parameters"]) ; uses PreparedStatement
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan (prep/statement con) ["..."])))
makes it easy to use either HikariCP or c3p0 for connection pooling.
First, you need to add the connection pooling library as a dependency, e.g.,
com.zaxxer/HikariCP {:mvn/version "6.2.1"}
;; or:
com.mchange/c3p0 {:mvn/version "0.10.1"}
Check those libraries' documentation for the latest version to use!
Then import the appropriate classes into your code:
(ns my.main
(:require [next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.connection :as connection])
(:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)
;; or:
(com.mchange.v2.c3p0 ComboPooledDataSource PooledDataSource)))
Finally, create the connection pooled datasource. db-spec
here contains the regular next.jdbc
options (:dbtype
, :dbname
, and maybe :host
, :port
, :classname
etc -- or the :jdbcUrl
format mentioned above). Those are used to construct the JDBC URL that is passed into the datasource object (by calling .setJdbcUrl
on it). You can also specify any of the connection pooling library's options, as mixed case keywords corresponding to any simple setter methods on the class being passed in, e.g., :connectionTestQuery
, :maximumPoolSize
(HikariCP), :maxPoolSize
, :preferredTestQuery
In addition, for HikariCP, you can specify properties to be applied to the underlying DataSource
itself by passing :dataSourceProperties
with a hash map containing those properties, such as :socketTimeout
;; assumes next.jdbc.connection has been required as connection
(connection/->pool com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
{:dbtype "postgres" :dbname "thedb" :username "dbuser" :password "secret"
:dataSourceProperties {:socketTimeout 30}})
(under the hood,
converts that hash map to a java.util.Properties
object with String
keys and String
If you need to pass in extra connection URL parameters, it can be easier to use
to construct URL, e.g.,
(connection/->pool com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
(connection/jdbc-url {:dbtype "mysql" :dbname "thedb" :useSSL false})
:username "dbuser" :password "secret"})
Here we pass :useSSL false
to jdbc-url
so that it ends up in the
connection string, but pass :username
and :password
for the pool itself.
Note: both HikariCP and c3p0 defer validation of the settings until a connection is requested. If you want to ensure that your datasource is set up correctly, and the database is reachable, when you first create the connection pool, you will need to call
on it (and then close that connection and return it to the pool). This will also ensure that the pool is fully initialized. See the examples below.
Some important notes regarding HikariCP:
(if you are using c3p0 or regular, non-pooled, connections, then the db-spec hash map must contain :user
).:dbtype "jtds"
, you must specify :connectionTestQuery "SELECT 1"
(or some other query to verify the health of a connection) because the jTDS JDBC driver does not implement .isValid()
so HikariCP requires a specific test query instead (c3p0 does not rely on this method so it works with jTDS without needing :preferredTestQuery
via HikariCP, you will need to specify :connectionInitSql "COMMIT;"
until this HikariCP issue is addressed.You will generally want to create the connection pooled datasource at the start of your program (and close it before you exit, although that's not really important since it'll be cleaned up when the JVM shuts down):
(defn -main [& args]
;; db-spec must include :username
(with-open [^HikariDataSource ds (connection/->pool HikariDataSource db-spec)]
;; this code initializes the pool and performs a validation check:
(.close (jdbc/get-connection ds))
;; otherwise that validation check is deferred until the first connection
;; is requested in a regular operation:
(jdbc/execute! ds ...)
(jdbc/execute! ds ...)
(do-other-stuff ds args)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan ds ...))))
;; or:
(defn -main [& args]
(with-open [^PooledDataSource ds (connection/->pool ComboPooledDataSource db-spec)]
;; this code initializes the pool and performs a validation check:
(.close (jdbc/get-connection ds))
;; otherwise that validation check is deferred until the first connection
;; is requested in a regular operation:
(jdbc/execute! ds ...)
(jdbc/execute! ds ...)
(do-other-stuff ds args)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan ds ...))))
You only need the type hints on ds
if you plan to call methods on it via Java interop, such as .close
(or using with-open
to auto-close it) and you want to avoid reflection.
If you are using Component, a connection pooled datasource is a good candidate since it has a start
lifecycle. next.jdbc
has support for Component built-in, via the next.jdbc.connection/component
function which creates a Component-compatible entity which you can start
and then invoke as a function with no arguments to obtain the DataSource
(:require [com.stuartsierra.component :as component]
[next.jdbc :as jdbc]
[next.jdbc.connection :as connection])
(:import (com.zaxxer.hikari HikariDataSource)))
;; HikariCP requires :username instead of :user in the db-spec:
(def ^:private db-spec {:dbtype "..." :dbname "..." :username "..." :password "..."})
(defn -main [& args]
;; connection/component takes the same arguments as connection/->pool:
(let [ds (component/start (connection/component HikariDataSource db-spec))]
;; "invoke" the data source component to get the javax.sql.DataSource:
(jdbc/execute! (ds) ...)
(jdbc/execute! (ds) ...)
;; can pass the data source component around other code:
(do-other-stuff ds args)
(into [] (map :column) (jdbc/plan (ds) ...))
;; stopping the component will close the connection pool:
(component/stop ds)))))
If you have want to either modify the connection pooled datasource after it is
created, or want to perform some database initialization, you can pass a
function as :init-fn
in the db-spec
hash map. The component
will arrange for that initialization function to be invoked on the newly-created
datasource whenever start
is called on the Component returned.
By default, next.jdbc
relies on the JDBC driver to handle all data type conversions when reading from a result set (to produce Clojure values from SQL values) or setting parameters (to produce SQL values from Clojure values). Sometimes that means that you will get back a database-specific Java object that would need to be manually converted to a Clojure data structure, or that certain database column types require you to manually construct the appropriate database-specific Java object to pass into a SQL operation. You can usually automate those conversions using either the ReadableColumn
protocol (for converting database-specific types to Clojure values) or the SettableParameter
protocol (for converting Clojure values to database-specific types).
In particular, PostgreSQL does not seem to perform a conversion from java.util.Date
to a SQL data type automatically. You can require
namespace to enable that conversion.
If you are working with Java Time, some JDBC drivers will automatically convert java.time.Instant
(and java.time.LocalDate
and java.time.LocalDateTime
) to a SQL data type automatically, but others will not. Requiring
will enable those automatic conversions for all databases.
also provides functions you can call to enable automatic conversion of SQL date/timestamp types to Clojure data types when reading result sets. If you need specific conversions beyond that to happen automatically, consider extending theReadableColumn
protocol, mentioned above.
The next.jdbc.types
namespace provides over three dozen convenience functions for "type hinting" values so that the JDBC driver might automatically handle some conversions that the default parameter setting function does not. Each function is named for the corresponding SQL type, prefixed by as-
: as-bigint
, as-other
, as-real
, etc. An example of where this helps is when dealing with PostgreSQL enumerated types: the default behavior, when passed a string that should correspond to an enumerated type, is to throw an exception that column "..." is of type ... but expression is of type character varying
. You can wrap such strings with (as-other "...")
which tells PostgreSQL to treat this as java.sql.Types/OTHER
when setting the parameter.
JDBC provides several features that let you introspect the database to obtain lists of tables, views, and so on. next.jdbc
does not provide any specific functions for this but you can easily get this metadata from a java.sql.Connection
and turn it into Clojure data as follows:
(with-open [con (p/get-connection ds opts)]
(-> (.getMetaData con) ; produces java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
;; return a java.sql.ResultSet describing all tables and views:
(.getTables nil nil nil (into-array ["TABLE" "VIEW"]))
(rs/datafiable-result-set ds opts)))
Several methods on DatabaseMetaData
return a ResultSet
object, e.g., .getCatalogs()
, .getClientInfoProperties()
, .getSchemas()
All of those can be handled in a similar manner to the above. See the Oracle documentation for java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
(Java 11) for more details.
If you are working with a generalized datasource that may be a Connection
, a DataSource
or a wrapped connectable (via something like with-options
or with-transaction
), you can
write generic, Connection
-based code using on-connection
which will reuse a Connection
if one is passed or create a new one if needed (and automatically close it afterward):
(on-connection [con ds]
(-> (.getMetaData con) ; produces java.sql.DatabaseMetaData
;; return a java.sql.ResultSet describing all tables and views:
(.getTables nil nil nil (into-array ["TABLE" "VIEW"]))
(rs/datafiable-result-set ds opts)))
Note: to avoid confusion and/or incorrect usage, you cannot pass options to
because they would be ignored in some cases (existingConnection
or a wrappedConnection
As of 1.3.894, if you want the options from a wrapped connectable to flow
through to the new connectable inside on-connection
, you can use the
variant of the macro. This will automatically rewrap
the connectable produced with the options from the initial connectable.
Be aware that means you cannot
use plain Java interop inside the body of the macro because the connectable
is no longer a plain Java java.sql.Connection
Sometimes it is convenient to have database operations logged automatically. next.jdbc/with-logging
provides a way to wrap a datasource (or connection) so that operations on it will be logged via
functions you provide.
There are two logging points:
accepts two or three arguments and returns a connectable that can
be used with plan
, execute!
, execute-one!
, prepare
, or any of the "friendly SQL
functions". Since it uses a similar wrapping mechanism to next.jdbc/with-options
, the
same caveats apply -- see Datasources, Connections & Transactions above for details.
(let [log-ds (jdbc/with-logging ds my-sql-logger)]
(jdbc/execute! log-ds ["some SQL" "and" "params"])
(jdbc/execute! log-ds ["more SQL" "other" "params"]))
The my-sql-logger
function will be invoked for each database operation, with two arguments:
The symbol will be one of: next.jdbc/plan
, next.jdbc/execute!
, next.jdbc/execute-one!
or next.jdbc/prepare
. The friendly SQL functions invoke execute!
or execute-one!
the hood, so that is how they will be logged.
The logging function can do anything it wants with the SQL and parameters. If you are logging parameter values, consider sensitive data that you might be passing in.
(let [log-ds (jdbc/with-logging ds my-sql-logger my-result-logger)]
(jdbc/execute! log-ds ["some SQL" "and" "params"])
(jdbc/execute! log-ds ["more SQL" "other" "params"]))
In addition to calling my-sql-logger
as described above, this will also call my-result-logger
for execute!
and execute-one!
operations (plan
and prepare
do not execute database
operations directly so they do not produce results). my-result-logger
will be invoked with
three arguments:
),The return value of the result logger function is ignored.
The symbol will be one of: next.jdbc/execute!
or next.jdbc/execute-one!
. The friendly
SQL functions invoke execute!
or execute-one!
under the hood, so that is how they will
be logged.
The "state" argument allows you to return data from the first logging function, such as the
current time, that can be consumed by the second logging function, so that you can calculate
how long an execute!
or execute-one!
operation took. If the first logging function
returns nil
, that will be passed as the second argument to your second logging function.
The result set data structure could be arbitrarily large. It will generally be a vector
for calls to execute!
or a hash map for calls to execute-one!
, but its shape is determined
by any :builder-fn
options in effect. You should check if (instance? Throwable result)
to see if the call failed and the logger has been called with the thrown exception.
For plan
and prepare
calls, only the first logging function is invoked (and the return
value is ignored). You can use the symbol passed in to determine this.
This example prints all SQL and parameters to *out*
along with millisecond timing and
results, if a result set is available:
dev=> (def lds (jdbc/with-logging ds
#_=> (fn [sym sql-params]
#_=> (prn sym sql-params)
#_=> (System/currentTimeMillis))
#_=> (fn [sym state result]
#_=> (prn sym
#_=> (- (System/currentTimeMillis) state)
#_=> (if (map? result) result (count result))))))
dev=> (sql/find-by-keys lds :foo {:name "Person"})
next.jdbc/execute! ["SELECT * FROM foo WHERE name = ?" "Person"]
next.jdbc/execute! 813 1
[#:FOO{:NAME "Person"}]
A more sophisticated example could use sym
to decide whether to just log the SQL and
some parameter values or return the current time and the SQL and parameters, so that the
result logging could log the SQL, parameters, and result set information with timing.
As you are developing with next.jdbc
, it can be useful to have assistance from clojure.spec
in checking calls to next.jdbc
's functions, to provide explicit argument checking and/or better error messages for some common mistakes, e.g., trying to pass a plain SQL string where a vector (containing a SQL string, and no parameters) is expected.
You can enable argument checking for functions in next.jdbc
, next.jdbc.connection
, next.jdbc.prepare
, and next.jdbc.sql
by requiring the next.jdbc.specs
namespace and instrumenting the functions. A convenience function is provided:
(require '[next.jdbc.specs :as specs])
(specs/instrument) ; instruments all next.jdbc API functions
(jdbc/execute! ds "SELECT * FROM fruit")
Call to #'next.jdbc/execute! did not conform to spec.
In the :problems
output, you'll see the :path [:sql :sql-params]
and :pred vector?
for the :val "SELECT * FROM fruit"
. Without the specs' assistance, this mistake would produce a more cryptic error, a ClassCastException
, that a Character
cannot be cast to a String
, from inside next.jdbc.prepare
A convenience function also exists to revert that instrumentation:
(specs/unstrument) ; undoes the instrumentation of all next.jdbc API functions
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