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Functions for manipulating spans.

Functions for manipulating spans.
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(add-exception! exception)
(add-exception! exception
                {:keys [context escaping? attributes]
                 :or {context (context/current) escaping? true attributes {}}})

Adds an event describing exception to a span. If the exception is escaping the span's scope, the span's status is also set to :error with the exception triage summary as the error description. May take an option map as follows:

:contextContext containing span to add exception event to (default: current context).
:escaping?If true, exception is escaping the span's scope; if false, exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown (default: true).
:attributesMap of additional attributes for the event (default: {}).
Adds an event describing `exception` to a span. If the exception is escaping
the span's scope, the span's status is also set to `:error` with the
exception triage summary as the error description. May take an option map as

| key         | description |
|`:context`   | Context containing span to add exception event to (default: current context).
|`:escaping?` | If true, exception is escaping the span's scope; if false, exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown (default: `true`).
|`:attributes`| Map of additional attributes for the event (default: `{}`).
sourceraw docstring


(add-interceptor-exception! e)
  {:keys [context escaping? attributes]
   :or {context (context/current) escaping? true attributes {}}})

Adds an event describing an interceptor exception e to a span. If the exception is escaping the span's scope, the span's status is also set to :error with the wrapped exception triage summary as the error description. May take an option map as follows:

:contextContext containing span to add exception event to (default: current context)
:escaping?If true, exception is escaping the span's scope; if false, exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown (default: true).
:attributesMap of additional attributes for the event (default: {}).
Adds an event describing an interceptor exception `e` to a span. If the
exception is escaping the span's scope, the span's status is also set to
`:error` with the wrapped exception triage summary as the error description.
May take an option map as follows:

| key         | description |
|`:context`   | Context containing span to add exception event to (default: current context)
|`:escaping?` | If true, exception is escaping the span's scope; if false, exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown (default: `true`).
|`:attributes`| Map of additional attributes for the event (default: `{}`).
sourceraw docstring


(add-span-data! {:keys [context name status attributes event ex-data]
                 :or {context (context/current)}})

Adds data to a span. All data values documented here are optional unless otherwise noted as required. Takes a top level option map as follows:

Top level option map

:contextContext containing span to add data to (default: current context).
:nameName to set span to.
:statusOption map (see below) describing span status to set.
:attributesMap of additional attributes to merge in the span.
:eventOption map (see below) describing an event to add to the span.
:ex-dataOption map (see below) describing an exception event to add to the span.

:status option map

:codeStatus code, either :ok or :error (required).
:descriptionStatus description string, only applicable with :error status code.

:event option map

:nameEvent name (required).
:attributesMap of attributes to attach to event.
:timestampEvent timestamp, value is either an Instant or vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit].

:ex-data option map

:exceptionException instance (required).
:escaping?Optional value, true if exception is escaping the span's scope, false if exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown.
:attributesMap of additional attributes to attach to exception event.
Adds data to a span. All data values documented here are optional unless
otherwise noted as required. Takes a top level option map as follows:

Top level option map

| key         | description |
|`:context`   | Context containing span to add data to (default: current context).
|`:name`      | Name to set span to.
|`:status`    | Option map (see below) describing span status to set.
|`:attributes`| Map of additional attributes to merge in the span.
|`:event`     | Option map (see below) describing an event to add to the span.
|`:ex-data`   | Option map (see below) describing an exception event to add to the span.

`:status` option map

| key          | description |
|`:code`       | Status code, either `:ok` or `:error` (required).
|`:description`| Status description string, only applicable with `:error` status code.

`:event` option map

| key         | description |
|`:name`      | Event name (required).
|`:attributes`| Map of attributes to attach to event.
|`:timestamp` | Event timestamp, value is either an `Instant` or vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]`.

`:ex-data` option map

| key         | description |
|`:exception` | Exception instance (required).
|`:escaping?` | Optional value, true if exception is escaping the span's scope, false if exception is caught within the span's scope and not rethrown.
|`:attributes`| Map of additional attributes to attach to exception event.
sourceraw docstring


(async-span span-opts f respond raise)

Starts a new span and immediately returns evaluation of function f. respond/raise are callback functions to be evaluated later on a success/failure result. The span is ended just before either callback is evaluated or f itself throws an exception. Does not use nor mutate the current context. This is a low-level function intended for adaption for use with any async library that can work with callbacks.

span-opts is the same as for new-span!. f must take arguments [context respond* raise*] where context is a context containing the new span, respond* and raise* are callback functions to be used by f. All callback functions take a single argument, raise and raise* take a Throwable instance.

Starts a new span and immediately returns evaluation of function `f`.
`respond`/`raise` are callback functions to be evaluated later on a
success/failure result. The span is ended just before either callback is
evaluated or `f` itself throws an exception. Does not use nor mutate the
current context. This is a low-level function intended for adaption for use
with any async library that can work with callbacks.

`span-opts` is the same as for [[new-span!]]. `f` must take arguments
`[context respond* raise*]` where `context` is a context containing the new
span, `respond*` and `raise*` are callback functions to be used by `f`. All
callback functions take a single argument, `raise` and `raise*` take a
`Throwable` instance.
sourceraw docstring


(end-span! {:keys [context timestamp] :or {context (context/current)}})

Low level function that ends a span, previously started by new-span!. Does not mutate the current context. Takes an options map as follows:

:contextContext containing span to end (default: current context)
:timestampSpan end timestamp. Value is either an Instant or vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit] (default: current timestamp).
Low level function that ends a span, previously started by [[new-span!]].
Does not mutate the current context. Takes an options map as follows:

| key        | description |
|`:context`  | Context containing span to end (default: current context)
|`:timestamp`| Span end timestamp. Value is either an `Instant` or vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]` (default: current timestamp).
sourceraw docstring


(get-span context)

Gets the span from a given context, or the current context if none is given. If no span is found in the context (or no context is available), a non-recording, non-exporting span is returned.

Gets the span from a given context, or the current context if none is given.
If no span is found in the context (or no context is available), a
non-recording, non-exporting span is returned.
sourceraw docstring


(get-span-context x)

Returns the given SpanContext, or extracts it from the given span, context or current context if no argument is given.

Returns the given `SpanContext`, or extracts it from the given span,
context or current context if no argument is given.
sourceraw docstring


(get-tracer {:keys [name version schema-url open-telemetry]
             :or {name (:name default-library)
                  version (:version default-library)
                  schema-url (:schema-url default-library)}})

Builds and returns a io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer instance. May take an option map as follows:

:nameName of the instrumentation library, not the instrumented library e.g. "io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb" (default: See config.edn resource file).
:versionInstrumentation library version e.g. "1.0.0" (default: See config.edn resource file).
:schema-urlURL of OpenTelemetry schema used by this instrumentation library (default: See config.edn resource file).
:open-telemetryOpenTelemetry instance to get tracer from (default: global OpenTelemetry instance).
Builds and returns a `io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer` instance. May take
an option map as follows:

| key             | description |
|`:name`          | Name of the *instrumentation* library, not the *instrumented* library e.g. `"io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb"` (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:version`       | Instrumentation library version e.g. `"1.0.0"` (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:schema-url`    | URL of OpenTelemetry schema used by this instrumentation library (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:open-telemetry`| `OpenTelemetry` instance to get tracer from (default: global `OpenTelemetry` instance).
sourceraw docstring


(new-span! {:keys [tracer name parent links attributes thread span-kind
            :or {name ""
                 parent (context/current)
                 attributes {}
                 thread (Thread/currentThread)}})

Low level function that starts a new span and returns the context containing the new span. Does not mutate the current context. The span must be ended by evaluating end-span! to avoid broken traces and memory leaks. Use higher level helpers with-span!, with-span-binding and async-span instead of this function to manage the context and reliably end the span. Takes an options map as follows:

:tracerio.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer used to create the span (default: default tracer, as set by set-default-tracer!; if no default tracer has been set, one will be set with default config).
:nameSpan name (default: "").
:parentContext used to take parent span. If nil or no span is available in the context, the root context is used instead (default: use current context).
:linksCollection of links to add to span. Each link is [sc] or [sc attr-map], where sc is a SpanContext, Span or Context containing the linked span and attr-map is a map of attributes of the link (default: no links).
:attributesMap of additional attributes for the span (default: no attributes).
:threadThread identified as that which started the span, or nil for no thread. Data on this thread is merged with the :attributes value (default: current thread).
:span-kindSpan kind, one of :internal, :server, :client, :producer, :consumer (default: :internal). See also SpanKind.
:timestampStart timestamp for the span. Value is either an Instant or vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit] (default: current timestamp).
Low level function that starts a new span and returns the context containing
the new span. Does not mutate the current context. The span must be ended by
evaluating [[end-span!]] to avoid broken traces and memory leaks. Use higher
level helpers [[with-span!]], [[with-span-binding]] and [[async-span]]
instead of this function to manage the context and reliably end the span.
Takes an options map as follows:

| key         | description |
|`:tracer`    | `io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer` used to create the span (default: default tracer, as set by [[set-default-tracer!]]; if no default tracer has been set, one will be set with default config).
|`:name`      | Span name (default: `""`).
|`:parent`    | Context used to take parent span. If `nil` or no span is available in the context, the root context is used instead (default: use current context).
|`:links`     | Collection of links to add to span. Each link is `[sc]` or `[sc attr-map]`, where `sc` is a `SpanContext`, `Span` or `Context` containing the linked span and `attr-map` is a map of attributes of the link (default: no links).
|`:attributes`| Map of additional attributes for the span (default: no attributes).
|`:thread`    | Thread identified as that which started the span, or `nil` for no thread. Data on this thread is merged with the `:attributes` value (default: current thread).
|`:span-kind` | Span kind, one of `:internal`, `:server`, `:client`, `:producer`, `:consumer` (default: `:internal`). See also `SpanKind`.
|`:timestamp` | Start timestamp for the span. Value is either an `Instant` or vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]` (default: current timestamp).
sourceraw docstring



Gets a no-op tracer.

Gets a no-op tracer.
sourceraw docstring


(set-default-tracer! tracer)

Sets the default io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer instance used when creating spans. Returns tracer. See also get-tracer.

Sets the default `io.opentelemetry.api.trace.Tracer` instance used when
creating spans. Returns `tracer`. See also [[get-tracer]].
sourceraw docstring


(span-interceptor context-key span-opts-fn)

Returns a Pedestal interceptor that will on entry start a new span and add the context containing the new span to the interceptor map with key context-key. span-opts-fn is a function which takes the interceptor context and returns an options map for the new span, as for new-span!. The span is ended on interceptor exit (either leave or error). Does not use nor set the current context. This is not specific to HTTP service handling, see steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.http/server-span-interceptors for adding HTTP server span support to HTTP services.

Returns a Pedestal interceptor that will on entry start a new span and add
the context containing the new span to the interceptor map with key
`context-key`. `span-opts-fn` is a function which takes the interceptor
context and returns an options map for the new span, as for [[new-span!]].
The span is ended on interceptor exit (either `leave` or `error`). Does not
use nor set the current context. This is not specific to HTTP service
handling, see
[[steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.http/server-span-interceptors]] for
adding HTTP server span support to HTTP services.
sourceraw docstring


(with-span! span-opts & body)

Starts a new span, sets the current context to the new context containing the span and evaluates body. The current context is restored to its previous value and the span is ended on completion of body evaluation. It is expected body provides a synchronous result, use async-span instead for working with asynchronous functions. span-opts is a span options map, the same as for new-span!. See also with-span-binding.

Starts a new span, sets the current context to the new context containing
the span and evaluates `body`. The current context is restored to its
previous value and the span is ended on completion of body evaluation.
It is expected `body` provides a synchronous result, use [[async-span]]
instead for working with asynchronous functions. `span-opts` is a span
options map, the same as for [[new-span!]]. See also [[with-span-binding]].
sourceraw docstring


(with-span-binding [context span-opts] & body)

Starts a new span, binds context to the new context containing the span and evaluates body. The span is ended on completion of body evaluation. It is expected body provides a synchronous result, use async-span instead for working with asynchronous functions. Does not use nor set the current context. span-opts is a span options map, the same as for new-span!. See also with-span!.

Starts a new span, binds `context` to the new context containing the span
and evaluates `body`. The span is ended on completion of body evaluation.
It is expected `body` provides a synchronous result, use [[async-span]]
instead for working with asynchronous functions. Does not use nor set the
current context. `span-opts` is a span options map, the same as for
[[new-span!]]. See also [[with-span!]].
sourceraw docstring

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