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Conversion functions between maps and io.opentelemetry.api.common.Attributes objects.

Conversion functions between maps and
`io.opentelemetry.api.common.Attributes` objects.
raw docstring


(->attributes m)

Converts an attribute map to a Attributes instance. Each map key may be a keyword, string or AttributeKey instance. Each map value may be a boolean, long, double, string or a homogenous array of those types. Attributes with nil values are dropped.

Converts an attribute map to a `Attributes` instance. Each map key may be a
keyword, string or `AttributeKey` instance. Each map value may be a boolean,
long, double, string or a homogenous array of those types. Attributes with
`nil` values are dropped.
sourceraw docstring


(->map attributes)

Converts an Attributes instance to an attribute map. Each key of the returned map is a string.

Converts an `Attributes` instance to an attribute map. Each key of the
returned map is a string.
sourceraw docstring


Function that returns a namespace qualified attribute name. May be overridden using set-attribute-name-fn!.

Function that returns a namespace qualified attribute name. May be
overridden using [[set-attribute-name-fn!]].
sourceraw docstring


(set-attribute-name-fn! f)

Sets function for setting attribute names. See default function steffan-westcott.clj-otel.util/qualified-name.

Sets function for setting attribute names. See default function
sourceraw docstring

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