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Support for creating and populating HTTP client and server spans.

This namespace includes Ring middleware and Pedestal interceptors for working with HTTP server spans. Support is provided for working either with or without the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent, and for synchronous or asynchronous HTTP request handlers.

Support for creating and populating HTTP client and server spans.

This namespace includes Ring middleware and Pedestal interceptors for
working with HTTP server spans. Support is provided for working either with
or without the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent, and for synchronous or
asynchronous HTTP request handlers.
raw docstring


(add-client-span-response-data! response)
(add-client-span-response-data! response
                                {:keys [context] :or {context (context/dyn)}})

Adds data about the HTTP response to a manually created client span. May take an options map as follows:

:contextContext containing span to add response data to (default: bound or current context).
Adds data about the HTTP `response` to a manually created client span. May
take an options map as follows:

| key       | description |
|`:context` | Context containing span to add response data to (default: bound or current context).
sourceraw docstring


(add-route-data! request-method route)
(add-route-data! request-method
                 {:keys [context app-root] :or {context (context/dyn)}})

Adds data about the matched HTTP request-method and route to a server span, for example "GET /users/:user-id". request-method is a keyword corresponding to an HTTP request method; route is a string that may contain path parameters in any format. See also wrap-route and route-interceptor.

May take an options map as follows:

:contextContext containing server span (default: bound or current context).
:app-rootWeb application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. "/webshop" (default: nil).
Adds data about the matched HTTP `request-method` and `route` to a server
span, for example `"GET /users/:user-id"`. `request-method` is a keyword
corresponding to an HTTP request method; `route` is a string that may contain
path parameters in any format. See also [[wrap-route]] and

May take an options map as follows:

| key       | description |
|`:context` | Context containing server span (default: bound or current context).
|`:app-root`| Web application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. `"/webshop"` (default: `nil`).
sourceraw docstring


(add-server-span-response-data! response)
(add-server-span-response-data! response
                                {:keys [context] :or {context (context/dyn)}})

Adds data about the HTTP response to a manually created server span. May take an options map as follows:

:contextContext containing span to add response data to (default: bound or current context).
Adds data about the HTTP `response` to a manually created server span. May
take an options map as follows:

| key       | description |
|`:context` | Context containing span to add response data to (default: bound or current context).
sourceraw docstring


(client-span-opts request)
(client-span-opts request {:keys [parent] :or {parent (context/dyn)}})

Returns a span options map (a parameter for steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.span/new-span!) for a manually created HTTP client span, where an HTTP request specified by Ring-style request map request is issued in the span scope. Only :method is used in request to populate the span. May take an options map as follows:

:parentContext used to take parent span. If nil or no span is available in the context, the root context is used instead (default: use bound or current context).
Returns a span options map (a parameter for
[[steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.span/new-span!]]) for a manually
created HTTP client span, where an HTTP request specified by Ring-style
request map `request` is issued in the span scope.  Only `:method` is used in
`request` to populate the span. May take an options map as follows:

| key      | description |
|`:parent` | Context used to take parent span. If `nil` or no span is available in the context, the root context is used instead (default: use bound or current context).
sourceraw docstring



Returns an interceptor which adds an exception event to the server span. This is intended for use by applications which transform the exception to an HTTP response in a subsequent interceptor.

Returns an interceptor which adds an exception event to the server span. This
is intended for use by applications which transform the exception to an HTTP
response in a subsequent interceptor.
sourceraw docstring



Returns a Pedestal interceptor that adds a matched route to the server span data and request map.

Returns a Pedestal interceptor that adds a matched route to the server span
data and request map.
sourceraw docstring


(server-span-interceptors {:keys [create-span? set-current-context?]
                           :or {set-current-context? true}
                           :as create-span-opts})

Returns a vector of Pedestal interceptor maps that add HTTP server span support to subsequent execution of the interceptor chain for an HTTP service. These interceptors can be configured to either use existing server spans created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent or manually create new server spans (when not using the agent).

The interceptors should prepend any others in the service map to ensure all HTTP requests are traced, including those without a matching route.

When :create-span? is false, for each request it is assumed the current context contains a server span created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent. :set-current-context? is ignored in this case.

When :create-span? is true, for each request a new context containing a new server span is created, with parent context extracted from the HTTP request headers. In addition, if :set-current-context? is true the current context is set to the new context on interceptor entry and its original value is restored on exit; this is only appropriate if all requests are to be processed synchronously. Finally, if the HTTP response status code is 5xx then the span status error description is set to the value of :io.opentelemetry.api.trace.span.status/description in the response map.

No matter how the server span is created, the context containing the server span is set as the bound context and the value of :io.opentelemetry/server-span-context in both the interceptor context and request maps.

May take an option map as follows:

:create-span?When true, manually creates a new server span. Otherwise, assumes current context contains a server span created by OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent (default: false).
:set-current-context?When true and :create-span? is also true, sets the current context to the context containing the created server span. Should only be set to true if all requests handled by this interceptor will be processed synchronously (default: true).
:app-rootWeb application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. "/webshop" (default: no app root).
:captured-request-headersCollection of down-cased names of request headers that are captured as attributes of manually created server spans (default: no headers captured).
Returns a vector of Pedestal interceptor maps that add HTTP server span
support to subsequent execution of the interceptor chain for an HTTP service.
These interceptors can be configured to either use existing server spans
created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent or manually create new
server spans (when not using the agent).

The interceptors should prepend any others in the service map to ensure all
HTTP requests are traced, including those without a matching route.

When `:create-span?` is false, for each request it is assumed the current
context contains a server span created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation
agent. `:set-current-context?` is ignored in this case.

When `:create-span?` is true, for each request a new context containing a new
server span is created, with parent context extracted from the HTTP request
headers. In addition, if `:set-current-context?` is true the current context
is set to the new context on interceptor entry and its original value is
restored on exit; this is only appropriate if all requests are to be
processed synchronously. Finally, if the HTTP response status code is `5xx`
then the span status error description is set to the value of
`:io.opentelemetry.api.trace.span.status/description` in the response map.

No matter how the server span is created, the context containing the server
span is set as the bound context and the value of
`:io.opentelemetry/server-span-context` in both the interceptor context and
request maps.

May take an option map as follows:

| key                       | description |
|`:create-span?`            | When true, manually creates a new server span. Otherwise, assumes current context contains a server span created by OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent (default: false).
|`:set-current-context?`    | When true and `:create-span?` is also true, sets the current context to the context containing the created server span. Should only be set to `true` if all requests handled by this interceptor will be processed synchronously (default: true).
|`:app-root`                | Web application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. `"/webshop"` (default: no app root).
|`:captured-request-headers`| Collection of down-cased names of request headers that are captured as attributes of manually created server spans (default: no headers captured).
sourceraw docstring


(server-span-opts request)
(server-span-opts request {:keys [app-root]})

Returns a span options map (a parameter for steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.span/new-span!) for a manually created HTTP server span, initiated by processing an HTTP request specified by Ring-style request map request. May take an options map as follows:

:app-rootWeb application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. "/webshop" (default: no app root).
Returns a span options map (a parameter for
[[steffan-westcott.clj-otel.api.trace.span/new-span!]]) for a manually
created HTTP server span, initiated by processing an HTTP request specified
by Ring-style request map `request`. May take an options map as follows:

| key                       | description |
|`:app-root`                | Web application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. `"/webshop"` (default: no app root).
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-exception-event handler)

Ring middleware to add an exception event to the server span. This is intended for use by applications which transform the exception to an HTTP response in a subsequent middleware.

Ring middleware to add an exception event to the server span. This is
intended for use by applications which transform the exception to an HTTP
response in a subsequent middleware.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-reitit-route handler)

Ring middleware to add matched Reitit route to the server span and Ring request map. This assumes reitit.ring/ring-handler is used with option :inject-match? set to true (which is the default).

Ring middleware to add matched Reitit route to the server span and Ring
request map. This assumes `reitit.ring/ring-handler` is used with option
`:inject-match?` set to true (which is the default).
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-route handler route-fn)

Ring middleware to add a matched route to the server span data and Ring request map. route-fn is a function which given a request returns the matched route as a string.

Ring middleware to add a matched route to the server span data and Ring
request map. `route-fn` is a function which given a request returns the
matched route as a string.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-server-span handler)
(wrap-server-span handler {:keys [create-span?] :as create-span-opts})

Ring middleware to add HTTP server span support. This middleware can be configured to either use existing server spans created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent or manually create new server spans (when not using the agent). Both synchronous (1-arity) and asynchronous (3-arity) Ring handlers are supported.

When :create-span? is false, for each request it is assumed the current context contains a server span created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent.

When :create-span? is true, for each request a new context containing a new server span is created, with parent context extracted from the HTTP request headers. For a synchronous handler, the current context is set to the new context during request processing and restored to its original value on completion. Finally, if the HTTP response status code is 5xx then the span status error description is set to the value of :io.opentelemetry.api.trace.span.status/description in the response map.

No matter how the server span is created, for an asynchronous handler the bound context and key :io.opentelemetry/server-span-context in the request map are set to the context containing the server span.

May take an option map as follows:

:create-span?When true, manually creates a new server span. Otherwise, assumes current context contains an existing server span created by OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent (default: false).
:app-rootWeb application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. "/webshop" (default: no app root).
:captured-request-headersCollection of down-cased names of request headers that are captured as attributes of manually created server spans (default: no headers captured).
Ring middleware to add HTTP server span support. This middleware can be
configured to either use existing server spans created by the OpenTelemetry
instrumentation agent or manually create new server spans (when not using the
agent). Both synchronous (1-arity) and asynchronous (3-arity) Ring handlers
are supported.

When `:create-span?` is false, for each request it is assumed the current
context contains a server span created by the OpenTelemetry instrumentation

When `:create-span?` is true, for each request a new context containing a new
server span is created, with parent context extracted from the HTTP request
headers. For a synchronous handler, the current context is set to the new
context during request processing and restored to its original value on
completion. Finally, if the HTTP response status code is `5xx` then the span
status error description is set to the value of
`:io.opentelemetry.api.trace.span.status/description` in the response map.

No matter how the server span is created, for an asynchronous handler the
bound context and key `:io.opentelemetry/server-span-context` in the request
map are set to the context containing the server span.

May take an option map as follows:

| key                       | description |
|`:create-span?`            | When true, manually creates a new server span. Otherwise, assumes current context contains an existing server span created by OpenTelemetry instrumentation agent (default: false).
|`:app-root`                | Web application root, a URL prefix for all HTTP routes served by this application e.g. `"/webshop"` (default: no app root).
|`:captured-request-headers`| Collection of down-cased names of request headers that are captured as attributes of manually created server spans (default: no headers captured).
sourceraw docstring

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