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Functions for creating instruments and recording measurements.

Functions for creating instruments and recording measurements.
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Protocol for instruments of type :counter or :up-down-counter that take measurements synchronously.

Protocol for instruments of type `:counter` or `:up-down-counter` that take
measurements synchronously.


(add! counter delta)

Synchronously adds a delta to counter. delta is an option map as follows:

:contextContext to associate with delta (default: bound or current context).
:valuelong or double value to add to counter (required). Must not be negative for :counter instruments.
:attributesMap of attributes to attach to delta (default: no attributes).
Synchronously adds a delta to `counter`. `delta` is an option map as

| key         | description |
|`:context`   | Context to associate with delta (default: bound or current context).
|`:value`     | `long` or `double` value to add to `counter` (required). Must not be negative for `:counter` instruments.
|`:attributes`| Map of attributes to attach to delta (default: no attributes).
sourceraw docstring


Protocol for instruments of type :gauge that take measurements synchronously.

Protocol for instruments of type `:gauge` that take measurements


(set! gauge measurement)

Synchronously sets a measurement in gauge. measurement is an option map as follows:

:contextContext to associate with measurement (default: bound or current context).
:valuelong or double value to set in gauge (required).
:attributesMap of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
Synchronously sets a measurement in `gauge`. `measurement` is an option map
as follows:

 | key         | description |
 |`:context`   | Context to associate with measurement (default: bound or current context).
 |`:value`     | `long` or `double` value to set in `gauge` (required).
 |`:attributes`| Map of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
sourceraw docstring



Returns the default meter if not nil. Otherwise, gets a meter using defaults and sets this as the default meter.

Returns the default meter if not nil. Otherwise, gets a meter using
defaults and sets this as the default meter.
sourceraw docstring


(get-meter {:keys [name version schema-url open-telemetry]
            :or {name (:name default-library)
                 version (:version default-library)
                 schema-url (:schema-url default-library)}})

Builds and returns a io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter instance. May take an option map as follows:

:nameName of the instrumentation library, not the instrumented library e.g. "io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb" (default: See config.edn resource file).
:versionInstrumentation library version e.g. "1.0.0" (default: See config.edn resource file).
:schema-urlURL of OpenTelemetry schema used by this instrumentation library (default: See config.edn resource file).
:open-telemetryOpenTelemetry instance to get meter from (default: global OpenTelemetry instance).
Builds and returns a `io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter` instance. May take
an option map as follows:

| key             | description |
|`:name`          | Name of the *instrumentation* library, not the *instrumented* library e.g. `"io.opentelemetry.contrib.mongodb"` (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:version`       | Instrumentation library version e.g. `"1.0.0"` (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:schema-url`    | URL of OpenTelemetry schema used by this instrumentation library (default: See `config.edn` resource file).
|`:open-telemetry`| `OpenTelemetry` instance to get meter from (default: global `OpenTelemetry` instance).
sourceraw docstring


Protocol for instruments of type :histogram.

Protocol for instruments of type `:histogram`.


(record! histogram measurement)

Synchronously records a measurement in histogram. measurement is an option map as follows:

:contextContext to associate with measurement (default: bound or current context).
:valuelong or double value to record in histogram (required).
:attributesMap of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
Synchronously records a measurement in `histogram`. `measurement` is an
option map as follows:

| key         | description |
|`:context`   | Context to associate with measurement (default: bound or current context).
|`:value`     | `long` or `double` value to record in `histogram` (required).
|`:attributes`| Map of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
sourceraw docstring


(instrument opts)
(instrument {:keys [meter name instrument-type measurement-type unit description
             :or {measurement-type :long}}

Builds an instrument for taking measurements either synchronously or asynchronously (but not both).

The first parameter opts is an options map as follows:

:meterio.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter used to create the instrument (default: default meter, as set by set-default-meter!; if no default meter has been set, one will be set with default config).
:nameName of the instrument. Must be 63 or fewer characters including alphanumeric, _, ., -, and start with a letter (required).
:instrument-typeType of instrument, one of :counter, :up-down-counter, :histogram or :gauge (required).
:measurement-typeType of measurement value, either :long or :double (default: :long).
:unitString describing the unit of measurement (default: no specified unit).
:descriptionString describing the instrument (default: no description).
:explicit-bucket-boundaries-adviceSeq of increasing longs or doubles, recommended bucket boundaries when building a histogram (default: no advice given).

The 1-arity form of instrument is for building instruments that take measurements synchronously. Counter, up-down counter, gauge and histogram instruments are supported. The built instrument is returned, and measurements are made with the add! (counter/up-down counter), set! (gauge) and record! (histogram) functions.

The 2-arity form of instrument is for building instruments that take measurements asynchronously. Counter, up-down counter and gauge instruments are supported. The second parameter observe is a 0-arity function that will be evaluated periodically to take measurements. To stop, evaluate .close on the AutoCloseable that instrument returns.

observe should return a single map, or a sequence of maps, as follows:

:valuelong or double value to add or record (required).
:attributesMap of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
Builds an instrument for taking measurements either synchronously or
asynchronously (but not both).

The first parameter `opts` is an options map as follows:

| key                                | description |
|`:meter`                            | `io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter` used to create the instrument (default: default meter, as set by [[set-default-meter!]]; if no default meter has been set, one will be set with default config).
|`:name`                             | Name of the instrument. Must be 63 or fewer characters including alphanumeric, `_`, `.`, `-`, and start with a letter (required).
|`:instrument-type`                  | Type of instrument, one of `:counter`, `:up-down-counter`, `:histogram` or `:gauge` (required).
|`:measurement-type`                 | Type of measurement value, either `:long` or `:double` (default: `:long`).
|`:unit`                             | String describing the unit of measurement (default: no specified unit).
|`:description`                      | String describing the instrument (default: no description).
|`:explicit-bucket-boundaries-advice`| Seq of increasing longs or doubles, recommended bucket boundaries when building a histogram (default: no advice given).

The 1-arity form of [[instrument]] is for building instruments that take
measurements synchronously. Counter, up-down counter, gauge and histogram
instruments are supported. The built instrument is returned, and measurements
are made with the `add!` (counter/up-down counter), `set!` (gauge) and
`record!` (histogram) functions.

The 2-arity form of [[instrument]] is for building instruments that take
measurements asynchronously. Counter, up-down counter and gauge instruments
are supported. The second parameter `observe` is a 0-arity function that will
be evaluated periodically to take measurements. To stop, evaluate `.close` on
the `AutoCloseable` that [[instrument]] returns.

`observe` should return a single map, or a sequence of maps, as follows:

| key         | description |
|`:value`     | `long` or `double` value to add or record (required).
|`:attributes`| Map of attributes to attach to measurement (default: no attributes).
sourceraw docstring


(set-default-meter! meter)

Sets the default io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter instance used when creating instruments. Returns meter. See also get-meter.

Sets the default `io.opentelemetry.api.metrics.Meter` instance used when
creating instruments. Returns `meter`. See also [[get-meter]].
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