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Span data exporter using OpenTelemetry Protocol via HTTP.

Span data exporter using OpenTelemetry Protocol via HTTP.
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(span-exporter {:keys [endpoint headers trusted-certificates-pem
                       client-private-key-pem client-certificates-pem
                       compression-method timeout meter-provider]})

Returns a span exporter that sends span data using OTLP via HTTP, using OpenTelemetry's protobuf model. May take an option map as follows:

:endpointOTLP endpoint, must start with "http://" or "https://" and include the full path (default: "http://localhost:4318/v1/traces").
:headersHTTP headers to add to request (default: {}).
:trusted-certificates-pem^bytes X.509 certificate chain in PEM format for verifying servers when TLS enabled (default: system default trusted certificates).
:client-private-key-pem^bytes private key in PEM format for verifying client when TLS enabled.
:client-certificates-pem^bytes X.509 certificate chain in PEM format for verifying client when TLS enabled.
:compression-methodMethod used to compress payloads, "gzip" or "none" (default: "none").
:timeoutMaximum time to wait for export of a batch of spans. Value is either a Duration or a vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit] (default: 10s).
:meter-provider^MeterProvider to collect metrics related to export (default: metrics not collected).
Returns a span exporter that sends span data using OTLP via HTTP, using
OpenTelemetry's protobuf model. May take an option map as follows:

| key                       | description |
|`:endpoint`                | OTLP endpoint, must start with `"http://"` or `"https://"` and include the full path (default: `"http://localhost:4318/v1/traces"`).
|`:headers`                 | HTTP headers to add to request (default: `{}`).
|`:trusted-certificates-pem`| `^bytes` X.509 certificate chain in PEM format for verifying servers when TLS enabled (default: system default trusted certificates).
|`:client-private-key-pem`  | `^bytes` private key in PEM format for verifying client when TLS enabled.
|`:client-certificates-pem` | `^bytes` X.509 certificate chain in PEM format for verifying client when TLS enabled.
|`:compression-method`      | Method used to compress payloads, `"gzip"` or `"none"` (default: `"none"`).
|`:timeout`                 | Maximum time to wait for export of a batch of spans. Value is either a `Duration` or a vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]` (default: 10s).
|`:meter-provider`          | ^MeterProvider to collect metrics related to export (default: metrics not collected).
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