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Metric data exporter to Prometheus.

Metric data exporter to Prometheus.
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(http-server {:keys [host port executor]})

Returns a Prometheus HTTP server which acts as a MetricReader implementation. May take an option map as follows:

:hostThe host to bind to (default: '""').
:portThe port to bind to (default: 9464).
:executorExecutorService to use for the Prometheus HTTP server (default: a fixed pool of 5 daemon threads).
Returns a Prometheus HTTP server which acts as a `MetricReader`
implementation. May take an option map as follows:

| key       | description |
|`:host`    | The host to bind to (default: '""').
|`:port`    | The port to bind to (default: `9464`).
|`:executor`| `ExecutorService` to use for the Prometheus HTTP server (default: a fixed pool of 5 daemon threads).
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