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Programmatic configuration of the OpenTelemetry SDK.

Programmatic configuration of the OpenTelemetry SDK.
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Shut down activities of OpenTelemetrySdk instance previously configured by init-otel-sdk!.

Shut down activities of `OpenTelemetrySdk` instance previously configured
by [[init-otel-sdk!]].
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(init-otel-sdk! service-name
                {:keys [resources propagators tracer-provider meter-provider]
                 :or {propagators propagators/default}})

Configure an OpenTelemetrySdk instance and set as the global OpenTelemetry instance. service-name is the service name given to the resource emitting telemetry. This function may be evaluated once only. Attempts to evaluate this more than once will result in an error.

Takes a nested option map as described in the following sections. Some options can take either an option map or an equivalent fully configured Java object.

Top level option map

:resourcesCollection of resources to merge with default SDK resource and service-name resource. Each resource in the collection is either a Resource instance or a map with keys :attributes (required) and :schema-url (optional). The merged resource describes the source of telemetry and is attached to emitted data (default: nil)
:propagatorsCollection of TextMapPropagator instances used to inject and extract context information using HTTP headers (default: W3C Trace Context and W3C Baggage text map propagators).

|:tracer-provider| Option map (see below) to configure SdkTracerProvider instance (default: {}). |:meter-provider | Option map (see below) to configure SdkMeterProvider instance (default: {}).


:tracer-provider option map

:span-processorsCollection of option maps (see table below) or SpanProcessor instances. Each member specifies a collection of span exporters and batching to apply to those exporters (default: []).
:span-limitsOption map (see table below), SpanLimits, Supplier or fn which returns span limits (default: same as {}).
:samplerOption map (see table below) or Sampler instance, specifies strategy for sampling spans (default: same as {:parent-based {}}).
:id-generatorIdGenerator instance for generating ids for spans and traces (default: platform specific IdGenerator).
:clockClock instance used for all temporal needs (default: system clock).

:span-processors member option map

:exportersCollection of SpanExporter instances, used to export spans to processing and reporting backends.
:batch?If true, batches spans for export. If false then export spans individually; generally meant for debug logging exporters only. All options other than :exporters are ignored when :batch is false (default: true).
:schedule-delayDelay interval between consecutive batched exports. Value is either a Duration or a vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit] (default: 5000ms).
:exporter-timeoutMaximum time a batched export will be allowed to run before being cancelled. Value is either a Duration or a vector [amount ^TimeUnit unit] (default: 30000ms).
:max-queue-sizeMaximum number of spans kept in queue before start dropping (default: 2048).
:max-export-batch-sizeMaximum batch size for every export, must be smaller or equal to :max-queue-size (default: 512).

:span-limits option map

:max-attrsMaximum number of attributes per span (default: 128).
:max-eventsMaximum number of events per span (default: 128).
:max-linksMaximum number of links per span (default: 128).
:max-attrs-per-eventMaximum number of attributes per event (default: 128).
:max-attrs-per-linkMaximum number of attributes per link (default: 128).
:max-attr-value-lenMaximum length of string attribute values and each element of string array attribute values (default: no maximum).

:sampler option map (one option only)

:alwaysWith value :on always record and export all spans. With value :off drop all spans.
:ratiodouble in range [0.0, 1.0], describing the ratio of spans to be sampled.
:parent-basedOption map (see table below), describing sampling decisions based on the parent span.

:parent-based option map

:rootOption map (see :sampler table above) or Sampler to use when no parent span is present (default: same as {:always :on}).
:remote-parent-sampledOption map (see :sampler table above) or Sampler to use when there is a remote parent that was sampled (default: same as {:always :on}).
:remote-parent-not-sampledOption map (see :sampler table above) or Sampler to use when there is a remote parent that was not sampled (default: same as {:always :off}).
:local-parent-sampledOption map (see :sampler table above) or Sampler to use when there is a local parent that was sampled (default: same as {:always :on}).
:local-parent-not-sampledOption map (see :sampler table above) or Sampler to use when there is a local parent that was not sampled (default: same as {:always :off}).


:meter-provider option map

:readersCollection of option maps (see table below) for specifying metric readers (default: no readers).
:viewsCollection of option maps (see table below) for specifying views that affect exported metrics (default: no views).
:clockClock instance used for all temporal needs (default: system clock).

:readers member option map

:metric-readerA MetricReader instance. See steffan-westcott.clj-otel.sdk.meter-provider/periodic-metric-reader and PrometheusHttpServer.

:views member option map

:instrument-selectorOption map (see table below), describing instrument selection criteria.
:viewOption map (see table below), describing view that configures how measurements are aggregated and exported as metrics.

:instrument-selector option map

:typeType of instruments to match, one of :counter, :up-down-counter, :histogram or :gauge (optional).
:async?True if instruments to match take measurements asynchronously (required if :type is specified).
:nameName of instrument to match (optional).
:unitUnit of instruments to match (optional).
:meter-nameName of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).
:meter-versionVersion of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).
:meter-schema-urlSchema URL of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).

:view option map

:nameName of resulting metric (default: matched instrument name).
:descriptionString description of resulting metric (default: matched instrument description).
:aggregationOption map (see table below) describing a single aggregation to use (default: dependent on instrument type).
:attribute-filterFunction which takes a string attribute name, which returns truthy result if attribute should be included (default: all attributes included).

:aggregation option map (one option only)

:drop(value ignored) Drops all measurements and does not export any metric.
:sum(value ignored) Aggregates all measurements to a long or double sum.
:last-value(value ignored) Records last value as a gauge.
:explicit-bucket-histogramOption map (see table below) specifying aggregation of measurements into histogram buckets.
:base-2-exponential-bucket-histogramOption map (see table below) specifying aggregation of measurements into base-2 sized histogram buckets.

:explicit-bucket-histogram option map

:bucket-boundariesOrdered collection of inclusive upper bounds of histogram buckets (default: implementation defined default bucket boundaries).

:base-2-exponential-bucket-histogram option map

:max-bucketsMaximum number of positive and negative buckets (default: implementation defined)
:max-scaleMaximum and initial scale (required if :max-buckets is specified).
Configure an `OpenTelemetrySdk` instance and set as the global
`OpenTelemetry` instance. `service-name` is the service name given to the
resource emitting telemetry. This function may be evaluated once only.
Attempts to evaluate this more than once will result in an error.

Takes a nested option map as described in the following sections. Some
options can take either an option map or an equivalent fully configured Java

Top level option map

| key              | description |
|`:resources`      | Collection of resources to merge with default SDK resource and `service-name` resource. Each resource in the collection is either a `Resource` instance or a map with keys `:attributes` (required) and `:schema-url` (optional). The merged resource describes the source of telemetry and is attached to emitted data (default: nil)
|`:propagators`    | Collection of `TextMapPropagator` instances used to inject and extract context information using HTTP headers (default: W3C Trace Context and W3C Baggage text map propagators).

|`:tracer-provider`| Option map (see below) to configure `SdkTracerProvider` instance (default: `{}`).
|`:meter-provider` | Option map (see below) to configure `SdkMeterProvider` instance (default: `{}`).


`:tracer-provider` option map

| key              | description |
|`:span-processors`| Collection of option maps (see table below) or `SpanProcessor` instances. Each member specifies a collection of span exporters and batching to apply to those exporters (default: `[]`).
|`:span-limits`    | Option map (see table below), `SpanLimits`, `Supplier` or fn which returns span limits (default: same as `{}`).
|`:sampler`        | Option map (see table below) or `Sampler` instance, specifies strategy for sampling spans (default: same as `{:parent-based {}}`).
|`:id-generator`   | `IdGenerator` instance for generating ids for spans and traces (default: platform specific `IdGenerator`).
|`:clock`          | `Clock` instance used for all temporal needs (default: system clock).

`:span-processors` member option map

| key                    | description |
|`:exporters`            | Collection of `SpanExporter` instances, used to export spans to processing and reporting backends.
|`:batch?`               | If true, batches spans for export. If false then export spans individually; generally meant for debug logging exporters only. All options other than `:exporters` are ignored when `:batch` is false (default: `true`).
|`:schedule-delay`       | Delay interval between consecutive batched exports. Value is either a `Duration` or a vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]` (default: 5000ms).
|`:exporter-timeout`     | Maximum time a batched export will be allowed to run before being cancelled. Value is either a `Duration` or a vector `[amount ^TimeUnit unit]` (default: 30000ms).
|`:max-queue-size`       | Maximum number of spans kept in queue before start dropping (default: 2048).
|`:max-export-batch-size`| Maximum batch size for every export, must be smaller or equal to `:max-queue-size` (default: 512).

`:span-limits` option map

| key                  | description |
|`:max-attrs`          | Maximum number of attributes per span (default: 128).
|`:max-events`         | Maximum number of events per span (default: 128).
|`:max-links`          | Maximum number of links per span (default: 128).
|`:max-attrs-per-event`| Maximum number of attributes per event (default: 128).
|`:max-attrs-per-link` | Maximum number of attributes per link (default: 128).
|`:max-attr-value-len` | Maximum length of string attribute values and each element of string array attribute values (default: no maximum).

`:sampler` option map (one option only)

| key           | description |
|`:always`      | With value `:on` always record and export all spans. With value `:off` drop all spans.
|`:ratio`       | double in range [0.0, 1.0], describing the ratio of spans to be sampled.
|`:parent-based`| Option map (see table below), describing sampling decisions based on the parent span.

`:parent-based` option map

| key                        | description |
|`:root`                     | Option map (see `:sampler` table above) or `Sampler` to use when no parent span is present (default: same as `{:always :on}`).
|`:remote-parent-sampled`    | Option map (see `:sampler` table above) or `Sampler` to use when there is a remote parent that was sampled (default: same as `{:always :on}`).
|`:remote-parent-not-sampled`| Option map (see `:sampler` table above) or `Sampler` to use when there is a remote parent that was not sampled (default: same as `{:always :off}`).
|`:local-parent-sampled`     | Option map (see `:sampler` table above) or `Sampler` to use when there is a local parent that was sampled (default: same as `{:always :on}`).
|`:local-parent-not-sampled` | Option map (see `:sampler` table above) or `Sampler` to use when there is a local parent that was not sampled (default: same as `{:always :off}`).


`:meter-provider` option map

| key      | description |
|`:readers`| Collection of option maps (see table below) for specifying metric readers (default: no readers).
|`:views`  | Collection of option maps (see table below) for specifying views that affect exported metrics (default: no views).
|`:clock`  | `Clock` instance used for all temporal needs (default: system clock).

`:readers` member option map

| key            | description |
|`:metric-reader`| A `MetricReader` instance. See `steffan-westcott.clj-otel.sdk.meter-provider/periodic-metric-reader` and `PrometheusHttpServer`.

`:views` member option map

| key                  | description |
|`:instrument-selector`| Option map (see table below), describing instrument selection criteria.
|`:view`               | Option map (see table below), describing view that configures how measurements are aggregated and exported as metrics.

`:instrument-selector` option map

| key               | description |
|`:type`            | Type of instruments to match, one of `:counter`, `:up-down-counter`, `:histogram` or `:gauge` (optional).
|`:async?`          | True if instruments to match take measurements asynchronously (required if `:type` is specified).
|`:name`            | Name of instrument to match (optional).
|`:unit`            | Unit of instruments to match (optional).
|`:meter-name`      | Name of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).
|`:meter-version`   | Version of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).
|`:meter-schema-url`| Schema URL of meter associated with instruments to match (optional).

`:view` option map

| key               | description |
|`:name`            | Name of resulting metric (default: matched instrument name).
|`:description`     | String description of resulting metric (default: matched instrument description).
|`:aggregation`     | Option map (see table below) describing a single aggregation to use (default: dependent on instrument type).
|`:attribute-filter`| Function which takes a string attribute name, which returns truthy result if attribute should be included (default: all attributes included).

`:aggregation` option map (one option only)

| key                                  | description |
|`:drop`                               | (value ignored) Drops all measurements and does not export any metric.
|`:sum`                                | (value ignored) Aggregates all measurements to a long or double sum.
|`:last-value`                         | (value ignored) Records last value as a gauge.
|`:explicit-bucket-histogram`          | Option map (see table below) specifying aggregation of measurements into histogram buckets.
|`:base-2-exponential-bucket-histogram`| Option map (see table below) specifying aggregation of measurements into base-2 sized histogram buckets.

`:explicit-bucket-histogram` option map

| key                | description |
|`:bucket-boundaries`| Ordered collection of inclusive upper bounds of histogram buckets (default: implementation defined default bucket boundaries).

`:base-2-exponential-bucket-histogram` option map

| key                | description |
|`:max-buckets`      | Maximum number of positive and negative buckets (default: implementation defined)
|`:max-scale`        | Maximum and initial scale (required if `:max-buckets` is specified).
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