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Core assert macros.

Core assert macros.
raw docstring


(assert-expr expr)
(assert-expr expr message)

Evaluates expr and throws an exception if it does not evaluate to logical true. Similar to clojure.core/assert but with better reporting. Returns true to be used directly in :pre/:post conditions. Attaches failed :asserting/value (false or nil) in ex-data.

(assert-expr (= 1 (inc 0)))
;=> true

(assert-expr (= 1 2) "Expect 1=2")
;Expect 1=2 - Assert failed: (assert-expr (= 1 2))
; #:asserting{:value false}
Evaluates expr and throws an exception if it does not evaluate to logical
true. Similar to `clojure.core/assert` but with better reporting. Returns
`true` to be used directly in :pre/:post conditions. Attaches failed
`:asserting/value` (`false` or `nil`) in ex-data.

    (assert-expr (= 1 (inc 0)))
    ;=> true

    (assert-expr (= 1 2) "Expect 1=2")
    ;Expect 1=2 - Assert failed: (assert-expr (= 1 2))
    ; #:asserting{:value false}
sourceraw docstring


(assert-pred x pred)
(assert-pred x pred message)

Evaluates (pred x) and throws an exception if it does not evaluate to logical true. Returns true to be used directly in :pre/:post conditions. Attaches failed :asserting/value and :asserting/type in ex-data.

(assert-pred "1" string?)
;=> true

(assert-pred (inc 0) string? "Expect string")
;Expect string - Assert failed: (assert-pred (inc 0) string?)
; #:asserting{:value 1, :type java.lang.Long}
Evaluates `(pred x)` and throws an exception if it does not evaluate to
logical true. Returns `true` to be used directly in :pre/:post conditions.
Attaches failed `:asserting/value` and `:asserting/type` in ex-data.

    (assert-pred "1" string?)
    ;=> true

    (assert-pred (inc 0) string? "Expect string")
    ;Expect string - Assert failed: (assert-pred (inc 0) string?)
    ; #:asserting{:value 1, :type java.lang.Long}
sourceraw docstring


(not-thrown f)

Returns predicate function which is true if (f x) does not throw exception. Can be used to assert expressions for errorless flow instead of truthy result.

(assert-pred [] first)
;Assert failed: (assert-pred [] first)

(assert-pred [] (not-thrown first))
;=> true

(assert-pred 1 (not-thrown first))
;Assert failed: (assert-pred 1 (not-thrown first))
; #:asserting{:value 1, :type java.lang.Long}
;Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
Returns predicate function which is true if `(f x)` does not throw exception.
Can be used to assert expressions for errorless flow instead of truthy result.

    (assert-pred [] first)
    ;Assert failed: (assert-pred [] first)

    (assert-pred [] (not-thrown first))
    ;=> true

    (assert-pred 1 (not-thrown first))
    ;Assert failed: (assert-pred 1 (not-thrown first))
    ; #:asserting{:value 1, :type java.lang.Long}
    ;Don't know how to create ISeq from: java.lang.Long
sourceraw docstring

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