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Utility for the integrant which allows to init/halt system keys in parallel.

Utility for the `integrant` which allows to init/halt system keys in parallel.
raw docstring


(build config ks f assertf resolvef)

Asynchronous version of the integrant.core/build.

Asynchronous version of the `integrant.core/build`.
sourceraw docstring


(halt! system)
(halt! system ks)

Halts a system map by applying halt-key! asynchronously in reverse dependency order. Every halt-key! is invoked in separate thread, exceptions are ignored.

Halts a system map by applying halt-key! asynchronously in reverse dependency
order. Every halt-key! is invoked in separate thread, exceptions are ignored.
sourceraw docstring


(init config)
(init config ks)

Turn a config map into an system map asynchronously. Keys are traversed in dependency order, initiated via the init-key multimethod, then the refs associated with the key are expanded. Every init-key is invoked in separate thread, first exception is raised.

Turn a config map into an system map asynchronously. Keys are traversed in
dependency order, initiated via the init-key multimethod, then the refs
associated with the key are expanded. Every init-key is invoked in separate
thread, first exception is raised.
sourceraw docstring


(resume config system)
(resume config system ks)

Turn a config map into a system map asynchronously, reusing resources from an existing system when it's possible to do so. Keys are traversed in dependency order, resumed with the resume-key multimethod, then the refs associated with the key are expanded. Every init-key is invoked in separate thread, first exception is raised. The halt-missing-keys! is invoked synchronously same like in the integrant.core/resume.

Turn a config map into a system map asynchronously, reusing resources from an
existing system when it's possible to do so. Keys are traversed in dependency
order, resumed with the resume-key multimethod, then the refs associated with
the key are expanded. Every init-key is invoked in separate thread, first
exception is raised. The halt-missing-keys! is invoked synchronously same like
in the integrant.core/resume.
sourceraw docstring


(reverse-run! system ks f)

Applies a side-effectful function f to each key value pair in a system map asynchronously. Keys are traversed in reverse dependency order. The function f should take two arguments, a key and value.

Applies a side-effectful function f to each key value pair in a system map
asynchronously. Keys are traversed in reverse dependency order. The function
f should take two arguments, a key and value.
sourceraw docstring


(suspend! system)
(suspend! system ks)

Suspends a system map by applying halt-key! asynchronously in reverse dependency order. Every suspend-key! is invoked in separate thread, exceptions are ignored.

Suspends a system map by applying halt-key! asynchronously in reverse
dependency order. Every suspend-key! is invoked in separate thread, exceptions
are ignored.
sourceraw docstring

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