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Configuration functions for the middlewares from the ring.middleware namespace in the packages:

NOTE: Requires corresponding packages to be added in project dependencies explicitly.

Configuration functions for the middlewares from the `ring.middleware`
namespace in the packages:

- [ring/ring-core](
- [ring/ring-headers](
- [ring/ring-ssl](
- [ring/ring-anti-forgery](
- [ring/ring-devel](

NOTE: Requires corresponding packages to be added in project dependencies
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(req-forwarded-remote-addr false)

Middleware that changes the :remote-addr key of the request map to the last value present in the X-Forwarded-For header.

Middleware that changes the `:remote-addr` key of the request map to the last
value present in the `X-Forwarded-For` header.
sourceraw docstring


(req-forwarded-scheme header)
(req-forwarded-scheme false)

Middleware that changes the :scheme of the request to the value present in a request header. This is useful if your application sits behind a reverse proxy or load balancer that handles the SSL transport.

The header defaults to x-forwarded-proto.

Middleware that changes the `:scheme` of the request to the value present in
a request header. This is useful if your application sits behind a reverse
proxy or load balancer that handles the SSL transport.

The `header` defaults to `x-forwarded-proto`.
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(req-keyword-params false)
(req-keyword-params & {:keys [parse-namespaces?]})

Middleware that converts any string keys in the :params map to keywords. Only keys that can be turned into valid keywords are converted.

This middleware does not alter the maps under :*-params keys. These are left as strings.

Accepts the following options:

  • :parse-namespaces? – if true, parse the parameters into namespaced keywords (defaults to false)
Middleware that converts any string keys in the `:params` map to keywords.
Only keys that can be turned into valid keywords are converted.

This middleware does not alter the maps under `:*-params` keys. These are left
as strings.

Accepts the following options:

- `:parse-namespaces?` – if true, parse the parameters into namespaced
                         keywords (defaults to false)
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(req-multipart-params false)
(req-multipart-params & {:keys [encoding fallback-encoding store progress-fn]})

Middleware to parse multipart parameters from a request. Adds the following keys to the request map:

  • :multipart-params - a map of multipart parameters
  • :params - a merged map of all types of parameter

The following options are accepted

  • :encoding

    • Character encoding to use for multipart parsing.
    • Overrides the encoding specified in the request.
    • If not specified, uses the encoding specified in a part named "charset", or the content type for each part, or request character encoding if the part has no encoding, or "UTF-8" if no request character encoding is set.
  • :fallback-encoding

    • Specifies the character encoding used in parsing if a part of the request does not specify encoding in its content type or no part named "charset" is present.
    • Has no effect if :encoding is also set.
  • :store

    • A function that stores a file upload. The function should expect a map with :filename, :content-type and :stream keys, and its return value will be used as the value for the parameter in the multipart parameter map.
    • The default storage function is the temp-file-store.
  • :progress-fn

    • A function that gets called during uploads. The function should expect four parameters: request, bytes-read, content-length, and item-count.
Middleware to parse multipart parameters from a request. Adds the following
keys to the request map:

- `:multipart-params` - a map of multipart parameters
- `:params`           - a merged map of all types of parameter

The following options are accepted

- `:encoding`
    + Character encoding to use for multipart parsing.
    + Overrides the encoding specified in the request.
    + If not specified, uses the encoding specified in a part named
      "_charset_", or the content type for each part, or request character
      encoding if the part has no encoding, or "UTF-8" if no request
      character encoding is set.

- `:fallback-encoding`
    + Specifies the character encoding used in parsing if a part of the
      request does not specify encoding in its content type or no part named
      "_charset_" is present.
    + Has no effect if `:encoding` is also set.

- `:store`
    + A function that stores a file upload. The function should expect a map
      with `:filename`, `:content-type` and `:stream` keys, and its return
      value will be used as the value for the parameter in the multipart
      parameter map.
    + The default storage function is the `temp-file-store`.

- `:progress-fn`
    + A function that gets called during uploads. The function should expect
      four parameters: `request`, `bytes-read`, `content-length`, and
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(req-nested-params false)
(req-nested-params & {:keys [key-parser]})

Middleware to convert a flat map of parameters into a nested map. Accepts the following options:

  • :key-parser – the function to use to parse the parameter names into a list of keys. Keys that are empty strings are treated as elements in a vector, non-empty keys are treated as elements in a map. Defaults to the parse-nested-keys function.

For example:

{"foo[bar]" "baz"}
=> {"foo" {"bar" "baz"}}

{"foo[]" "bar"}
=> {"foo" ["bar"]}
Middleware to convert a flat map of parameters into a nested map. Accepts the
following options:

- `:key-parser` – the function to use to parse the parameter names into a list
                  of keys. Keys that are empty strings are treated as elements
                  in a vector, non-empty keys are treated as elements in a
                  map. Defaults to the `parse-nested-keys` function.

For example:

    {"foo[bar]" "baz"}
    => {"foo" {"bar" "baz"}}

    {"foo[]" "bar"}
    => {"foo" ["bar"]}
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(req-params false)
(req-params & {:keys [encoding]})

Middleware to parse urlencoded parameters from the query string and form body (if the request is an url-encoded form). Adds the following keys to the request map:

  • :query-params – a map of parameters from the query string
  • :form-params – a map of parameters from the body
  • :params – a merged map of all types of parameter

Accepts the following options:

  • :encoding – encoding to use for url-decoding. If not specified, uses the request character encoding, or "UTF-8" if no request character encoding is set.
Middleware to parse urlencoded parameters from the query string and form body
(if the request is an url-encoded form). Adds the following keys to the
request map:

- `:query-params` – a map of parameters from the query string
- `:form-params`  – a map of parameters from the body
- `:params`       – a merged map of all types of parameter

Accepts the following options:

- `:encoding` – encoding to use for url-decoding. If not specified, uses
                the request character encoding, or "UTF-8" if no request
                character encoding is set.
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(resp-absolute-redirects false)

Middleware that converts redirects to relative URLs into redirects to absolute URLs. While many browsers can handle relative URLs in the Location header, RFC 2616 states that the Location header must contain an absolute URL.

Middleware that converts redirects to relative URLs into redirects to
absolute URLs. While many browsers can handle relative URLs in the Location
header, RFC 2616 states that the Location header must contain an absolute
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(resp-content-type false)
(resp-content-type & {:keys [mime-types]})

Middleware that adds a content-type header to the response if one is not set by the handler. Uses the ring.util.mime-type/ext-mime-type function to guess the content-type from the file extension in the URI. If no content-type can be found, it defaults to 'application/octet-stream'.

Accepts the following options:

  • :mime-types – a map of filename extensions to mime-types that will be used in addition to the ones defined in ring.util.mime-type/default-mime-types
Middleware that adds a `content-type` header to the response if one is not
set by the handler. Uses the `ring.util.mime-type/ext-mime-type` function to
guess the content-type from the file extension in the URI. If no content-type
can be found, it defaults to 'application/octet-stream'.

Accepts the following options:

- `:mime-types` – a map of filename extensions to mime-types that will be
                  used in addition to the ones defined in
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(resp-content-type-options content-type-options)
(resp-content-type-options false)

Middleware that adds the X-Content-Type-Options header to the response. This currently only accepts one option:

  • `:nosniff – prevent resources with invalid media types being loaded as stylesheets or scripts

This prevents attacks based around media type confusion. See:

Middleware that adds the `X-Content-Type-Options` header to the response.
This currently only accepts one option:

- `:nosniff – prevent resources with invalid media types being loaded as
              stylesheets or scripts

This prevents attacks based around media type confusion. See:
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(resp-default-charset charset)
(resp-default-charset false)

Middleware that adds a charset to the content-type header of the response if one was not set by the handler.

Middleware that adds a charset to the `content-type` header of the response
if one was not set by the handler.
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(resp-frame-options frame-options)
(resp-frame-options false)

Middleware that adds the X-Frame-Options header to the response. This governs whether your site can be rendered in a <frame>, <iframe> or <object>, and is typically used to prevent clickjacking attacks.

The following frame-options values are allowed:

  • :deny – prevent any framing of the content
  • :sameorigin – allow only the current site to frame the content
  • {:allow-from uri} – allow only the specified URI to frame the page

The :deny and :sameorigin options are keywords, while the :allow-from option is a map consisting of one key/value pair.

Note that browser support for :allow-from is incomplete. See:

Middleware that adds the `X-Frame-Options` header to the response. This
governs whether your site can be rendered in a <frame>, <iframe> or <object>,
and is typically used to prevent clickjacking attacks.

The following `frame-options` values are allowed:

- `:deny`             – prevent any framing of the content
- `:sameorigin`       – allow only the current site to frame the content
- `{:allow-from uri}` – allow only the specified URI to frame the page

The `:deny` and `:sameorigin` options are keywords, while the `:allow-from`
option is a map consisting of one key/value pair.

Note that browser support for `:allow-from` is incomplete. See:
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(resp-hsts false)
(resp-hsts & {:keys [max-age include-subdomains?]})

Middleware that adds the Strict-Transport-Security header to the response. This ensures the browser will only use HTTPS for future requests to the domain.

Accepts the following options:

  • :max-age – the max time in seconds the HSTS policy applies (defaults to 31536000 seconds, or 1 year)

  • :include-subdomains? – true if subdomains should be included in the HSTS policy (defaults to true)

See RFC 6797 for more information (

Middleware that adds the `Strict-Transport-Security` header to the response.
This ensures the browser will only use HTTPS for future requests to the

Accepts the following options:

- `:max-age` – the max time in seconds the HSTS policy applies (defaults to
               31536000 seconds, or 1 year)

- `:include-subdomains?` – true if subdomains should be included in the HSTS
                           policy (defaults to true)

See RFC 6797 for more information (
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(resp-not-modified false)

Middleware that returns a 304 Not Modified from the wrapped handler if the handler response has an ETag or Last-Modified header, and the request has a If-None-Match or If-Modified-Since header that matches the response.

Middleware that returns a `304 Not Modified` from the wrapped handler if the
handler response has an `ETag` or `Last-Modified` header, and the request has
a `If-None-Match` or `If-Modified-Since` header that matches the response.
sourceraw docstring


(resp-xss-protection false)
(resp-xss-protection & {:keys [enable? mode]})

Middleware that adds the X-XSS-Protection header to the response. This header enables a heuristic filter in browsers for detecting cross-site scripting attacks.

  • :enable? – determines whether the filter should be turned on
  • :mode – currently accepts only :block


Middleware that adds the `X-XSS-Protection` header to the response. This
header enables a heuristic filter in browsers for detecting cross-site
scripting attacks.

- `:enable?` – determines whether the filter should be turned on
- `:mode`    – currently accepts only `:block`

sourceraw docstring


(wrap-anti-forgery false)
(wrap-anti-forgery & {:keys [read-token error-response error-handler strategy]})

Middleware that prevents CSRF attacks. Any POST request to the handler returned by this function must contain a valid anti-forgery token, or else an access-denied response is returned.

The anti-forgery token can be placed into an HTML page via the *anti-forgery-token* var, which is bound to a (possibly deferred) token. The token is also available in the request under :anti-forgery-token.

By default, the token is expected to be POSTed in a form field named __anti-forgery-token, or in the X-CSRF-Token or X-XSRF-Token headers.

Accepts the following options:

  • :read-token

    • a function that takes a request and returns an anti-forgery token, or nil if the token does not exist.
  • :error-response

    • the response to return if the anti-forgery token is incorrect or missing
  • :error-handler

    • a handler function to call if the anti-forgery token is incorrect or missing
  • :strategy

    • a strategy for creating and validating anti-forgery tokens.
    • Must satisfy the ring.middleware.anti-forgery.strategy/Strategy protocol.
    • Defaults to the session strategy: ring.middleware.anti-forgery.session/session-strategy.

Only one of :error-response, :error-handler may be specified.

Middleware that prevents CSRF attacks. Any POST request to the handler
returned by this function must contain a valid anti-forgery token, or else an
access-denied response is returned.

The anti-forgery token can be placed into an HTML page via the
`*anti-forgery-token*` var, which is bound to a (possibly deferred) token.
The token is also available in the request under

By default, the token is expected to be POSTed in a form field named
`__anti-forgery-token`, or in the `X-CSRF-Token` or `X-XSRF-Token`

Accepts the following options:

- `:read-token`
    - a function that takes a request and returns an anti-forgery token, or
      `nil` if the token does not exist.

- `:error-response`
    - the response to return if the anti-forgery token is incorrect or missing

- `:error-handler`
    - a handler function to call if the anti-forgery token is incorrect or

- `:strategy`
    - a strategy for creating and validating anti-forgery tokens.
    + Must satisfy the `ring.middleware.anti-forgery.strategy/Strategy`
    + Defaults to the session strategy:

Only one of `:error-response`, `:error-handler` may be specified.
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(wrap-cookies & {:keys [decoder encoder]})

Parses the cookies in the request map, then assoc the resulting map to the :cookies key on the request.

Accepts the following options:

  • :decoder

    • A function to decode the cookie value. Expects a function that takes a string and returns a string.
    • Defaults to URL-decoding.
  • :encoder

    • A function to encode the cookie name and value. Expects a function that takes a name/value map and returns a string.
    • Defaults to URL-encoding.

Each cookie is represented as a map, with its value being held in the :value key. A cookie may optionally contain a :path, :domain or :port attribute.

To set cookies, add a map to the :cookies key on the response. The values of the cookie map can either be strings, or maps containing the following keys:

  • :value – the new value of the cookie
  • :path – the sub-path the cookie is valid for
  • :domain – the domain the cookie is valid for
  • :max-age – the maximum age in seconds of the cookie
  • :expires – a date string at which the cookie will expire
  • :secure – set to true if the cookie requires HTTPS, prevent HTTP access
  • :http-only – set to true if the cookie is valid for HTTP and HTTPS only (i.e. prevent JavaScript access)
  • :same-site – set to :strict or :lax to set SameSite attribute of the cookie
Parses the cookies in the request map, then assoc the resulting map to the
`:cookies` key on the request.

Accepts the following options:

- `:decoder`
    + A function to decode the cookie value. Expects a function that takes a
      string and returns a string.
    + Defaults to URL-decoding.

- `:encoder`
    + A function to encode the cookie name and value. Expects a function that
      takes a name/value map and returns a string.
    + Defaults to URL-encoding.

Each cookie is represented as a map, with its value being held in the
`:value` key. A cookie may optionally contain a `:path`, `:domain` or `:port`

To set cookies, add a map to the :cookies key on the response. The values
of the cookie map can either be strings, or maps containing the following

- `:value`     – the new value of the cookie
- `:path`      – the sub-path the cookie is valid for
- `:domain`    – the domain the cookie is valid for
- `:max-age`   – the maximum age in seconds of the cookie
- `:expires`   – a date string at which the cookie will expire
- `:secure`    – set to true if the cookie requires HTTPS, prevent HTTP access
- `:http-only` – set to true if the cookie is valid for HTTP and HTTPS only
                 (i.e. prevent JavaScript access)
- `:same-site` – set to `:strict` or `:lax` to set SameSite attribute of the
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(wrap-file false)
(wrap-file root-path & {:keys [index-files? allow-symlinks? prefer-handler?]})

Wrap a handler such that the directory at the given root-path is checked for a static file with which to respond to the request, proxying the request to the wrapped handler if such a file does not exist.

Accepts the following options:

  • :index-files? – look for index.* files in directories, defaults to true
  • :allow-symlinks? – serve files through symbolic links, defaults to false
  • :prefer-handler? – prioritize handler response over files, defaults to false
Wrap a handler such that the directory at the given `root-path` is checked
for a static file with which to respond to the request, proxying the request
to the wrapped handler if such a file does not exist.

Accepts the following options:

- `:index-files?`    – look for index.* files in directories, defaults to true
- `:allow-symlinks?` – serve files through symbolic links, defaults to false
- `:prefer-handler?` – prioritize handler response over files, defaults to
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(wrap-flash false)

If a :flash key is set on the response by the handler, a :flash key with the same value will be set on the next request that shares the same session. This is useful for small messages that persist across redirects.

If a `:flash` key is set on the response by the handler, a `:flash` key with
the same value will be set on the next request that shares the same session.
This is useful for small messages that persist
across redirects.
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(wrap-head false)

Middleware that turns any HEAD request into a GET, and then sets the response body to nil.

Middleware that turns any HEAD request into a GET, and then sets the response
body to `nil`.
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(wrap-lint false)

Wrap a handler to validate incoming requests and outgoing responses according to the current Ring specification. An exception is raised if either the request or response is invalid.

Wrap a handler to validate incoming requests and outgoing responses
according to the current Ring specification. An exception is raised if either
the request or response is invalid.
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-reload false)
(wrap-reload & {:keys [dirs reload-compile-errors?]})

Reload namespaces of modified files before the request is passed to the supplied handler.

Accepts the following options:

  • :dirs

    • A list of directories that contain the source files.
    • Defaults to ["src"].
  • :reload-compile-errors?

    • If true, keep attempting to reload namespaces that have compile errors.
    • Defaults to true.
Reload namespaces of modified files before the request is passed to the
supplied handler.

Accepts the following options:

- `:dirs`
    + A list of directories that contain the source files.
    + Defaults to `["src"]`.

- `:reload-compile-errors?`
    + If true, keep attempting to reload namespaces that have compile errors.
    + Defaults to `true`.
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(wrap-resource false)
(wrap-resource root-path & {:keys [loader allow-symlinks? prefer-handler?]})

Middleware that first checks to see whether the request map matches a static resource. If it does, the resource is returned in a response map, otherwise the request map is passed onto the handler. The root-path argument will be added to the beginning of the resource path.

Accepts the following options:

  • :loader – resolve the resource using this class loader
  • :allow-symlinks? – allow symlinks that lead to paths outside the root classpath directories (defaults to false)
  • :prefer-handler? – prioritize handler response over resources (defaults to false)
Middleware that first checks to see whether the request map matches a static
resource. If it does, the resource is returned in a response map, otherwise
the request map is passed onto the handler. The `root-path` argument will be
added to the beginning of the resource path.

Accepts the following options:

- `:loader`          – resolve the resource using this class loader
- `:allow-symlinks?` – allow symlinks that lead to paths outside the root
                       classpath directories (defaults to false)
- `:prefer-handler?` – prioritize handler response over resources (defaults to
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(wrap-session false)
(wrap-session & {:keys [store root cookie-name cookie-attrs]})

Reads in the current HTTP session map, and add it to the :session key on the request. If a :session key is added to the response by the handler, the session is updated with the new value. If the value is nil, the session is deleted.

Accepts the following options:

  • :store

    • An implementation of the SessionStore protocol in the namespace. This determines how the session is stored.
    • Defaults to in-memory storage using
  • :root

    • The root path of the session. Any path above this will not be able to see this session. Equivalent to setting the cookie's path attribute.
    • Defaults to "/".
  • :cookie-name

    • The name of the cookie that holds the session key.
    • Defaults to "ring-session".
  • :cookie-attrs

    • A map of attributes to associate with the session cookie.
    • Defaults to {:http-only true}. This may be overridden on a per-response basis by adding :session-cookie-attrs to the response.

NOTE: Includes wrap-cookies behaviour.

Reads in the current HTTP session map, and add it to the `:session` key on
the request. If a `:session` key is added to the response by the handler, the
session is updated with the new value. If the value is nil, the session is

Accepts the following options:

- `:store`
    + An implementation of the SessionStore protocol in the
      `` namespace. This determines how the
      session is stored.
    + Defaults to in-memory storage using

- `:root`
    + The root path of the session. Any path above this will not be able to
      see this session. Equivalent to setting the cookie's path attribute.
    + Defaults to "/".

- `:cookie-name`
    + The name of the cookie that holds the session key.
    + Defaults to "ring-session".

- `:cookie-attrs`
    + A map of attributes to associate with the session cookie.
    + Defaults to `{:http-only true}`. This may be overridden on a
      per-response basis by adding `:session-cookie-attrs` to the response.

NOTE: Includes [[wrap-cookies]] behaviour.
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(wrap-ssl-redirect & {:keys [ssl-port]})

Middleware that redirects any HTTP request to the equivalent HTTPS URL.

Accepts the following options:

  • :ssl-port – the SSL port to use for redirects, defaults to 443.
Middleware that redirects any HTTP request to the equivalent HTTPS URL.

Accepts the following options:

- `:ssl-port` – the SSL port to use for redirects, defaults to 443.
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(wrap-stacktrace & {:keys [color?]})

Wrap a handler such that exceptions are caught, a corresponding stacktrace is logged to *err*, and an HTML representation of the stacktrace is returned as a response.

Accepts the following option:

  • :color? – if true, apply ANSI colors to terminal stacktrace (default false)
Wrap a handler such that exceptions are caught, a corresponding stacktrace is
logged to `*err*`, and an HTML representation of the stacktrace is returned as
a response.

Accepts the following option:

- `:color?` – if true, apply ANSI colors to terminal stacktrace (default false)
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