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Compatibility with the ring-undertow-adapter from Luminus framework.

Compatibility with the [ring-undertow-adapter][1] from Luminus framework.

raw docstring


  {:keys [configurator host http? port ssl-port http2? io-threads worker-threads
          buffer-size direct-buffers? async? max-entity-size session-manager?
          custom-manager max-sessions server-name]
   :or {http? true port 80 session-manager? true server-name "ring-undertow"}
   :as options})

Returns Undertow server configuration map for given Luminus adapter options. See run-undertow for the options details.

Returns Undertow server configuration map for given Luminus adapter options.
See [[run-undertow]] for the options details.
sourceraw docstring


(run-undertow handler options)

Start an Undertow webserver using given handler and the supplied options:

  • :configurator - a function called with the Undertow Builder instance
  • :host - the hostname to listen on
  • :http? - flag to enable http (defaults to true)
  • :port - the port to listen on (defaults to 80)
  • :ssl-port - a number, requires either :ssl-context, :keystore, or :key-managers
  • :ssl-context - a valid
  • :key-managers - a valid[]
  • :trust-managers - a valid[]
  • :http2? - flag to enable http2
  • :io-threads - # threads handling IO, defaults to available processors
  • :worker-threads - # threads invoking handlers, defaults to (* io-threads 8)
  • :buffer-size - a number, defaults to 16k for modern servers
  • :direct-buffers? - boolean, defaults to ~~true~~ auto (see below)
  • :async? - ring async flag. When true, expect a ring async three arity handler function
  • :max-entity-size - maximum size of a request entity
  • :session-manager? - initialize undertow session manager (default: true)
  • :custom-manager - custom implementation that extends the io.undertow.server.session.SessionManager interface
  • :max-sessions - maximum number of undertow session, for use with InMemorySessionManager (default: -1)
  • :server-name - for use in session manager, for use with InMemorySessionManager (default: "ring-undertow")

Not implemented options:

  • :keystore - the filepath (a String) to the keystore
  • :key-password - the password for the keystore
  • :truststore - if separate from the keystore
  • :trust-password - if :truststore passed
  • :dispatch? - dispatch handlers off the I/O threads (default: true)
  • :handler-proxy - an optional custom handler proxy function taking handler as single argument

Not applicable options:

  • :websocket? - websockets support is built-in, Luminus' response keys are not implemented.

Difference with Luminus' adapter:

  • :direct-buffers? - default value is auto, Undertow decides if true or false.

Returns an Undertow server instance. To stop call (.stop server).

Start an Undertow webserver using given handler and the supplied options:

- `:configurator`     - a function called with the Undertow Builder instance
- `:host`             - the hostname to listen on
- `:http?`            - flag to enable http (defaults to true)
- `:port`             - the port to listen on (defaults to 80)
- `:ssl-port`         - a number, requires either `:ssl-context`, `:keystore`, or `:key-managers`
- `:ssl-context`      - a valid ``
- `:key-managers`     - a valid `[]`
- `:trust-managers`   - a valid `[]`
- `:http2?`           - flag to enable http2
- `:io-threads`       - # threads handling IO, defaults to available processors
- `:worker-threads`   - # threads invoking handlers, defaults to (* io-threads 8)
- `:buffer-size`      - a number, defaults to 16k for modern servers
- `:direct-buffers?`  - boolean, defaults to ~~true~~ auto (see below)
- `:async?`           - ring async flag. When true, expect a ring async three arity handler function
- `:max-entity-size`  - maximum size of a request entity
- `:session-manager?` - initialize undertow session manager (default: true)
- `:custom-manager`   - custom implementation that extends the `io.undertow.server.session.SessionManager` interface
- `:max-sessions`     - maximum number of undertow session, for use with `InMemorySessionManager` (default: -1)
- `:server-name`      - for use in session manager, for use with `InMemorySessionManager` (default: "ring-undertow")

Not implemented options:
- `:keystore`         - the filepath (a String) to the keystore
- `:key-password`     - the password for the keystore
- `:truststore`       - if separate from the keystore
- `:trust-password`   - if `:truststore` passed
- `:dispatch?`        - dispatch handlers off the I/O threads (default: true)
- `:handler-proxy`    - an optional custom handler proxy function taking handler as single argument

Not applicable options:
- `:websocket?`       - websockets support is built-in, Luminus' response keys are not implemented.

Difference with Luminus' adapter:
- `:direct-buffers?`  - default value is auto, Undertow decides if true or false.

Returns an Undertow server instance. To stop call `(.stop server)`.
sourceraw docstring

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