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Ring request implementation.

Ring request implementation.
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(build-request e)

Returns ring request map for given server exchange.

  • Does not contain deprecated keys.

  • The :headers is a persistent map proxy interface over Undertow header map. Header names are case-insensitive. The proxy is converted to Clojure map on updates.

  • The request map itself is a lazy map with some values delayed.

  • The :session key is provided when session data is not empty. No additional middleware is required for sessions, but only proper configuration of the Undertow server.

  • The :body is only provided in incomplete request with not consumed input stream.

Returns [ring request map][1] for given server exchange.

- Does not contain deprecated keys.

- The `:headers` is a persistent map proxy interface over Undertow header map.
  Header names are case-insensitive. The proxy is converted to Clojure map on

- The request map itself is a [lazy map][2] with some values delayed.

- The `:session` key is provided when session data is not empty. No additional
  middleware is required for sessions, but only proper configuration of the
  Undertow server.

- The `:body` is only provided in incomplete request with not consumed input


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