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Session handler functionality.

Session handler functionality.
raw docstring


  {:keys [session-id-generator deployment-name max-sessions
          expire-oldest-unused-session-on-max statistics-enabled]
   :or {max-sessions 0 expire-oldest-unused-session-on-max true}})

Return instance of InMemorySessionManager given configuration map.

Return instance of `InMemorySessionManager` given configuration map.
sourceraw docstring

(session-cookie-config {:keys [cookie-name path domain discard secure http-only
                               same-site max-age comment]
                        :or {http-only true same-site "Lax"}})

Returns instance of io.undertow.server.session.SessionConfig for given configuration map. By default, the cookie is HttpOnly with SameSite=Lax.

Returns instance of `io.undertow.server.session.SessionConfig` for given
configuration map. By default, the cookie is `HttpOnly` with `SameSite=Lax`.
sourceraw docstring

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