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(assoc* m k expr & kvs)

Returns persistent map with delayed evaluations of the expr under the key k. Accepts multiple key/expr pairs. Does not delay evaluation of simple forms like constants and empty sequences.

Returns persistent map with delayed evaluations of the `expr` under the key
`k`. Accepts multiple key/expr pairs. Does not delay evaluation of simple
forms like constants and empty sequences.
sourceraw docstring


(convert-map m)

Converts any map to zizz map to allow access delayed values added explicitly.

Converts any map to zizz map to allow access delayed values added explicitly.
sourceraw docstring


(delay* & body)

Returns customized delay for the body to be used as zizz-map values when the map is constructed manually.

Returns customized delay for the `body` to be used as zizz-map values when
the map is constructed manually.
sourceraw docstring


(init m)

Returns persistent map with every not simple value expression wrapped with delayed evaluation.

For example in

(def my-map (init {:a (doto :x println)}))

the expression (doto :x println) will be evaluated only when value for :a requested, i.e. in (get my-map :a).

The value expression is considered simple if it is not non-empty sequence. So in following case evaluation will not be delayed and initialization will be faster:

(def my-map (init {:a 1}))
Returns persistent map with every not simple value expression wrapped with
delayed evaluation.

For example in

    (def my-map (init {:a (doto :x println)}))

the expression `(doto :x println)` will be evaluated only when value for `:a`
requested, i.e. in `(get my-map :a)`.

The value expression is considered simple if it is not non-empty sequence. So
in following case evaluation will not be delayed and initialization will be

    (def my-map (init {:a 1}))
sourceraw docstring


(merge* m1 m2)

Given two maps with possibly delayed values returns merged persistent map.

Given two maps with possibly delayed values returns merged persistent map.
sourceraw docstring


(update* m k f)
(update* m k f x)
(update* m k f x y)
(update* m k f x y z)
(update* m k f x y z & more)

Same as clojure.core/update but with delayed application of the function f.

Same as `clojure.core/update` but with delayed application of the function `f`.
sourceraw docstring

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