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Attributes are the building blocks of the HoneyEQL queries. During initialization, HoneyEQL reads the database metadata and creates attributes (generation phase) of each columns and relationships in the database. Then while querying, it uses these attributes to create the appropriate SQL query (resolution phase).

This section documents the convention behind the naming of attributes in the generation phase.

What is an attribute?

HoneyEQL uses the terminology entity to represent a table & attribute to represent either a column or a relationship.

The attributes that are referring a column are called as column attributes and ones that represent a relationship are called as join attributes.

An attribute is represented using Clojure's namespaced keyword.


An attributes namespace is the singularized, kebab-case version of the corresponding table or view name.

Table/View NameAttribute Namespace

HoneyEQL supports Postgres schema. If the schema in question is not a default schema (public), then it will be used as a prefix in the Attribute namespace.

Schema NameTable/View NameAttribute namespace

NOTE: The table name is alone singularized and not the schema name.

The actual keyword part of an attribute refers to the column name in kebab-case.

Schema NameTable/View NameColumn NameAttribute

NOTE: MySQL doesn't support schema.

Join (Relationship) Attributes

HoneyEQL identifies the relationships between database tables using their foreign keys, and generate appropriate join (relationship) attributes.

One to Many

For the database table relationships like above, HoneyEQL infers two one-to-many relationships.

  • A city has many address (addresses) via city_id column in the address table.

  • A country has many city (cities) via country_id column in the city table.

HoneyEQL then generate two join attributes.


The generated field name is the kebab-case version of the corresponding target table's pluralized name.

If a table has multiple foreign keys to the same table as below,

CREATE TABLE language (
  language_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  name character(20) NOT NULL

  film_id serial PRIMARY KEY,
  title character varying(255) NOT NULL,

  language_id smallint NOT NULL REFERENCES language(language_id),
  original_language_id smallint REFERENCES language(language_id)

HoneyEQL creates two one-to-many join attributes to represent these relationship between language and films.

  • The language has many film (films) via language_id column in the film table.
  • The language has many film (films) via original_language_id column in the film table.

The nomenclature used here to generate the field name follows the below logic.

If the column name (language_id) after the removal of the foreign key suffix (language) matches the source table name, then the resulting field name is the kebab-case version of the pluralized form of the target table (films).

If the column name (original_language_id) after the removal of the foreign key suffix (original_language) did not match the source table name, then HoneyEQL removes the foreign key suffix and concatenate with the pluralized form of the target table and then convert it to its kebab-case version (original-language-films).

One to One (Reverse side of One to Many)

For the database table relationships like above, HoneyEQL infers two one-to-one relationships.

  • An address is associated with a city via city_id column in the address table.

  • A city is associated with a country via country_id column in the city table.

In this scenario, HoneyEQL generates two attributes representing these two relationships.


The generated attribute keyword is the kebab-case version of the corresponding column name with the id suffix (_id) removed.

Here are some of the examples.

Table/View NameColumn NameAttribute

By default, HoneyEQL assumes _id as the suffix for foreign keys in both Postgres and MySQL.

In future, HoneyEQL will provide a configuration to override this default behavior.

One to One

HoneyEQL infers one to one relationship if the primary key and a foreign key of a table are same.

For the above DB schema, HoneyEQL infers two one-to-one relationships.

  • An site is associated with a site-meta-dataum via site_id column in the site-meta-dataum table.
  • An site-meta-dataum is associated with a site via site_id column in the site-meta-dataum table.

For this example, HoneyEQL generates two attributes


Many to Many

The many-to-many relationship is a bit tricky to figure out.

HoneyEQL traverses each table's metadata to figure out whether it is an associative table or not.

A table is considered as an associative table if it satisfies the following two criteria

  1. It should have a primary key made of two columns.
  2. These primary key columns should be a subset of the foreign key columns present in that table.

For the database table relationships like below,

The film_actor table is an associative table as

  1. It has actor_id and film_id as the primary keys.
  2. The primary keys {actor_id, film_id} is a subset of foreign keys {actor_id, film_id} of the film_actor table.

In this scenario, HoneyEQL creates two join attributes for these two many-to-many relationships.


For the relationships between film & film_actor and film_actor & actor tables, HoneyEQL generates the following attributes.

; one to many

; one to one

; one to many

Composite Primary and Foreign Keys

HoneyEQL supports composite primary and foriegn keys as well.

For the database table relationships like below,

CREATE TABLE account (
   acc_num INT,
   acc_type INT,
   acc_descr CHAR(20),
   PRIMARY KEY (acc_num, acc_type));

CREATE TABLE sub_account (
   sub_acc INT PRIMARY KEY,
   ref_num INT NOT NULL,
   ref_type INT NOT NULL,
   sub_descr CHAR(20),
   FOREIGN KEY (ref_num, ref_type) REFERENCES account (acc_num, acc_type));
CREATE TABLE account_referrer (
   acc_num INTEGER,
   acc_type INTEGER,
   referred_by VARCHAR(20),
   PRIMARY KEY (acc_num, acc_type),
   FOREIGN KEY (acc_num, acc_type) REFERENCES account (acc_num, acc_type)

HoneyEQL infers "one-to-one" relationship between account and account_referrer and "one-to-many" relationship between account and sub_account. We can access them via following attributes

; one to one

; one to many

; reverse of one to many

Foreign Key Without the Id Suffix

If the foreign key in question doesn't have the id suffix _id, then the HoneyEQL follows a slightly different approach to name the attributes.

Say, we have a below schema

CREATE TABLE continent (
CREATE TABLE country (
  continent_identifier int REFERENCES continent(id)

The continent_identifier column doesn't have the foreign key suffix (_id).

For the one-to-one relationship, HoneyEQL creates a field with the name continentByContinentIdentifer.

The convention is {targetTableNameInKebabCase}-by-{FKeyColumnNameInKebabCase}.


On the one-to-many side, the attribute is the concatenation of the kebab-case version of the foreign key column name (continent-identifer) with the pluralized form of the target table (countries).


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