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(dir? path)

Many Marginalia fns use dir? to recursively search a filepath.

Many Marginalia fns use dir? to recursively search a filepath.
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(end-of-block? cur-group groups lines)


(ensure-directory! path)

Ensure that the directory specified by path exists. If not then make it so. Here is a snowman ☃

Ensure that the directory specified by `path` exists.  If not then make it so.
Here is a snowman ☃
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(filename-contents props output-dir all-files parsed-file)


(find-file-extension file)

Returns a string containing the files extension.

Returns a string containing the files extension.
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(find-processable-file-paths dir pred)

Returns a seq of processable file paths (strings) in alphabetical order by namespace.

Returns a seq of processable file paths (strings) in alphabetical order by
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(format-sources sources)

Given a collection of filepaths, returns a lazy sequence of filepaths to all .clj, .cljs, .cljx, and .cljc files on those paths: directory paths will be searched recursively for files.

Given a collection of filepaths, returns a lazy sequence of filepaths to all
.clj, .cljs, .cljx, and .cljc files on those paths: directory paths will be searched
recursively for files.
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(group-lines doc-lines)


(ls path)

Performs roughly the same task as the UNIX ls. That is, returns a seq of the filenames at a given directory. If a path to a file is supplied, then the seq contains only the original path given.

Performs roughly the same task as the UNIX `ls`.  That is, returns a seq of the filenames
at a given directory.  If a path to a file is supplied, then the seq contains only the
original path given.
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(merge-line line m)


(mkdir path)


(multidoc! output-dir files-to-analyze props)


(parse-project-file path)

Parses a project file -- './project.clj' by default -- and returns a map assembled according to the logic in parse-project-form.

Parses a project file -- './project.clj' by default -- and returns a map
assembled according to the logic in parse-project-form.
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(parse-project-form [_ project-name version-number & attributes])

Parses a project.clj file and returns a map in the following form


by merging into the name and version information the rest of the defproject forms (:dependencies, etc)

Parses a project.clj file and returns a map in the following form

by merging into the name and version information the rest of the defproject
forms (`:dependencies`, etc)
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(path-to-doc fn)


(processable-file? pred file)

Predicate. Returns true for "normal" files with a file extension which passes the provided predicate.

Predicate. Returns true for "normal" files with a file extension which
passes the provided predicate.
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(run-marginalia args & [project])

Default generation: given a collection of filepaths in a project, find the .clj files at these paths and, if Clojure source files are found:

  1. Print out a message to std out letting a user know which files are to be processed;
  2. Create the docs directory inside the project folder if it doesn't already exist;
  3. Call the uberdoc! function to generate the output file at its default location, using the found source files and a project file expected to be in its default location.

If no source files are found, complain with a usage message.

Default generation: given a collection of filepaths in a project, find the .clj
files at these paths and, if Clojure source files are found:

1. Print out a message to std out letting a user know which files are to be processed;
1. Create the docs directory inside the project folder if it doesn't already exist;
1. Call the uberdoc! function to generate the output file at its default location,
  using the found source files and a project file expected to be in its default location.

If no source files are found, complain with a usage message.
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(source-excluded? source opts)

Check if a source file is excluded from the generated documentation

Check if a source file is excluded from the generated documentation
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(split-deps deps)


(uberdoc! output-file-name files-to-analyze props)

Generates an uberdoc html file from 3 pieces of information:

  1. The path to spit the result (output-file-name)
  2. Results from processing source files (path-to-doc)
  3. Project metadata as a map, containing at a minimum the following:
  • :name
  • :version
Generates an uberdoc html file from 3 pieces of information:

2. The path to spit the result (`output-file-name`)
1. Results from processing source files (`path-to-doc`)
3. Project metadata as a map, containing at a minimum the following:
  - :name
  - :version
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