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A library of functions to enhance clojure.core.

Getting Started

Using the clj-contrib library.


See Clojars for adding this library to various project types (lein, boot, deps.edn, etc).

Include the Library

In the REPL

(require '[clj-contrib.core :as cc])
(require '[clj-contrib.core.async :as cca])

In your application

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [clj-contrib.core :as cc])
  (:require [clj-contrib.core.async :as cca]))

Use the Library

A few usage examples.


;;; Simple Values
;; Numbers

; Check if two numbers are within a threshold.
(same-ish? 1.001 1.003 0.005)

;; Booleans
; Get the boolean value of the argument.
(bool "true")

;;; Operations
;; Flow Control

; as->, with the nil checking of some->.
(as-some-> {:one 1, :two 2} mythings
             (:one mythings)
             (inc mythings)
             (str "These " mythings " things and more!"))

;;; Collections
;; Maps

; count the errors in a collection.
(errors [{:error "foo"}, {:success "foo"}])
(errors {:success "foo"})

; count the success (non-errors) in a collection.
(success [{:success "foo"}, {:success "foo"}])
(success {:error "foo"})


;;; loop-until: Take from an async channel and execute a function against the value.
;;;             Stop if the function returns falsey or the max is exceeded.
;; Stops early when the :error is encountered.
(let [ch (async/chan)
      stop-on-error (fn [result] (println result) (not (contains? result :error)))]
  (async/put! ch {:success "some data"})
  (async/put! ch {:error "bad data"})
  (async/put! ch {:success "more data"})
  (async/put! ch {:success "data trifecta"})
  (loop-until ch stop-on-error 3))

;; Executes to the max of 3.
(let [ch (async/chan)
      stop-on-error (fn [result] (println result) (not (contains? result :error)))]
  (async/put! ch {:success "some data"})
  (async/put! ch {:success "more data"})
  (async/put! ch {:success "data trifecta"})
  (async/put! ch {:error "bad data"})
  (loop-until ch stop-on-error 3))

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