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A-frame is a port of the re-frame event and effect handling machinery to the async domain. It offers a straightforward separation of pure and side-effecting code for both Clojure and ClojureScript.


Everyone tells you to keep your side-effecting and pure code apart. A-frame helps you to do it.


A-frame uses roughly the same event-processing model as re-frame - events are handled in a 3 stage process:

[gather coeffects] -> [handle event] -> [process effects]

Like re-frame, this process is implemented with an interceptor chain but, unlike re-frame, the a-frame interceptor chain is asynchronous - the :enter or :leave fns in any interceptor may return a promise of their result.

  • Events are handled by an interceptor chain
  • The final interceptor in the chain is the event-handler
    • an event-handler is always a pure function with no side effects
  • Prior interceptors are coeffect or effect handlers
    • coeffect and effect handlers may have side-effects and may return a promise of their result
-> [enter:               ] -> [enter: coeffect-a] -> [enter: coeffect-b] -> [enter: handle-event] --|
<- [leave: handle-effects] <- [leave:           ] <- [leave:           ] <- [leave:             ] <-|

simple data

"simple" data means containing no opaque objects - i.e. no functions or other opaque types.


Events are simple maps describing something that happened. An event map must have an :a-frame/id key, which describes the type of the event and will be used to find a handler for processing the event.

Events can also be simple vectors of [<id> ...], like they generally are in re-frame, but this is less preferred because it makes literal paths referencing the events less easy to understand.


Coeffects are a simple data map representing (possibly side-effecting) inputs gathered from the environment and required by the event-handler. A particular event handler has a chain of coeffect handlers, each of which identifies a particular coeffect handler by keyword.


Effects are a simple data structure (map) describing outputs from the event handler. Effects are either a map of {<effect-key> <effect-data>} or a vector of such maps. the <effect-key> keywords will be used to find a handler for a particular effect.

simple example

(require '[a-frame.core :as af])

  (fn [app coeffects {id :id url :url}]
    (assoc coeffects ::foo {:id (str url "/" id) :name "foo"})))

  (fn [app data]
  ;; do nothing


    {:id #a-frame.event/path [::foo-id]
     :url #a-frame.cofx/path [:config :api-url]})]

  (fn [{foo ::foo
        :as coeffects}
    {:api/response {:foo foo}}))

(def router (af/create-router {:api nil}))

(def r (af/dispatch-sync
          {:config {:api-url ""}} ;; initial coeffects
          {:a-frame/id ::get-foo
           ::foo-id "1000"} ;; the event

;; unpick deref'ing a promise only works on clj
(-> @r :a-frame/effects :api/response)
;; => {:foo {:id "", :name "foo"}}

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