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Dispatches a tagged literal with control over eval. Dispatch happens on the :tag of the tagged-literal. opts are the options passed to aero.core/read-config. env is a map of already resolved parts of the config. ks is a vector of keys which make up the current position of the tagged literal.

Dispatches a tagged literal with control over eval.  Dispatch happens on the
:tag of the tagged-literal. opts are the options passed to
aero.core/read-config. env is a map of already resolved parts of the config.
ks is a vector of keys which make up the current position of the tagged
sourceraw docstring


(expand x opts env ks)

Expand value x. Dispatches on whether it's a scalar or collection. If it's a collection it will expand the elements of the collection.

Expand value x.  Dispatches on whether it's a scalar or collection.  If it's
a collection it will expand the elements of the collection.
sourceraw docstring


(expand-case case-value tl opts env ks)

Expands a case-like value, in the same way as #profile, #user, etc.

case-value is the value to dispatch on, e.g. the result of (System/getenv "USER") for #user.

tl is the tagged-literal where the :value is a map to do the casing on.

See implementation of #profile for an example of using this function from eval-tagged-literal.

Expands a case-like value, in the same way as #profile, #user, etc.

case-value is the value to dispatch on, e.g. the result of
(System/getenv "USER") for #user.

tl is the tagged-literal where the :value is a map to do the casing on.

See implementation of #profile for an example of using this function from
sourceraw docstring


(expand-coll x opts env ks)

Expand value x as a collection. Does not work with non-collection values.

Expand value x as a collection. Does not work with non-collection values.
sourceraw docstring


(expand-scalar x opts env ks)

Expand value x without expanding any elements it may have. Takes either a scalar or a collection (which will be treated as a scalar).

Expand value x without expanding any elements it may have.  Takes either a scalar or a collection (which will be treated as a scalar).
sourceraw docstring


(expand-scalar-repeatedly x opts env ks)

Expand value x until it is either incomplete or no longer a tagged-literal. Use this to support chained tagged literals, e.g. #or #profile {:dev [1 2] :prod [2 3]}

Expand value x until it is either incomplete or no longer a tagged-literal.
Use this to support chained tagged literals, e.g. #or #profile {:dev [1 2]
                                                                :prod [2 3]}
sourceraw docstring


(kv-seq x)

Implementation detail. DO NOT USE. Will be private once out of alpha.

Implementation detail.  DO NOT USE.  Will be private once out of alpha.
sourceraw docstring


(reassemble this queue)

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