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Maps that satisfy Clojure's map interactions but delay computing their values until the value is accessed.


This library provides a new Clojure data type, the lazy map. Lazy maps act just like regular (persistent) maps, except that their values are not computed until they are requested. Please see the unit tests for examples of the exact behavior of lazy maps.


Start by requiring the namespace:

(require '[lazy-map.core :as lm])

You can then construct a lazy map using the literal->lazy-map macro.

(def m (lm/literal->lazy-map 
        {:a (do (println "resolved :a") "value :a")
         :b (do (println "resolved :b") "value :b")}))
; => #'user/m
; => {:a <unrealized>, :b <unrealized>}

When you request a value from the map, it will be evaluated and its value will be cached:

(:a m)
; => resolved :a
; => "value :a"

(:a m)
; => "value :a"

You can assoc values onto lazy maps just like regular maps. If you assoc a delay, it will be treated as an unrealized value and not forced until necessary:

(assoc (lm/literal->lazy-map {}) :a 1 :b (delay 2))
; => {:a 1, :b <unrealized>}

Lazy maps are very lazy. In practice, this means they probably will not compute their values until absolutely necessary. For example, taking the seq of a lazy map does not force any computation, and map entries have been made lazy as well:

(def m (lm/literal->lazy-map 
        {:a (do (println "resolved :a") "value :a")
         :b (do (println "resolved :b") "value :b")}))
; => #'user/m
(dorun m)
; => nil
(keys m)
; => (:a :b)
(key (first m))
; => :a
(val (first m))
; => resolved :a
; => "value :a"

You can also initialize a lazy map from a regular map, where delays are taken as unrealized values:

(lm/lazy-map {:a 1 :b (delay 2)})
; => {:a 1, :b <unrealized>}

Utility Functions


Merges two lazy maps and preserves their laziness.

(def one (lm/lazy-map {:a (delay (+ 1 2 3)) :b :b-val}))
; => #'user/one
(def two (lm/lazy-map {:a (delay (+ 4 5)) :c :c-val}))
; => #'user/two
(def merged (lm/merge one two))
; => #'user/merged
; => {:a <unrealized>, :b :b-val}
; => {:a <unrealized>, :c :c-val}
; => {:c :c-val, :a <unrealized>, :b :b-val}
(get merged :a)
; => 9
; => {:a <unrealized>, :b :b-val}
; => {:a 9, :c :c-val}


Deep merges two lazy maps and preserves their laziness.

(def one (lm/literal->lazy-map 
         {:a {:c (+ 1 2 3)}
          :b {:d (+ 5 6 7)}}))
; => #'user/one
(def two (lm/literal->lazy-map
           {:a {:c "cccc"}
            :b {:e "eeee"}}))
; => #'user/two
(def merged (lm/deep-merge one two))
; => #'user/merged
; => {:b <unrealized>, :a <unrealized>}
; => {:b <unrealized>, :a <unrealized>}
; => {:a <unrealized>, :b <unrealized>}
(get merged :a)
; => {:c "cccc"}
(get merged :b)
; => {:e "eeee", :d <unrealized>}
(get-in merged [:b :d])
; => 18
; => {:a {:c "cccc"}, :b {:e "eeee", :d 18}}
; => {:b {:d 18}, :a {:c <unrealized>}}
; => {:b {:e "eeee"}, :a {:c "cccc"}}


Realizes all lazy values in a map.

  (lm/lazy-map {:a (delay :foo) :b :bar}))
; => {:a :foo, :b :bar}


Replace all unrealized values in a map.

(lm/freeze-map :quux 
  (lm/lazy-map {:a (delay :foo) :b :bar}))
; => {:a :quux, :b :bar}

Others laziness preserving variants of common functions:

  • select-keys
  • map-keys
  • map-vals
  • filter-keys


Lazy maps automatically avoid realizing their values when they are converted to strings using str, pr-str, or print-dup and instead will display <unrealized> placeholders.


Features unique to com.guaranteedrate/lazy-map:

  • More robust handling of laziness: all possible operations on maps are supported correctly (e.g. seq and reduce-kv)
  • Pretty string representations that preserve laziness

Features unique to malabarba/lazy-map:

  • ClojureScript support
  • Transform Java classes into lazy maps (methods become keys)

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Paul Rutledge & Radon Rosborough
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