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Responsible for constructing and validating the GraphQL schema.

GraphQL schema starts in a format easy to read and maintain as an EDN file.

Compiling the schema performs a number of validations and reorganizations to make query execution faster and simpler, such as generating a flatter structure for the schema, and pre-computing many defaults.

Responsible for constructing and validating the GraphQL schema.

GraphQL schema starts in a format easy to read and maintain as an EDN file.

Compiling the schema performs a number of validations and reorganizations to
make query execution faster and simpler, such as generating a flatter structure for the
schema, and pre-computing many defaults.
raw docstring


If bound to true, then the compiled schema prints and pretty-prints like an ordinary map, which is sometimes useful during development. When false (the default) the schema output is just a placeholder.

If bound to true, then the compiled schema prints and pretty-prints like an ordinary map,
which is sometimes useful during development. When false (the default) the schema
output is just a placeholder.
sourceraw docstring


(as-conformer f)

Creates a clojure.spec/conformer as a wrapper around the supplied function.

The function is only invoked if the value to be conformed is non-nil.

Any exception thrown by the function is silently caught and the returned conformer will return :clojure.spec/invalid or a coercion-failure.

This function has been deprecated, as Scalar parse and serialize callbacks are now simple functions, and not conformers.

Creates a clojure.spec/conformer as a wrapper around the supplied function.

The function is only invoked if the value to be conformed is non-nil.

Any exception thrown by the function is silently caught and the returned conformer
will return :clojure.spec/invalid or a [[coercion-failure]].

This function has been deprecated, as Scalar parse and serialize callbacks are now
simple functions, and not conformers.
sourceraw docstring


(coercion-failure message)
(coercion-failure message data)

Returns a special record that indicates a failure coercing a scalar value. This may be returned from a scalar's :parse or :serialize callback.

This is deprecated in version 0.32.0; just throw an exception instead.

A coercion failure includes a message key, and may also include additional data.

message : A message string presentable to a user.

data : An optional map of additional details about the failure.

Returns a special record that indicates a failure coercing a scalar value.
This may be returned from a scalar's :parse or :serialize callback.

This is deprecated in version 0.32.0; just throw an exception instead.

A coercion failure includes a message key, and may also include additional data.

: A message string presentable to a user.

: An optional map of additional details about the failure.
sourceraw docstring




(compile schema)
(compile schema options)

Compiles an schema, verifies its correctness, and prepares it for query execution. The compiled schema is in an entirely different format than the input schema.

The format of the compiled schema is subject to change without notice.

This function explicitly validates its arguments using clojure.spec.

Compile options:


: A function that accepts a field name (as a keyword) and converts it into the default field resolver; this defaults to default-field-resolver.

:promote-nils-to-empty-list? : Returns the prior, incorrect behavior, where a list field that resolved to nil would be "promoted" to an empty list. This may be necessary when existing clients rely on the incorrect behavior, which was fixed in 0.31.0.

:enable-introspection? : If true (the default), then Schema introspection is enabled. Some applications may disable introspection in production.

Produces a form ready for use in executing a query.

Compiles an schema, verifies its correctness, and prepares it for query execution.
The compiled schema is in an entirely different format than the input schema.

The format of the compiled schema is subject to change without notice.

This function explicitly validates its arguments using clojure.spec.

Compile options:


: A function that accepts a field name (as a keyword) and converts it into the
  default field resolver; this defaults to [[default-field-resolver]].

: Returns the prior, incorrect behavior, where a list field that resolved to nil
  would be "promoted" to an empty list. This may be necessary when existing clients
  rely on the incorrect behavior, which was fixed in 0.31.0.

: If true (the default), then Schema introspection is enabled. Some applications
  may disable introspection in production.

Produces a form ready for use in executing a query.
sourceraw docstring




(default-field-resolver field-name)

The default for the :default-field-resolver option, this uses the field name as the key into the resolved value.

The default for the :default-field-resolver option, this uses the field name as the key into
the resolved value.
sourceraw docstring




(hyphenating-default-field-resolver field-name)

An alternative to default-field-resolver, this converts underscores in the field name into hyphens. At one time, this was the default behavior.

An alternative to [[default-field-resolver]], this converts underscores in the field name
into hyphens.  At one time, this was the default behavior.
sourceraw docstring


(is-coercion-failure? v)

Is this a coercion error created by coercion-failure?

Is this a coercion error created by [[coercion-failure]]?
sourceraw docstring


(tag-with-type x type-name)

Tags a value with a GraphQL type name, a keyword. The keyword should identify a specific concrete object (not an interface or union) in the relevent schema.

In most cases, this is accomplished by modifying the value's metadata.

For the more rare case, where a particular type is used rather than a Clojure map, this function returns a new wrapper instance that combines the value and the type name.

Tags a value with a GraphQL type name, a keyword.
The keyword should identify a specific concrete object
(not an interface or union) in the relevent schema.

In most cases, this is accomplished by modifying the value's metadata.

For the more rare case, where a particular type is used rather than a Clojure
map, this function returns a new wrapper instance that combines the value and the type name.
sourceraw docstring

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