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Use Tailwind CSS classes in Clojure, batteries included.


I want to use tailwindcss in Clojure without involving extra dependencies e.g npm/node/javascript/postcss/autoprefixer, especially not when this can be done in Clojure.

A bit of background to those not familiar with tailwind:

tailwind is a utility first css framework that is a postcss plugin under the hood. It is intended to be used with autoprefixer (another postcss plugin) and purgecss.

sail makes the tools provided by tailwind available to Clojure projects as a library, without the you (the library user) having to depend on npm/node.

Sail is essentially a Clojure port of the Tailwind CSS workflow/build system I love to use.

Getting Started

Include sail as a dependency in your project:

[com.hypalynx/sail "0.8.11"]
{com.hypalynx/sail {:mvn/version "0.8.11"}}

Require it in a namespace, like dev.user:

(require '[sail.core :as sail]')

Include the following in your build sequence to get your css:

;; generates all tailwind classes to use in development and re-builds when changes occur
(sail/watch "target/public/styles.gen.css" {:paths ["./src/cljs"]})

;; generates all tailwind classes once, used for production builds
(sail/build "styles.test.gen.css" {:paths ["./src/cljs"]})

Usage Notes

  • 8 pt grid: w-2 w-4 w-6 w-8 w-16 w-32 w-64 == 8px 16px 24px 32px 64px 128p 256px


If you add depenedencies, you must add them to both deps.edn and pom.xml.. ideally we generate the pom file to be honest but this works for now.

TODO / Known Issues

When watching/regenerating files.. the new file won't refresh? need to test this and confirm for both shadow & figwheel

  • figwheel works.. you just have to configure the css-dirs to live reload them

  • Watcher will rewrite the output file even if there are no changes. (e.g file change triggers rebuild but the css is computed to be exactly the same)

Implementation notes

Originally I used array-maps to persist order and keep selectors/operators as maps but as they get bigger, grouping the array-maps revert to hash maps. Switching to vectors seemed the easier choice.

L600 in full default tailwind.css is where I consider base to end and components to begin, when .container is first defined.

It looks as though Safair only supports old flex syntax e.g -webkit-box. This means that multiple keys of the same name are required, where the most modern sits at the bottom.

display: -webkit-inline-box; display: inline-flex;

Technical Differences

Sail aims to be 100% compliant with Tailwind CSS but there are some additional classes added to make the library easier to use. For example classes with / is them are not valid keywords when used directly so we have alternate tags in addition to the originals e.g w-1/2 & w-1-2


make build


  • [ ] do not assume all source files are in "src"
  • [ ] allow reading .cljc files (current implementation causes "Conditional read not allowed exception")
  • [ ] borders should show without .border-solid, see examples on this page:
  • [ ] ensure font-sans is prefixed as .font-sans
  • [ ] consume all classes from tailwindcss npm (make this easy to re-run as new versions are released)
  • [ ] autoprefix css rules that require it.
  • [X] purgecss style dead code elimination
    • N.B using keywords alone with strip out uses in html e.g index.html base page.
  • [X] describe/find a clean way of tacking this onto a project? e.g already using sass?
  • [X] cssnano, minification?
  • [ ] autocomplete (maybe not part of this lib, autocompleting css classes when
    • most likely a cljs npm language-server will do the trick. writing hiccup is important though for this workflow.)
  • [X] add in all default colors
  • [ ] how to use guide
  • [ ] clean up components code (mostly putting things under the correct names)
  • [ ] include placeholder classes
  • [ ] .container
  • [X] .sr-only
  • Check :hover:border-green-800:hover.. seems wrong to have hover at both ends (seen in generated all-project-keywords for sail project)
  • [X] include media queries
  • [ ] consider adding text-decoration-style (add PR to tailwindcss repo)


;; npm view normalize.css version == 8.0.1 ;; npm view tailwindcss version == 1.2.0

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