(editable-text-widget key {:keys [initial-value change-event] :as options})
Generate editable text widget, with controls key: A keyword to identify this in the db initial-vlue: change-event: an event vector, the value will be appended
Generate editable text widget, with controls key: A keyword to identify this in the db initial-vlue: change-event: an event vector, the value will be appended
(editable-text-widget-flex key
{:keys [initial-value normal change-event validator
normal-class borderless?]
:as options})
The most abstract form of editable-text-widget. normal is a fn that displays the non-edited value. See editable-text-widget
The most abstract form of editable-text-widget. normal is a fn that displays the non-edited value. See editable-text-widget
(editable-text-widget-form key {:keys [label] :as options})
Same as editable-text-widget but formatted for a 2-column form
Same as editable-text-widget but formatted for a 2-column form
(editable-url-widget key
{:keys [initial-value link-text label change-event]
:as options})
Generate editable url widget, with controls key: A keyword to identify this in the db initial-vlue: change-event: an event vector, the value will be appended
Generate editable url widget, with controls key: A keyword to identify this in the db initial-vlue: change-event: an event vector, the value will be appended
(editable-url-widget-form key {:keys [label] :as options})
Same as editable-url-widget but formatted for a 2-column form
Same as editable-url-widget but formatted for a 2-column form
(keyify seq root)
This adds :key metadata to any elt of seq that can have it. Use this to cure 'Warning: Every element in a seq should have a unique :key:' warning messages
This adds :key metadata to any elt of seq that can have it. Use this to cure 'Warning: Every element in a seq should have a unique :key:' warning messages
(select-widget id value dispatch options prompt & [disabled? styles])
Render a select widget. id: HTML id value: the current value (typically a rf/subscribe) dispatch: fn to call with new value (typically a rf/dispatch) options: a seq, each elt is either:
Render a select widget. id: HTML id value: the current value (typically a rf/subscribe) dispatch: fn to call with new value (typically a rf/dispatch) options: a seq, each elt is either: - a string - a map of the form {:value ... :label ...} - a map of the form {:optgroup <name> :options <seq>} prompt: a value to display initially before a value is selected, and can be used to choose nil Note: select widget doesn't have a separate prompt, so gets added to the option list. If you don't want nil to be selectable, omit prompt (yes prompt is complecting a couple of things, but it works out)
(spinner & [size])
Make a spinner. Size 10 is big, size 1 or 2 is good
Make a spinner. Size 10 is big, size 1 or 2 is good
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