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(ag-table data
          {:keys [checkboxes? class col-defs id columns ag-grid-options]})

data: a seq of maps id: a keyword to identify this table columns: seq of column ids ag-grid-options: a map of values passed directly to ag-grid checkboxes?: control whether checkboxes appear, defaults true class: css class to use for grid col-defs: a map of col ids to maps. Fields are the standard ag-grid plus: :url-template : a format string from values to URL links

data: a seq of maps
id: a keyword to identify this table
columns: seq of column ids
ag-grid-options: a map of values passed directly to ag-grid
checkboxes?: control whether checkboxes appear, defaults true
class: css class to use for grid
col-defs: a map of col ids to maps. Fields are the standard ag-grid plus:
   :url-template : a format string from values to URL links
raw docstring


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