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Taxa, an experiment in hierarchical domain logic

Taxa, an experiment in hierarchical domain logic
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(atom? x)

Returns true if x is an Atom.

Returns true if x is an Atom.
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Fns with effects on hierarchy.

Fns with effects on hierarchy.
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(err? member)

Returns true if member has an isa relationship with com.kardans.taxa/err in default hierarchy.

Returns true if member has an isa relationship with com.kardans.taxa/err in
default hierarchy.
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(in-taxa f & args)

Run provided function in default or provided hierarchy.

Run provided function in default or provided hierarchy.
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Fns without effect on hierarchy.

Fns without effect on hierarchy.
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(ok? member)

Returns true if member has an isa relationship with com.kardans.taxa/ok in default hierarchy.

Returns true if member has an isa relationship with com.kardans.taxa/ok in
default hierarchy.
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(tag from)

Tag from either tag, taxon or variant.

Tag from either tag, taxon or variant.
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Default hierarchy.

Default hierarchy.
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(taxed? member)
(taxed? member parent)
(taxed? hierarchy member parent)

Returns true if member has an isa relationship in hierarchy default parent :com.kardans.taxa/root.

Returns true if member has an isa relationship in hierarchy default parent
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(taxon thing)
(taxon thing tag)

Creates a taxon from a thing, tag defaults to :com.kardans.taxa/ok.

Creates a taxon from a thing, tag defaults to :com.kardans.taxa/ok.
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(taxon->variant {:com.kardans.taxa/keys [tag thing]})

Returns an old school vector variant [tag thing].

Returns an old school vector variant [tag thing].
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(taxon? t)

Returns true if t is a taxon.

Returns true if t is a taxon.
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(taxonable? t)

True for taxon or keyword.

True for taxon or keyword.
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(thing from)

Returns thing from taxon or variant.

Returns thing from taxon or variant.
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