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The missing workspace tool for clojure tools.deps projects

Kmono is a suite of tools and API's for working in Clojure (mono)repos. It aims to meet Clojure where it's at by providing a better understanding of deps.edn projects.

This project was built with a focus on improving the experience of working in Clojure monorepos but works great in standalone projects too.


  • Workspace features: Discovers packages and understands relationships between dependencies
  • Aliases: Allows dynamically interacting with workspace package aliases in a 'Clojure native' way
  • Build Tools: Exposes a suite of libs intended to be used from programs to build monorepos
  • Command Runner: Allows executing Clojure or external commands in workspace packages
  • Local Deps Overrides: Allow overriding properties and deps.edn config during local development



brew install kepler16/tap/kmono


You can use the below script to automatically install the latest release

bash < <(curl -s

Or alternatively binaries for various platforms can be pulled directly from the Releases page.

Editor Integration / ClojureLSP

One of the things that kmono enables is integration into your editor by acting as a drop-in replacement for clojure -Spath which is used by default by clojure-lsp.

If we instead use kmono cp to generate the classpath then your clojure-lsp server will be able to provide better analysis.

Project local Clojure-LSP config
;; .lsp/config.edn
{:project-specs [{:project-path "deps.edn"
                  :classpath-cmd ["kmono" "cp"]}]}
Neovim / nvim-lspconfig
local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')
lspconfig.clojure_lsp.setup {
  init_options = {
    ["project-specs"] = {
        ["project-path"] = "deps.edn",
        ["classpath-cmd"] = { "kmono", "cp" },

Package configuration

Package-specific configurations are done within each deps.edn file under the :kmono/package key:

:kmono/package {;; maven artifact's group
                :group com.example
                ;; the package name which is also used as maven's artifactId
                ;; this is optional and inferred from a package's dir name
                :name my-lib}

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Artem Medeu, Julien Vincent & Alexis Vincent
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