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👘 kmono - monorepo management tool


kmono is a command runner tool designed specifically for managing Clojure monorepos. With features like automatic change detection via git, semantic versioning through commit prefixes, and parallel excution, kmono aims to simplify and automate your monorepo experience.


  • Change Detection: Calculates changes per package by parsing git history for each package directory.
  • Semantic Versioning: Uses Angular-style commit prefixes to determine the type of version bump.
  • Dependency Graph: Creates a graph of interdependent packages and builds them in parallel groups.
  • Local Dependency Management: Replaces local/root dependencies with real version numbers during the build.
  • Classpath Generation: Generates a classpath for a specified root and package level aliases (useful for LSP).
  • Repl Start: Can start a REPL by adding root aliases or package level aliases.

What kmono is not

  • Not a build tool - it doesn't know how to build a package, it only runs a provided build command
  • Not a release tool - see above

Which means that

  • Each package must know how to build itself and provide a command
  • Each package must know how to release itself and provide a command
  • Each package can provide additional custom commands e.g. just test


  • Relies on git tags for versioning.
  • Requires a baseline tag; otherwise, the version defaults to
  • Currently only Clojure deps.edn specific.


One can use it as a library or download a native binary.

Download one of the binaries from the releases page. Or use Github CLI by setting pattern to one of the binary archive names from the release. Following command installs latest mac arm64 binary:

gh release download --clobber --repo kepler16/kmono \
  --pattern "kmono-macos-arm64.tar.gz" --dir . && \
  tar -xzf kmono-macos-arm64.tar.gz && \
  rm kmono-macos-arm64.tar.gz && \
  mv kmono ~/.local/bin/kmono

Quick Start (deps.edn projects)

Directory Structure

Ensure your monorepo has the following directory structure:

  ├── packages
  │   ├── package1
  │   │   └── deps.edn
  │   ├── package2
  │   │   └── deps.edn
  │   └── package3
  │       └── deps.edn
  └── deps.edn (for starting monorepo repl and kmono alias)

Basic Usage using as a Tool (the old way)

Root deps.edn:

{:deps {;; add local/root deps for all packages to start repo level REPL (optional)
        {kepler16/package1 {:local/root "packages/package1"}}}
 :aliases {:kmono {:deps {kepler16/kmono {:mvn/version ""}}
                   :ns-default k16.kmono.api}}}

All commands below runs against all changed packages.

Build a package:

clojure -T:kmono run :exec :build

Deploy a package:

clojure -T:kmono run :exec :release

Run a custom command:

clojure -T:kmono run :exec '"just test"'

Start a REPL:

  • :aliases "[:dev]" - use alias from root deps.edn (optional)
  • :package-aliases "[:my-package/test]" - add :test alias from packages/my-package/deps.edn, all paths (e.g. :extra-paths, :local/root etc.) are modified to be relative to root (optional).
  • :cp-file '".kmonocp"' - optionally generate a classpath file.
clojure -T:kmono repl :aliases "[:dev]" :package-aliases "[:my-package/test]" :cp-file '".kmonocp"'

Generate classpath to output:

clojure -T:kmono generate-classpath :aliases "[:dev]" :package-aliases "[:my-package/test]"

Generate classpath to a file:

clojure -T:kmono generate-classpath :aliases "[:dev]" :package-aliases "[:my-package/test]" :cp-file '".kmonocp"'

Basic Usage using Main endpoint (preferred way)

Root deps.edn:

{:deps {;; add local/root deps for all packages to start repo level REPL (optional)
        {kepler16/package1 {:local/root "packages/package1"}}}
 :aliases {:kmono {:deps {kepler16/kmono {:mvn/version ""}}
                   :main-opts ["-m" "k16.kmono.main"]}}}

All commands below runs against all changed packages.

Display help:

clojure -M:kmono -h


kmono <mode> opts...

=== run - execute command for monorepo ===
  -h, --help                                Show this help
  -x, --exec CMD                :build      Command to exec [build, release, <custom cmd>]
  -r, --repo-root PATH          .           Repository root (default: '.')
  -p, --packages GLOB           packages/*  A glob string describing where to search for packages, (default: 'packages/*')
  -s, --snapshot FLAG           false       A snapshot flag (default: false)
  -t, --create-tags FLAG        false       Should create tags flag (default: false)
  -i, --include-unchanged FLAG  true        Should include unchanged packages flag (default: true)

=== repl - start a REPL for monorepo ===
  -h, --help                                                        Show this help
  -A, --aliases :alias1:alias2:namespace/alias3                     List of aliases from root deps.edn
  -P, --package-aliases :package/alias1:package/alias2              List of aliases from packages
  -r, --repo-root PATH                                  .           Repository root (default: '.')
  -p, --packages GLOB           packages/*  A glob string describing where to search for packages, (default: 'packages/*')
  -f, --cp-file FILENAME                                nil         Classpath file name (default: do nothing)

=== cp - save/print a classpath ===
  -h, --help                                                        Show this help
  -A, --aliases :alias1:alias2:namespace/alias3                     List of aliases from root deps.edn
  -P, --package-aliases :package/alias1:package/alias2              List of aliases from packages
  -r, --repo-root PATH                                  .           Repository root (default: '.')
  -p, --packages GLOB           packages/*  A glob string describing where to search for packages, (default: 'packages/*')
  -f, --cp-file FILENAME                                nil         Classpath file name (default: do nothing)

Build a package:

clojure -M:kmono run -x build

Deploy a package:

clojure -M:kmono run -x release

Run a custom command:

clojure -M:kmono run -x "just test"

Start a REPL:

  • -A :dev - use alias from root deps.edn (optional)
  • -P :my-package/test - add :test alias from packages/my-package/deps.edn, all paths (e.g. :extra-paths, :local/root etc.) are modified to be relative to root (optional).
  • -f .kmonocp - optionally generate a classpath file.
clojure -M:kmono repl -A :dev -P :my-package/test -f .kmonocp

Generate classpath to output:

clojure -M:kmono cp -A :dev -P :my-package/test

Generate classpath to a file:

clojure -M:kmono cp -A :dev -P :my-package/test -f .kmonocp

During each command following environment variables are available for each package:

  • KMONO_PKG_VERSION - version of a package
  • KMONO_PKG_DEPS - dependency overrides for a package
  • KMONO_PKG_NAME - full name of a package artifact, e.g. com.example/my-lib

Additional CLI arguments

One can pass this CLI args to -T:kmono command

  • :include-unchanged? -jk boolean, should kmono include unchanged packages into build process (default false)
  • :snapshot? - boolean, whether release is a snapshot, useful when releasing from PR branch (default true)
  • :create-tags? - boolean, should kmono create new baseline tags after release. Usually baseline tags are created on master releases, not snapshots (default false)
  • :packages - string, where to search for packages, defaults to "packages/*"
  • :build-cmd - string, overrides build-cmd option from package kmono config
  • :release-cmd - string, overrides release-cmd option from package kmono config
  • :repo-root - string, root of the monorepo, defaults to "."
  • :dry-run? - boolean, dry run to check command output (default false)

Package configuration

Package-specific configurations are done within each deps.edn file under the :kmono/package key:

:kmono/package {;; maven artifact's group
                :group com.example
                ;; maven's artifactId
                ;; this is optional and inferred from a package's dir name
                :artifact my-lib
                ;; below are two builtin commands, each package must provide this commands
                ;; run :exec :build
                :build-cmd "just build"
                ;; run :exec :release
                :release-cmd "just release"}

Quick start (kmono.edn) - experimental

If a package directory has kmono.edn file it will be preferred. Configuration schema is the same, but without :kmono/package top level key:

{;; maven artifact's group
 :group com.example
 ;; maven's artifactId
 ;; this is optional and inferred from a package's dir name
 :artifact my-lib
 ;; below are two builtin commands, each package must provide this commands
 ;; run :exec :build
 :build-cmd "just build"
 ;; run :exec :release
 :release-cmd "just release"
 ;; since we are not relying on deps.edn's local/root anymore
 ;; list of local packages this package depends on
 :local-deps [group1/package1 group1/package2]}

Differences from deps.edn

  • Package can be any non deps.edn project and even non clojure
  • In deps.edn projects kmono overrides local deps by storing extra deps map in KMONO_PKG_DEPS, for generic packages KMONO_PKG_DEPS env variable contains semicolon separated package name/version: group1/package1@;group2/package2@ Package's build tool must know how to handle that.

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