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(ensure-no-cycles! packages)

Same as k16.kmono.core.graph/find-cycles but will throw an exception if any cycles are found.

Same as `k16.kmono.core.graph/find-cycles` but will throw an exception if any
cycles are found.
sourceraw docstring


(filter-by filter-fn packages)
(filter-by filter-fn {:keys [include-dependents]} packages)

Filter a given map of packages by those that the given filter-fn predicate returns true.

If the :include-dependents property is true then all dependent packages of the retained packages will also be kept.

This function will update the :depends-on and :dependent keys of each retained package to include only other packages that still remain.

Filter a given map of `packages` by those that the given `filter-fn`
predicate returns `true`.

If the `:include-dependents` property is `true` then all dependent packages of
the retained packages will also be kept.

This function will update the `:depends-on` and `:dependent` keys of each
retained package to include only other packages that still remain.
sourceraw docstring


(find-cycles packages)

Try find cyclic dependencies between packages in a given packages map

Try find cyclic dependencies between packages in a given `packages` map
sourceraw docstring


(parallel-topo-sort packages)

Sort a give packages map by the order in which the packages therein depend on each other.

As an example, if I have 3 packages a, b, c and b depends on a then:

(parallel-topo-sort {a {} b {} c {}})
;; => [[a c] [b]]
Sort a give `packages` map by the order in which the packages therein depend
on each other.

As an example, if I have 3 packages `a`, `b`, `c` and `b` depends on `a` then:

(parallel-topo-sort {a {} b {} c {}})
;; => [[a c] [b]]
sourceraw docstring


(query-dependents packages pkg-name)

Find all transitive dependent packages of pkg-name within the give packages map.

Find all transitive dependent packages of `pkg-name` within the give
`packages` map.
sourceraw docstring

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