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(filter-package-aliases globs packages)

Filter the given packages map by those that contain aliases described by at least one of the given given globs.

Returns a map with pkg-name as the key and the set of aliases from that package that matched the globs.

(filter-package-aliases {:package-a {}} [:*/test])
;; => {:package-a #{:test}}
Filter the given `packages` map by those that contain aliases described by at
least one of the given given `globs`.

Returns a map with pkg-name as the key and the set of aliases from that
package that matched the globs.

(filter-package-aliases {:package-a {}} [:*/test])
;; => {:package-a #{:test}}
sourceraw docstring


(generate-sdeps-aliases project-root packages)

Generate an -Sdeps compatible map containing aliases generated from various workspace sources.

This is the primary way of augmenting clojure with new classpath information.

Aliases are generated from:

  1. The set of packages in the workspace. These are added into an alias called :kmono/packages containing :extra-deps.
  2. All the aliases from all packages in the workspace are raised up and combined, scoping their alias names to the package name.
  3. The aliases from deps.local.edn in the project root.
Generate an `-Sdeps` compatible map containing aliases generated from various
workspace sources.

This is the primary way of augmenting clojure with new classpath information.

Aliases are generated from:

1) The set of packages in the workspace. These are added into an alias called
`:kmono/packages` containing `:extra-deps`.
2) All the aliases from all packages in the workspace are raised up and
combined, scoping their alias names to the package name.
3) The aliases from `deps.local.edn` in the project root.
sourceraw docstring


(match-keyword kw glob)

Compare a namespaced keyword against a keyword glob.

The keyword glob should be provided as a keyword where either the namespace or name component can be substituted with a *. For example the below are all valid globs

  • :a/b
  • :*/b
  • :a/*
  • :*/*
Compare a namespaced keyword against a keyword `glob`.

The keyword `glob` should be provided as a keyword where either the namespace
or name component can be substituted with a `*`. For example the below are all
valid globs

- `:a/b` 
- `:*/b` 
- `:a/*` 
- `:*/*`
sourceraw docstring

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