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The missing workspace tool for clojure tools.deps projects

Clojars Project

Kmono is a suite of tools and API's for working in Clojure (mono)repos. It aims to meet Clojure where it's at by providing a better understanding of deps.edn projects.

This project was built with a focus on improving the experience of working in Clojure monorepos but works great in standalone projects too.



  • Workspace features: Discovers packages and understands relationships between dependencies
  • Aliases: Allows working with packages aliases defined in deps.edn in a 'Clojure native' way without having to pull all alias definitions into root deps.edn
  • Build Tools: Exposes a suite of libs intended to be used from programs to build and release monorepos
  • Command Runner: Allows executing Clojure and/or external commands in workspace packages
  • Local Deps Overrides: Allow overriding kmono config and deps.edn dependencies during local development. Useful for providing local paths to in-development libs without committing.
  • Editor/Clojure-lsp: Improves developer/editing experience by augmenting the classpath used by clojure-lsp



brew install kepler16/tap/kmono


You can use the below script to automatically install the latest release

bash < <(curl -s

Or alternatively binaries for various platforms can be pulled directly from the Releases page.


  • kmono - A BOM package containing all the submodules of kmono. This is the best one to look at for docs.

For each individual modules' docs:

  • kmono-core - The core suite of API's for working with kmono packages.
  • kmono-build - A companion lib to which contains API's for building jar artifacts or simplifying the use of in a kmono workspace.
  • kmono-version - A set of API's for versioning kmono packages.

Kmono CLI

❯ kmono
kmono - A cli for managing clojure (mono)repos

  kmono [opts] <args>


  cp      Produce a classpath string from a clojure project
  repl    Start a clojure repl
  exec    Run a given command in workspace packages
  run     Run aliases in workspace packages
  clojure Run an augmented clojure command
  version Print the current version of kmono

Global Options
  -d, --dir      Run commands as if in this directory
  -p, --packages A glob string describing where to search for packages (default: 'packages/*')
  -v, --verbose  Enable verbose output
  -h, --help

Example project

Take a look at the example project to get a better idea of the type of project structures kmono is built to support and for references on how to correctly use the kmono API's and integrate it into your own project.

Clojure-lsp / Editor Integration

One of the things that kmono enables is integration into your editor by acting as a drop-in replacement for clojure -Spath which is used by default by clojure-lsp.

If we instead use kmono cp to generate the classpath then your clojure-lsp server will be able to provide better analysis.

Project local Clojure-LSP config

;; .lsp/config.edn
{:project-specs [{:project-path "deps.edn"
                  :classpath-cmd ["kmono" "cp"]}]}

Neovim / nvim-lspconfig

local lspconfig = require("lspconfig")
  init_options = {
    ["project-specs"] = {
        ["project-path"] = "deps.edn",
        ["classpath-cmd"] = { "kmono", "cp" },

Package configuration

Package-specific configurations are done within each deps.edn file under the :kmono/package key:

:kmono/package {;; maven artifact's group
                :group com.example
                ;; the package name which is also used as maven's artifactId
                ;; this is optional and inferred from a package's dir name
                :name my-lib}

Can you improve this documentation? These fine people already did:
Artem Medeu, Julien Vincent & Alexis Vincent
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